Scratch Build – In Progress Project $0 scratch build *Finished!*

Discussion in 'Project Logs' started by -equilerex-, 6 Nov 2006.

  1. dd123pp

    dd123pp Watercooler

    31 Aug 2008
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    wow love the idea mate, look really good
  2. -equilerex-

    -equilerex- What's a Dremel?

    3 Nov 2006
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    hehe, didnt notice there were new replies... over a month ago from this moment but yeah... guess its because ive been running aroun photography forum with the thread in my sig.

    the deal with this project is that i started college... in another country (denmark to be exact)... dont have any tools/workshop around and the case itself is in estonia... will continiue working on it once i spend some more time back at home

    @frido... yeah, it looked awful... took the paint off the next day... your idea of painting it on the sides of the handle is pretty good though... il try that if i get a chanse.

    but yeah, thanks for the interest, perhaps things start moving again in a year or so :duh:
  3. Frido

    Frido Minimodder

    19 Apr 2007
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    Equilerex - welcome back, and welcome to Denmark! Hope you'll enjoy your stay here :D
    And about the handle, yeah - try that out, make it stick out :D

    I like your mod, hope you'll be able to find some power tools and continue your work. GL

  4. -equilerex-

    -equilerex- What's a Dremel?

    3 Nov 2006
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    So it has been a while (a few years in fact!) since this saw any updates... lots has happened.
    Got Back from Denmark, went to the army for 8 months... tried to start up on the mod a few times but some crucial parts had gone missing over the years... in the end i gave up and figured i might as well make new ones from what i could find.

    first i dug up the old ba$tard


    also had my old computer laying around so i figured i might as well swap their guts so the thing might be some use to me in the end (way bigger job then i had feared)

    there was quite a difference...

    the other board was much bigger so i had to work the best i could (or bothered)

    pretty much stripped the thing

    chose a way to position the stuff (psu was behind the mobo in the last build)


    then started with a holder for the hdd from a piece of metal i found (had a nice texture)

    using a metal bending "device" my dad built... it makes really perfect bends[​IMG]

    some more clovering

    and its done...

    then i fixed the mobo with some bolts and pieces of metal... the back was quite a bitch to make since the mobo was pointing in more then 90 degree angle towards the barrel wall but i couldnt move it due to its height and the case handle on the top. could of done a cleaner job but i didnt have the material (the mesh is from a round speaker.. i beat it flat with a rubber hammer and cut it into several pieces since it wasnt big wnough to cut as a single piece)

    since the psu is out in the open now, i gave it some treatment

    found some mesh from a rally car bumper my dad had worked on and filled the new cuts on top with it (bad shape since i had it planned a bit different but il fix it later...)

    got out my airbrush

    and some blue engine paint my old man uses

    then found some vacuum tubes and led's from more car back lights lying around so i combined them and added on the psu as props


    these are dual color... with 12v they glow yellow/orange, with 5v theire red (going to use 12 for this use)

    now down to the biggest problem... the front door/hatch was missing! spent hours searching for it... even waited for the snow to melt in case it was out in the scrap yard... no use
    and i was also out of 2mm aluminium so i had to improvise.. found what ever metal i could find

    got a bit of really thick aluminium which i bent with the cargo straps and a rubber hammer again.

    didnt have enough for a single solid piece so rivets to the rescue

    to make sure this crap wouldnt happen again i eiveted the damn thing shut

    had some plexi left over from my drawing board project.. cut it with that monster and baked in the oven

    cut it and melt it several times since i didnt have a proper mold... in the end the edges were a few mm off... so i filled them with silicone... a bit rough but the looks are actually good... kinda like burned as if the inside of the thing is scorching hot!



    i still like the old door better but eh, nothing to do about that anymore...
    now theres a few more pieces missing from the top, have to remake the wiring, weather it with some paint and add some finishing touches....

    i hope to be done soon :D
  5. Fabou

    Fabou What's a Dremel?

    22 Apr 2010
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    I just read it a few day ago after fidding in an old mod of the month post.
    What a surprise to see it back the day after.
  6. -equilerex-

    -equilerex- What's a Dremel?

    3 Nov 2006
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    hehe, aint that ironic:D
  7. Tyinsar

    Tyinsar 6 screens 1 card since Nov 17 2007

    26 Jul 2006
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    Wow - old thread!

    Nice to see you back. Looking forward to this.
  8. Frido

    Frido Minimodder

    19 Apr 2007
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    Totally cyberpunk/ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.-style! I'm really impressed, and all that for next to nothing in expenses! Respect, you got it dude! :)

  9. bulldogjeff

    bulldogjeff The modding head is firmly back on.

    2 Mar 2010
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    I like the fact that you refer to it as the old b*stard:D
  10. Evenge

    Evenge Minimodder

    16 Sep 2006
    Likes Received:
    Nice to see this one up again :)
  11. Daedelus

    Daedelus What's a Dremel?

    7 May 2009
    Likes Received:
    This mod reminds me of
  12. -equilerex-

    -equilerex- What's a Dremel?

    3 Nov 2006
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    thanks guys! glad you like it!

    and god im slow... oh well- time to finish up this mess!
    since i'm heading out of the country again for who knows how many years, its time to get this thing done before it rusts (oxidates) away. i finally put it together by any means necessary... hot glue, tape, string, you name it!

    started of from where i left, added the original front door behind the new one that obviously came out 2 days after i had finished...

    then the workshop burned a bit...

    and got rebuilt again

    fixed the motherboard with wire and hotglue... messy but fast.

    biggest job was wiring the top panel...

    used pieces from an old mobo and mouse to create sockets for safe removal.

    used molex to connect it to the powersupply (thinking back now, why did i add the first socket??)

    finished look


    added some resistors to every led circuit... courtesy of this old backlight

    used and old usb extension for a socket between the panel and the power button / ampmeter mobo connections (dont have finished pics)

    and to finish it off, some airbrushing- paint was matte black from an old aerosol.
    colored over all the cuts, corners and such. (keep in mind that ive used the airbrush like 5 times just for playing around:worried:)

    and the final eyecandy
















    and thats it folks! il call it finished... now its time to dump him in the corner of a closet to gather some dust! :D
    Last edited: 21 Dec 2010
  13. alonso_bistro

    alonso_bistro I'm just looking

    19 Feb 2004
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    very cool! :thumb:
  14. bulldogjeff

    bulldogjeff The modding head is firmly back on.

    2 Mar 2010
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    Thats well cool, but looks like it could blow up another work shop at any given moment.
  15. compmodder

    compmodder What's a Dremel?

    23 Dec 2006
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    nice job with the finish. Too bad it's gonna be hidden away in a closet.
  16. -equilerex-

    -equilerex- What's a Dremel?

    3 Nov 2006
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    @alonso_bistro thanks!
    @bulldogjeff nice one! XD
    @compmodder the tech inside is pretty vintage by now so at very best, it will get a corner in the room as a cool prop or a coffee table or something :D
  17. sixfootsideburns

    sixfootsideburns modeteer

    6 Feb 2009
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    This. Is. Awesome.

    I checked this out last time you made an update (awhile ago) and it had sort of slipped out of my mind. I'm really glad you pushed to finish it mate, I always feel good about completing long term projects and I hope its been satisfying for you! Good luck in your quests out of country!
  18. -equilerex-

    -equilerex- What's a Dremel?

    3 Nov 2006
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    sure felt good to be done with... sure its fun to tinker around with it but sometimes it gets too long and frustrating... will definitely keep in mind to get a clear image of what im going to do the next time i take on a project like this...

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