Windows Bit-tech League of Legends thread

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Djayness, 19 Jan 2011.

  1. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    warmogs + atmas on any ad char would work out well, though its not normally seen on ad carries, but it actually does work, especially if you throw in a bloodthirster. Armor, hp, dmg and life steal makes a pretty solid choice.

    Counter to that would be a bloodrazer for the % of health bonus dmg and attack speed which would make it pretty beastly. On top you can also go the same route and toss on an atmas + warmogs to make you tankier plus deal dmg to the tanks or tanky dps.
  2. Edwards

    Edwards Minimodder

    8 Oct 2010
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    Deathfire grasp, then burst. :thumb:
  3. loftie

    loftie Multimodder

    14 Feb 2009
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    DFG does some nice damage, but then you do have to wait to use it again, meanwhile the burst you throw out isn't really enough imo. There really isn't a good AP counter to high health.
  4. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    So i got a few games of Dominion in whilst i wasn't preoccupied elsewhere...

    Played as Udyr over 3 games and won the first.

    I wasn't really that good at it, running around like a headless chicken for the most part.

    I didn't put enough emphasis on taking points, instead i focused on defending points and ganking players (in the hopes we would then take the point) however it only seems to work when your team knows what you're doing lol.

    Overall it's rather fun, but i'd need to play more of it to properly sort it out.

    + I think Udyr was a good choice, but don't think Tanky Carry is necessarily where it's at. They excel at early game with good base damage and survivability, however the rate at which you progress on Dominion meant Carries often kept up pace in terms of damage/items.
  5. loftie

    loftie Multimodder

    14 Feb 2009
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    They'll be changing that next patch though :p Lowering the passive XP so carries do not carry so easily. We played a game tonight with against a renekton who built warmogs as his first item. Our entire team was just tickling him, i even had DFG and that didnt seem to hurt him - even with no MR items. In the end, he just slowly proceeded to kill us - very annoying.

    Udyr is pretty good, i've tried him a fair few games. I've just been building tanky + movement speed and cap speed bonus. Going behind them capping a point and then staying there as long as i can.
  6. loftie

    loftie Multimodder

    14 Feb 2009
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    So what do people think of Graves and what I think is the interesting idea behind his smoke grenade?

    Also new patch preview is out

  7. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    Strong, hits like a truck.

    I'd say he's a nice Hybrid between traditional AD Carry and a Bruiser type character; very good at dashing in and out of Combat and has some nice steroids and survivability.

    I also find it funny that he's an exact version of one of Zileas' game Design Anti-Patterns (the lead game designer) in that he's ranged, but encouraged to get closer for more damage.

    But then they do like creating Risk/Reward gameplay and this also fits nicely into that.

    The smoke grenade is a great idea imo, incredibly frustrating when used against you, but a nice concept.
  8. loftie

    loftie Multimodder

    14 Feb 2009
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    Yea my thoughts were on the same lines. Odd thing was before he was mentioned or the info about the smoke grenade appeared, i was chatting to the guys about LoL and was like "i wonder what would happen if teemo's blind actually blinded you, and you couldn't see anything, like with nocturnes ult". Then graves was announced. Similar thing happened with Irelia and her passive.

    I think Riot is in my head, stealing my thoughts ( for lack of a smiley with a tin foil hat )


    BT - I request a tin foil hat smiley!
  9. Kasowaree

    Kasowaree What's a Dremel?

    5 Apr 2010
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    I hate Sonas. I really do. Last three games had them two on my team and one on the other. And none of them got ap. At 40 minutes there average ap was less then an 100. And each time I brought it up I was promptly insulted by the rest of my team. I just can't get way people think that giving a slight boost to Mana regen is better then healing two teammates for 400
  10. Abhorsen

    Abhorsen Minimodder

    10 Apr 2008
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    A correctly played support doesn't have any gold for significant AP.
  11. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    *Correctly in the terms of Competitive LoL*

    But +1.
  12. loftie

    loftie Multimodder

    14 Feb 2009
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    From what i remember of playing Sona, building AP isn't really great for the heals. I believe it's more effective to go for max CDR, allowing you to get more heals off.

    But don't hold me to that :p

    I'd say give Sona a try when she's free, and build Sheen. Very fun!
  13. Kasowaree

    Kasowaree What's a Dremel?

    5 Apr 2010
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    And this is exactly why I don't play much anymore
  14. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    Because people don't play the way you want them to play?

    I'd be grateful of the fact that your Sona's are willing to even play Support, as opposed to the recent "troll" TriForce/Inf. Edge/Manamune builds that have been rolling around.

