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Windows Bit-tech League of Legends thread

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Djayness, 19 Jan 2011.

  1. loftie

    loftie Multimodder

    14 Feb 2009
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    I think LoL is a poorly built game tbh, as my PC will hit massive slowdowns on certain bits of the Autumn map for no reason. Like bottom lane in the middle, my pc goes from 60fps to 25-30, regardless of minions, champions, spells, shiny stuff etc. At least it did in the only game I really noticed it and looked. And that's on a 5770.

    I think ever since Riot has been trying to make the game look prettier, LoL has played worse and worse, with hardly anything looking any better. This laptop used to run LoL at 20fps on low settings, considering what you've both said, I wonder how bad it'll run it now.
  2. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    Our new thing to do when we want to mess around and have fun:

    We will random 5 times in a row, the 5th champion we use. Normally do it with 2-3 buddies of mine and its actually really fun. We have intentions on winning but we end up more or less playing rather stupidly. It sucks for the 1 or 2 randoms that get stuck with us but damn is it fun. We all get on skype and get a great kick out of it.
  3. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    I agree that it doesn't appear to be the most optimised game for the way it looks.

    I remember the significant performance hit i had when Nocturne was release, it made the game actually worse than my laptop experience... and that was with an HD4890 and didn't even change when setting everything to low.

    There is some good news on the horizon... I may be getting a new laptop that should be able to play LoL relatively easily.

    I was going to wait for the Ultrabooks, but came across a bargain that i couldn't resist. It ticked all the boxes that i wanted from an Ultrabook (more portable, more powerful and not too expensive). It's not as thin, but it's way more powerful :D.
  4. loftie

    loftie Multimodder

    14 Feb 2009
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    Dominion = good fun. It's not ruled by tanks, if anything it's ruled by mobility imo, so Udyr, Singed, Teemo. Akali and Poppy also seem to do well, with the ability to 2 hit people and then proceed to capture the point with no problems.

    For those who have not played it yet, the map consists of 5 capture points, which are all neutral to start. You have to channel to capture a point, and you can be stopped by being hurt by champions. Minion damage will slow your capture speed. Don't know about champion minions, i assume they'd stop you capturing e.g. tibbers, turrets, voidling. You can capture a point with enemy champs standing on it, and friendly minions aid in capturing. You can also capture a point with no minions and take no damage from a tower, as capturing it stops the tower from attacking.

    Wards are locked out, but you get complete vision on the outer lane, and the very centre of the map. Elixers are also locked out. You start level 3 with over 1000 gold - i think it's near 1300, but i cant remember.

    That's a bit of a run down of what it's like for those who have not played it, definitely a good addition to standard league- games are much shorter, about 20 minutes and give about 60 ip.

    Good good! You'll be pleased to know the new map seems to run fine. However i think i may have left my settings on medium so Autumn actually runs smoothly. Either way, it works fine on at least medium.

    It's a bad sign when i run things like Deus Ex, BC2 and ME2 on higher settings than LoL.
  5. Edwards

    Edwards Minimodder

    8 Oct 2010
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    We played about 8 games last night, and regardless of win/lose I enjoyed every minute of every game. It is a LOT of fun. The games are short enough that if you lose you're not too worried, and because of the style of game one mistake won't lead to your teams downfall (unlike classic mode. stupid baron)

    We have had games where we were 100+ points behind the enemy, and pulled it back to within about 8 before losing (one game we lost they had 1 point left!).

    As loftie said, mobility really is key, also having abilities that will hit several enemies to stop them channeling on the turrets is really helpful. I started off playing Irelia, but I don't think she suits the mode very well. However, this lead the way for me to try Ezreal. Hell yes. He's freaking awesome on this mode. Enemies capping a point on the other side of the map? Ult in their direction to hold them up for 3 seconds while your teammates frantically chase them down. Multiple enemies capping your tower? W them all and watch the confusion as they realise they are all stood there doing nothing for a couple of seconds. Loving it so so much.

