Chimps Challenge 2012 - IN PROGRESS, GET INVOLVED :-)

Discussion in 'bit-tech Folding Team' started by coolamasta, 23 Jan 2012.

  1. coolamasta

    coolamasta Folding@Home CC Captain 2010/11/12

    26 Apr 2009
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    Hi Guys,

    Final Rules are below for this year :)

    1. Each team will fold for 10 days solid for the duration of the contest.

    A "Chimp Points" system will be used to determine the placings as follows:
    Points system:

    • There will be three categories - Points, Growth and Conversion:

    Points are the # of millions each team produces (120,000,000 is 120 points).
    Growth is based off of last year's CC production (essentially, the handicap system we used last year).
    Conversion is the amount of points made by the team by their CC user (so monkey_bollocks points/OCAU points*100).

    • Each category will be "normalised" as follows:
    Example numbers

    Team A - 120
    Team B - 84
    Team C - 47
    Team D - 103

    We take the range (max-min, which = 73). We then use this formula = (points*100/range).

    So the scores become:

    Team A - 164.4
    Team B - 115.1
    Team C - 64.4
    Team D - 141.1

    Finally, we subtract the lowest score (64.4) from all teams, to bring the points into a 10-110 range (10 for lowest team, 110 for highest team):

    Team A = 110
    Team B = 50.7
    Team C = 10
    Team D = 76.7

    • We add up the totals for each category, and the team with the most points across all three categories wins.

    2. Start time for the contest is Tuesday, May 15th at 12pm, Pacific Daylight Time (UTC -7).
    The finish for the contest is Friday, May 25th at 12pm, Pacific Daylight Time (UTC -7).

    3. The victor gets to claim the lucky jaded monkey as the prize.
    Tales have been told of untold wealth and fame that comes with this.
    The victorious team is allowed to display in any honorary fashion the jaded monkey, the losing teams are forbidden to display it.
    The losing teams are bestowed the dreaded monkey's paw, which is said to be cursed.
    People have been known for have very bad luck with this paw!

    4. Team captains and Vice Captains are as follows:
    OCF - Captain: David
    OCAU - Captain: leroyxx/RETARD/BlueRaven
    OCN - Captain: zodac/sweffymo
    EVGA - Captain: Drougnor/Xavier Zepherious/Devdog51
    CPC & bit-tech - Captain: coolamasta
    Hardware Canuks - Captain: chriskwarren/3.0 Charlie
    TSC! Russia - Captain: Hil
    Tech Power Up - Captain: BUCK NASTY

    5. In the event of a close race, a Stanford daily_user_summary.txt file will be the official source for points information.

    6. Only team captains are allowed to make changes to rules and will be looking out for any "foul play". We should not do anything that hurts the folding project. This includes but is not limited to, priming WUs and installing clients on machines without proper permission.

    7. The official folding names are:
    OCF - T32monkeys
    OCAU - Monkey_Bollocks
    OCN - OCNChimpin
    EVGA - EVGApes
    CPC & bit-tech - CustomBitChimps
    Hardware Canuks - Beavers_Gone_Bananas
    TSC! Russia - TSCh!mp
    Tech Power Up - ChimPowerUp

    8. Have fun and keep it positive.

    For all the existing participants its the same username and passkey as last year :thumb:

    For all the new participants the details are below, please Email me for the passkey on - coolamasta [AT]

    Username: CustomBitChimps
    Team: 35947
    Passkey: Email me


    Also for anyone who doesn't know what the Chimps Challenge is all about -

    Its a bit of friendly competition between all the big folding teams which was originally set up by Maximum PC a few years ago, it brings out the competitiveness between the teams and also generates a bit more awareness to the world about the Folding@Home project.

    The challenge is all about producing as many points as we possibly can from our hardware in the quickest possible time starting on a specific date & time. For 2009 & 2010 it was a race to 20,000,000 points and last year we had to collect Chimp Points which will be used to determine the placings as follows: The total points of each team is taken from the months of October 2010 to February 2011. One-tenth of a percent (0.1%) of the respective team's 5-month total will be the points required to earn one (1) Chimp Point. The team with the most Chimp Points earned at the end of the 10 days will be declared the winner.

    Its great fun pushing your hardware to its limits and rushing round to your Nans house to install FAH client on her Pentium 4 just for those extra couple hundred PPD, people have also looked into folding on their toaster lol, plus having some friendly competitive banter between teams is always a laugh and most importantly it gives a great bonus towards the main point of all this - the science and its benefits for curing world diseases! :)

    Last years thread is here if you want a read -

    Rob. :thumb:
    Last edited: 16 May 2012
  2. Christopher N. Lew

    Christopher N. Lew Folding in memory of my father

    23 Apr 2009
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    Hi Coola

    First of all, thanks for picking up on this again.

    2) Yes we should take part (have we already been invited?)
    3) Any volunteers for captain this year?
    4) Rules changes? I expect there will be calls to review the handicapping system, but I'll wait till there is a concrete suggestion for discussion
    coolamasta likes this.
  3. meandmymouth

    meandmymouth Multimodder

    15 Sep 2009
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    I shall be involved! Hell I'd even love to volunteer for captain but I feel my lack of folding of late would count against me.
    coolamasta likes this.
  4. debs3759

    debs3759 Was that a warranty I just broke?