    But with regards to what loftie said... didn't Sona get her AP ratio nerfed with the Healing nerfs from ages ago.

    Not to mention she was always a Sustain healer, rather than a Burst healer... the former of which is great for laning, but not so much in teamfights... the AP only make her comparable to Soraka... at which point you'd rather just take the latter.

    Her main use was for the Auras and her AoE CC.
  15. Kasowaree

    Kasowaree What's a Dremel?

    5 Apr 2010
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    That exactly that is why I'm barley playing any form of multiplayer anymore

    EDIT: I feel I should make things a bit more clear. I hate Pro-gaming and e-sports with a burning passion and the mindset of going straight to what the "Pro are doing" is a sure fire way to piss me off.
  16. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    On the one hand, i get what you're saying.

    On the other hand, i don't really understand.

    I do hate it when people call out other picks because "they're not viable at high ELO". At the level "most of us" (yes, i will group you all in with my low low ELO), skill will make much more of a difference than pick.

    Not to mention that viable picks will constantly shift depending on the meta game. The most recent example being that Ezreal was trash tier after his nerfs quite a few months ago, but i've seen him played in Tournaments , especially after CandyPanda did so at... Gamescom/IEM (i think it was).

    However i think it's another thing to call out someone who's trying to play a viable build and obviously not being effective. That's not the fault of e-sports or pro gaming or the build w.e., that's just the fault of the player sucking... and even then, so long as he's genuinely trying then imo it's much better than him playing troll builds/being an arrogant *****.

    At the end of the day, most of the things you probably do now are descended from "what the pros did". The only difference is that the metagame has likely shifted and players around your ELO range haven't caught up... or it was so long ago that it's now become "just the right thing to do".
  17. Abhorsen

    Abhorsen Minimodder

    10 Apr 2008
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    You can hate eSports or competitive gamers but while how they do it isn't the only way it is also a good example of how the best players in the game you are playing choose to do it.
  18. loftie

    loftie Multimodder

    14 Feb 2009
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    I understand what you're saying. To me, if I find a build that works for me, i'll use it. Even if it's not the 'thing to do'.

    As a couple of examples.

    I don't play Sona support, stacking gold per ten with loads of wards. I find, especially now, that having an under leveled champ who is gold starved not great considering her heals are bad and her aura buffs are good, but doesn't really make up for essentially having a 4 man team. So I build her with some support items and a little bit of AP - Soul Shroud, Aegis, Sheen, maybe a Starks etc.

    With Karthus, I don't build Void Staff. And the amount of people who would probably be 'omgz youz noobz hez aboutz thez ultz!', well, no. Abyssal Sceptre is a much better choice in my play style. I'm the scary damaging diversion, running at the enemy with defile on throwing my wall down on all of them, and making them lose 55 MR and 35 armour. Then if they run away, well i trust that my ult will finish them off. If not, never mind.

    Just make sure you're having fun :)
  19. Edwards

    Edwards Minimodder

    8 Oct 2010
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    Pretty much agree with what has been said regarding playstyle. Would like to add that most people will attempt to emulate what they see Pros doing in an effort to increase their ability at the game. I see nothing wrong with this, so long as people appreciate that the Pros aren't perfect, and that your own variation on other peopls playstyle/build/etc. will almost always put you in better stead, once you've worked out what fits you best as a player.

    With regards to LoL, I tend to browse through leaguecraft/solomid for guides on new champions when I buy them, to see what is deemed the 'appropriate' way to play, and read the alternative guides as well. I will usually end up playing with half a dozen builds/playstyles before deciding which direction I enjoy/have the most success with and do that.

    Unfortunately, most people you seem to come across in league think they know exactly what they are doing, and that if you don't do what they expect then you are a 'noob'. There are of course exceptions to this rule, where some builds/playstyles will just never suit the champion and should be globally treated with disdain (AP Yi, I'm looking at you).
  20. Abhorsen

    Abhorsen Minimodder

    10 Apr 2008
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    My point with this would be:

    You need the gold for those items. Therefore one would assume you are last hitting.

    If you are last hitting you are depriving your AD carry (In the current meta) from being as fed as your opponent AD carry who is in a standard AD/Support composition.

    Therefore say you have 50 creeps by 15 minutes. 50 x 20 (very rough average creep gold) = 1000 gold.

    Therfore you have derprived your AD carry of 1000 Gold, which is = 25 AD damage vs his opponent AD carry. This will also give your opponent the lane dominance to widen this gap.

    While i agree you should always play to the style that suits you, (hence why i stick to burst mages over mages such as Morgana) i do think sometimes there is a bigger picture to look at.

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