    We were rocking a team of Ez, Teemo and Yi. The mobility on the team was insane, and putting mushrooms on all of the speed pads to prevent the enemy from closing/running away was just too funny (Loftie, you evil, evil man.)

    There will be a resurgence of a LOT of characters who are currently seen as inferior, for their sheer mobility. Rammus is played a lot, because ghost+pb gets him to the top tower very very quickly (though not as quickly as teemo with move quick, ghost, and raise morale!). I could see Shen, TF and Panth all being ridiculous in this mode too.

    We played against a few Shaco's as well, and they seemed to be having a lot of fun with the map, JitB'ing all of the routes through the middle of the map and covering their escape routes very well. I may have to give him another whirl when I tire of Ezreal (ok, that probably won't ever happen, but I probably still will try him).

    I assume that the map is available to all levels, so it may be worth you guys making accounts on the US servers to play when it's up, as their off peak times fall nicely in line with our evenings.

    vdb: any chance of a cheeky link to the lappy? ;)
  6. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    Dominion sounds fun :D.

    I'd chip in on theories but since i haven't even seen a full game (it's never as fun to watch as it is to play) i don't think there'd be much use.

    Am surprised and happy that Tanky's aren't dominant, although i think it's just a meta waiting to happen.

    How about the new items? Odin's Veil, Sanguine Blade etc. ?

    It was a refurbished lappy so the direct link isn't there anymore.

    However it's a Alienware M11x-R3 (i know, instant reaction is probably to cringe). However it was from the Dell Outlet for essentially half the price i'd pay for it new.

    You can find something similar here : clicky.
  7. loftie

    loftie Multimodder

    14 Feb 2009
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    Yea there was another teemo copying my idea - either that or he is as evil as i am. And i have no idea how that rammus didnt get to top tower first, he was moving fast enough! I really want to try teemo built as AP, but i just cant see it being as good as having the spark gun.

    I'm thinking Entropy - the hammer - is as good as we first thought. I believe it only does 80 true damage total, which made me sad. But the rest of the stats are still good. Poppy rushing Lich Bane and Hat = PAIN! ( Yea you heard Mr T saying that in your head, and if you didn't, what's wrong with you?! Get some nuts.) Yea, she would 2 hit me, this was with Spark + entropy. It was a case of, charge, smack You Have Been Slain.

    I do think the game is not really about defending. If they try and cap a point, you try and stall, but not defend it. Meanwhile you go and 2 of theirs.

    Oh forgot to say, killing a bad guy will lower the enemy points, but if they have 1 point left, you MUST have 3 posts to win, killing someone does nothing as we found out in a frantic game!
  8. Edwards

    Edwards Minimodder

    8 Oct 2010
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    The new items are awesome. I can't remember all of the names, but there is a really good one that increases your attack speed, and every 4th attack leanches a chain lightning to 4 enemies (i asume it prioritises champions, but don't quote me on it) doing 100 magic damage to each of them. Essentially my ezreal was kennen, which filled me with lots of glee.

    Entropy is, simply put, a BS item.

    There are also dominion equivelants of dorans items. Because you start at level 3 with 1350 gold, the dorans blade equivelant gives you 200 hp, 20AD and 5% lifesteal.

    Between the three above items, i think i was rolling with about 2800 hp on Ez.

    Cheers vdb, Going to keep my eye out for an XPS15 on there.
  9. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    Wow, am so annoyed right now.

    Laptop plans fell through because:

    a) The order was cancelled without even notifying us, we were only told after we had to phone them to check on the status of the order, since it wasn't being processed.

    b) This happened yesterday and apparently someone bought it in the time in between.

    c) The reason was that apparently the "payment wasn't authorised".

    d) Even though the Credit Card company stated that it had gone through fine after phoning them.

    I smell some sort of insider employee BS wanting to nab the laptop for himself.

  10. Edwards

    Edwards Minimodder

    8 Oct 2010
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    That sucks buddy. I've taken a look at the dell outlet, and this XPS L502x seems like a really good deal. Comparable specks to the m11x-R3 as well.
  11. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    Im surprised with dominion. I thought it would be crap but its pretty damn fun. Only played 3 games so far but it was entertaining. I still prefer normal games though.
  12. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    I had looked and considered the L502x, however there were some issues:

    - It's not that much smaller than my current laptop.