    10 Oct 2011
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    I like the idea of a competition between some of the bigger teams. Would I have to register a new user name, or would just being part of the updated team for the duration be all that's necessary? I'd hate to have to put my points on a separate user-name :)

    When deciding on the rules, I note that
    If something similar is done this year, the points need to be based on what teams earn after the middle of this month (January), because the changes to bigadv will affect a lot of people. For example, a team that had 50% bigadv folders with 8 cores but no SR-2 will have far less ppd now than before, whereas a team with several SR-2 (eg EVGA team) will not have lost any points.

    I hope that made sense to everyone, I do think it important that all teams start on level ground :)
    coolamasta likes this.
  5. Taffy

    Taffy Folding for Margaret 17/3/2011 RIP

    23 Apr 2009
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    I havn't done much folding this year but you can count me in for about 40k for the chimps challenge. :thumb:
    coolamasta likes this.
  6. TaRkA DaHl

    TaRkA DaHl Modder

    15 Mar 2011
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    Having to stop folding for the moment due to cash flow issues, but I can check in a 2600k, 2500k, GTX460, 8800GT providing the cash flow situation has been resolved by then :)
  7. Leroyingo

    Leroyingo What's a Dremel?

    2 May 2011
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    For the duration of the competition you just change your name in your clients to CustomBitChimps (if we are still going to use that one) and get the passkey from the captain. The after the comp switch back to your own.

    Count me in.
    coolamasta likes this.
  8. debs3759

    debs3759 Was that a warranty I just broke?

    10 Oct 2011
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    OK, thanks.

    I'll have to see if I can buy enough of my dual-Xeon system to run a 32 thread client for the duration :)
  9. Votick

    Votick My CPU's hot but my core runs cold.

    21 May 2009
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    yeah lets do it :) !!!!
    coolamasta likes this.
  10. RedFlames

    RedFlames not a Belgian football team

    23 Apr 2009
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    I'd be up for captain if anyone offered...

    but -

    A) I would like there to be a Chimps 2012
    B) I'd say any who wanted to take part...
    C) Last year's work well enough [... ish... maybe]... but the bigadv changes put a spanner in the works somewhat...
    coolamasta likes this.
  11. One_Box

    One_Box Folder of the month April 2012

    11 Jul 2010
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    Count me in Coola, I've got a couple of extra rigs in the loft that I can bring to the party. :D

    Probably the two data stations that are breathing down our necks in the overall list wouldn't want to participate but should be excluded anyway for obvious reasons IMO.
    coolamasta likes this.
  12. confusis

    confusis Kiwi-modder

    5 Jan 2006
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    is this still only really open to the top 10 teams, or can lower ranked teams have at it (assuming running same point system as last year)
  13. BennieboyUK

    BennieboyUK CPC Folder of the Month Sep 2011

    24 Nov 2010
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    Count me in
    coolamasta likes this.
  14. cave_diver

    cave_diver Minimodder

    19 Jan 2011
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    Can someone wake zz9pzza please ...
  15. coolamasta

    coolamasta Folding@Home CC Captain 2010/11/12

    26 Apr 2009
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    Hi Guys,

    Thanks for the replies so far, glad to see some positive reaction to taking part this year, over on the captain forum everyone is still talking about taking part at the moment and what could be done with the rules, also sorry to say it looks like Maximum PC (The founders of CC) might not take part this year, heres the quote why:

    I hope we can come up with some rules that will make them reconsider as its a big shame that any team will drop out especially the founders of the CC! :(

    As for this years Captain, I am more than happy to do the duty again if you guys want but I'm also happy if another regular contributor to the team wants to have a go this year, we can do a mini-poll or something :) I can just sit in the background as a vice-captain or something to help and be here as a backup in case of any problems :)

    Does anyone have any thoughts on the rules for this year? Last years Chimp Point system was actually my idea and while it was liked and worked OK as it levelled the playing field, the smaller teams enrolled help from other small teams which put their average way up thus creating more Chimp Points and they won, in some ways it was fair play to them for recruiting people but in other ways it was considered cheating because they effectively merged smaller teams to win meaning the big producing teams got quite angry so it didn't quite work!...

    I don't think there is a set of rules that can be created to please everyone, if we set a capped limit to stop loads of extra people joining a team its almost pointless because the CC is all about producing the most amount of points in the quickest amount of time...... Hmmmm.....

    What are your thoughts chaps? :worried:
  16. Tattysnuc

    Tattysnuc Thinking about which mod to do 1st.

    19 Jul 2009
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    I'd be delighted to get involved in a purely assisting capacity... and to contribute to the points of course.

    Shame about Maximum PC. Sounds like eVGA has well and truly spoiled the party... assuming that the corporate sponsorship comment is directed at them.
    coolamasta likes this.
  17. Scorpuk

    Scorpuk Minimodder

    10 Jan 2012
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    I'd be glad to join in too. :thumb:

    Wonder if HPCS will create a chimp team too
    . :eeek: :jawdrop:
  18. Votick

    Votick My CPU's hot but my core runs cold.

    21 May 2009
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    OFC it is :)
  19. One_Box

    One_Box Folder of the month April 2012

    11 Jul 2010
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    Coola, if you are happy to be our captain this year I should like to nominate you.

    You did an excellent job for us last year and have the experience to negotiate a sensible solution to the rules issue.

    Anyone care to second the proposal ?
  20. Tattysnuc

    Tattysnuc Thinking about which mod to do 1st.

    19 Jul 2009
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