Multi The World Of Tanks thread

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by octoberfest, 17 Feb 2010.

  1. Risky

    Risky Modder

    10 Sep 2001
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  2. Lance

    Lance Ender of discussions.

    6 May 2010
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    Well your at the time where you're play style is going to have to change a bit when you hit tier 8 and to a lesser extent tier 7.

    Your panther2 is a support medium as opposed to a brawler so you want to be in a position where you can support the heavy line(s) without taking fire, stay back a bit and don't poke your nose out too often don't get tempted to act like a t44 or type59 and go rushing into the battle (unless you are supporting them and even then stay behind them a tad) as you don't have the small bounciness that they have.

    Your t43 however should be played aggressively preferably in a pack at all times against any stragglers that present themselves. Try and squeeze in with the t44 t54 type 59 and American higher tier mediums to sweep across the map once your heavies have found their main force. That way they're not ALL looking for you and you can divide and conquer.

    The key point is though that you need to use your team to your advantage now instead of being a lone powerhouse. If they camp then you need to as well and if they attack then put on your Viking hat and go mental.

    Ps can't really help with Russian TDs as I wasn't a fan.
    Sarakon likes this.
  3. Sarakon

    Sarakon The German

    11 Feb 2011
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    Thanks for all the info Lance. You have received some rep :thumb:
    The Russian TDs are interesting. The Tier 5 and 6 have very strong guns for their tier, but are rather squishy as they are on the base of the T34, so they bounce sometimes, but you need to hide and shoot at flanks. You get the brawling ability with the SU-152. It gives you the option to drive with the heavies or flank with the mediums.
  4. Xen0phobiak

    Xen0phobiak SMEGHEADS!

    8 Aug 2002
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    Russian TDs have a higher camo rating than most. I've found the key to be to decloak as late as possible and make your first shot count - if you're using a fast firing 122mm on the SU-152 then track your opponent when they're so close you can guarantee it and make them spin around. If your opponent is a TD then shoot the other track next then alternate 'damage' shots with 'tracking' shots to whittle them down. With turreted opponents it's still best to spin them around but then let rip into the side/rear, track them often enough that they can't get around you.

    When you get the BL-10 on the ISU-152 it's a little different, the gun isn't terribly reliable at medium to long range, but it does deal massive alpha damage - you can one-shot most tier 6 opponents and scare off larger things. The ISU is great in a group because you can alpha down most tier 9's with a platoon of 3 and some coordination.
    Sarakon likes this.
  5. Risky

    Risky Modder

    10 Sep 2001
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    Interesting stuff. I love my American TDs, but the T82 & T40 are pretty much unarmoured so I stick to the smaller more accurate guns and snipe at range with cover or follow up the bigger tands and try and take shots when I see I line between them. Haven't got the best gun on the T40 yet, though.
  6. legoman

    legoman breaker of things

    28 Feb 2010
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    The old gun from the SU85 was an absolute beast its been horribly nerfed now much like the marder.
    I do agree The russian TDs do tend to have better ninja characteristics than their counterparts. That said i have a camo net, camo skill and paint on my Jagpather and it is very good at vanishing.

    When i play in a TD often i sit back from cover and attack from range and cover, its the standard tactic.
    You can mix this up was well with route denial. Two TDs covering a corner tracking whats coming round can force them to use another route. perfect for slow TDs
    Fast TDs especially the T49 and M18 are amazing at the ring of death ive used my T49 to take out a Ferdinand.
    Scout and shoot tactics can be very good in a nippy TD. wait for thee tanks to engage then slip round the side and either aim to cripple as in tracking or aiming for modules or just make dirty big holes in it.
    If you have decent front armour or decent sloping and a favourable matchmaking you can you it as a full on assault mode. Personally this is my favourite Only really works if you can keep up so T28 and T92 wont work but Milles, Jags, ISUs etc. If you nail it you can really change a battle.
  7. Sarakon

    Sarakon The German

    11 Feb 2011
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    I think I'm gonna go buy a Super Pershing...
  8. Risky

    Risky Modder

    10 Sep 2001
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    I can't be rude about premium tanks as I just bought a T2 Light as a birthday present to myself!
  9. p0Pe

    p0Pe gief cake?