    - If i were to get it, i'd want the 1080p screen upgrade which costs more.

    - I saw the M11x R3 at Eurogamer Expo today and it's a rather dinky little thing that's made me want it even more!
  13. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    So it seems the more I play and try to do well, the worse I do. I'm either not trying and do decent or bad or trying and failing miserably, but this is more due to the entire team failing and squishy carries can only do so much against an entire team. I bought garen and tristana but I've been playing plank and xin a lot in the last few days.
  14. Abhorsen

    Abhorsen Minimodder

    10 Apr 2008
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    I've been finding Kennen and Janna ridiculously good on Dominion.
  15. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    I thought Sivir would be really good with her bouncing attack but it never worked out. I've seen singed doing very well. I think heroes that are fast / have lots of AoE or burst will be better. We had a pantheon and he wasn't very useful since for the most part he was single targets and he kept running around aimlessly.

    Late day edit:
    Just finished a ranked game. I wanted jungle ww and even though I called him the guy before me took him forcing me to go someone else. I don't play too many chars so I ended up going with jarvan. Best choice ever. Our team was ww, myself as jarvan, a leona, an annie, and a corki. Our corki was terribad, annie kept getting targetted, our ww was beastly, leona was good but made a lot of stupid plays and I saved a lot of lives. Anywho, finished the game 19/1/22. Items were merc treads, randuins, warmogs, atmas, trinity force, frozen mallet. With elixir and all those items I was at 4950 health. Pretty beastly. Had I think 224 armor and 104 magic resist.

    We were playing against a fail rumble, a yi, singed, malphite and xin zhao. Xin and yi liked to dive a lot to kill annie, and I'd just knock-up / ult them while under the tower. Their rumble did next to nothing which was why I didnt bother with much magic resist. It was an awesomely hilarious game. Ended up with 19.8k farmed and I was in first place for farm. Other teams average farm was roughly 13k. Our team was roughly 17k. Early game was pretty close / fair, the corki kept dieing. Mid game they kept pushing us and taking towers but we were still getting kills despite being down towers. End game me, leona and ww could basically lock any of them down while annie unloaded. The corki was new as he said "damn corki is fun." Bad place to try him but we were able to win. I was on skype with our annie and many lols were had.

    Even though they nerfed jarvan a while back nice to be able to still carry the team on my back as a tank / tanky dps
    Last edited: 27 Sep 2011
  16. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    Another two M11x R3's came up on the Outlet site this morning, i snapped up one as soon as i noticed. Hopefully Dell don't screw me over again here.

    However i'm also going back home for the weekend so i'll have access to the main Desktop :D. Maybe i can get a few games of Dominion (or Summoner's Rift) in with you guys =]. Although it's also BF3 Open Beta weekend so.... lol.


    F* this crap. Apparently i entered my card details wrong this time so they cancelled AGAIN without notifying me.

    Like seriously?

    Last edited: 1 Oct 2011
  17. Version

    Version What's a Dremel?

    2 Oct 2011
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    i have this same problem, when trying to install LoL since updating to windows 7 64bit the Pando media booster wont start when installing, uninstalling and reinstalling the PMB hasnt helped me so far.. any suggestions? or b0ng0 if you read this how did you fix it?
  18. AndyGoldie

    AndyGoldie 60Hz for Streets, 144Hz for Sheets

    23 Dec 2009
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    To people who are saying they are getting frame drops. Stop playing in Full Screened mode and instead play in Borderless mode. Fixed it for me. If I tabbed out of the game in fullscreen sometimes it would just stick at 25 fps.

    If this doesn't work for you, god bless your computer.
  19. knuck

    knuck Hate your face

    25 Jan 2002
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    shameless self promotion of a video I just uploaded

  20. loftie

    loftie Multimodder

    14 Feb 2009
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    W...t....f o_O How'd you manage that?!

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