    23 Nov 2007
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    Thought I would share:) I now have 1.000.000 free xp:D

  10. Throbbi

    Throbbi What's a Dremel?

    10 Sep 2009
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    Holy crap pope. Is this all preparation for planes and battleships or something? :lol:

    At least you'll be in tier 10 chinese the day 8.2 goes live :D
  11. Chicken76

    Chicken76 Minimodder

    10 Nov 2009
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    Guys, I need you opinions on the GWTiger. Coming up on the German SPG line, they were all really fine pieces of artillery, but the GWTiger is just awful. I find it so slow, to the point of being unable to turn in time to support heavies wherever the opponents expose themselves to arty fire. I realize that tiers 7 and 8 are slower across all nations than lower tier SPGs but the GWTiger is ridiculous. I have the upgraded tracks and engine, and the clutch braking skill and it's still agonizingly slow. Since it won't take improved ventilation, the only thing that would speed it up would be Brothers in arms perk, and even that would be a tiny improvement.

    How do you guys play this tank? Am i totally wrong in labeling it so harshly? Is the TypE any better, or should I just stop at GWPanther (which I enjoy immensely ) and pursue another SPG line?
  12. Throbbi

    Throbbi What's a Dremel?

    10 Sep 2009
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    I can't really help to be honest, I had the exact same experience withe the SU-14 and in the German line I played a couple of games with the Hummel and junked it since it's the most inaccurate piece of crap ever it even made me feel guilty about how harsh I was was on the M37).

    I am grinding up the USA arty line and I'm finding the M7 Priest to be odd but not really all that bad and I hear great things about the M41 and M12 so it might be worth it.
  13. dmarook

    dmarook What's a Dremel?

    9 Mar 2011
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    It is not an easily maneuverable SPG and all the upgrades , i.e. track & engine does not change that much. The top gun is very good against slow heavies. The trick is to get in to position fast and finding an area to cover that will provide maximum support for the team. You will not hit many things if you are constantly trying to aim at opposite ends of a map. If a scout or a medium gets through, you're done for that match:sigh:. Nothing much you can do about that.

    I have unlocked the Type E. But I will be going back to GW Panther. I find that one has the right balance of speed, maneuverability and damage. I don't play premium, so I don't think the Type E will be a good investment for me.

    Hope that is helpful for you.:)
  14. Throbbi

    Throbbi What's a Dremel?

    10 Sep 2009
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    Yeah, I'd imagine that without premium you would just hemorrhage credits with a tier 8 arty on amo costs alone.
  15. dmarook

    dmarook What's a Dremel?

    9 Mar 2011
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    You can get by on the good matches, but unfortunately not all the matches are as good as you want them to be...:rolleyes:
  16. Chicken76

    Chicken76 Minimodder

    10 Nov 2009
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    Thanks guys.
    I'm still going to try and get to the TypE, at least to have something in my garage to help in clan company battles and the occasional Clan Wars.
    But you're right, GWPanther is a sweet one. Too bad it's not that effective against tier 10 heavies and TDs. It can still cripple tier 10 meds, if you can hit them.
  17. Risky

    Risky Modder

    10 Sep 2001
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    I spend free XP to get past the first gun on the Priest as it just didn't have enough range. Enjoying it enough now which is just as well as there's 20k XP needed between the final engine and radio.
  18. Throbbi

    Throbbi What's a Dremel?

    10 Sep 2009
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    Unlocked the E-75 last night, my first tier 9 :D Now to grind more xp than it took to unlock to get all the upgrades lol Although I do now have an elite Tiger II earning free xp as well :D

    Just need payday for some conversion funds.
  19. Xen0phobiak

    Xen0phobiak SMEGHEADS!

    8 Aug 2002
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    It's well worth getting the engine before the gun. The 10.5 is good enough to last you until you're able to move (with the top engine) but I admit that the 12.8 is a lot better.
  20. bushi

    bushi What's a Dremel?

    8 Jul 2010
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    Yeah I got the E-50 the other day.

    Got the tracks and turret and going straight for top gun before the best engine.

    I need that extra damage so bad, this thing's armor is terrible.

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