Who will you vote for at the next election?

Discussion in 'Serious' started by Solidus, 24 Mar 2022.


Who will you vote for at the next election?

  1. Conservative

  2. Labour

  3. Liberal Democrats

  4. Other

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  1. adidan

    adidan Guesswork is still work

    25 Mar 2009
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    After all they've done and lied about, the laws they've broken, all the money they and their chums made through government contracts and/or Putin they will be overjoyed to hear they can still get votes.
  2. Mr_Mistoffelees

    Mr_Mistoffelees The Bit-Tech Cat. New Improved Version.

    26 Aug 2014
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    It's beyond me how they can be popular with anyone, other than very wealthy xenophobes.
  3. damien c

    damien c Mad FPS Gamer

    31 Aug 2010
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    Time to start thinking about whether this forum is worth sticking around on, because frankly that is one of the most rediculous and insulting comments I have seen on here, and the fact the Mod's etc allow it to stay say's a lot about them!

    There are multiple reasons as to why I would vote for a Tory MP over the Labour MP's currently in the Town I live in, but one of the major ones is my Local Tory MP does not disrespect Veterans and label them criminals, compared to my Local Labour MP who does and then also has to be removed from a plane due to be so drunk, she had to be removed in a wheel chair and checked in to a hospital for her own safety because she was incapable of looking after herself she was so drunk!!

    If the Labour MP's were replaced then I would think about them in the future, but the current ones are a no go for me and many family members of Veterans!
  4. Mister_Tad

    Mister_Tad Will work for nuts Super Moderator

    27 Dec 2002
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    Woah there don't drag mods into it.

    Anyone getting involved in political debate on the internet knows what they're getting into, and short of personal insults, of which I have seen none, I ain't touching it. I'd just implore everyone to continue to be as pleasant as they possibly can be.

    I'd just as soon say no political discussion whatsoever on the forums entire internet because people can never seem to agree to disagree, both sides end up making sweeping statements and accusations at the other, people inevitably get upset and take things personally and what started as discussion quickly turns to a cesspit of vitriol (or rather, even more of a cesspit of vitriol than the baseline)
  5. adidan

    adidan Guesswork is still work

    25 Mar 2009
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    It's a tricky one, I guess it depends on whether your focus is the local or national picture.

    If I were your way inclined then maybe I'd too have doubts but then I'd be looking elsewhere.

    Also as someone whose from a family that was full of veterans (all now passed), even if all you say is true about the Labour MP (I'm not doubting it is I just don't know the stories), I could never vote for the current government.

    They have lied, manipulated and committed crimes. This isn't opinion it is publicly recorded fact.

    What with various favoured chums getting huge contracts, sometimes with the items being not fit for purpose and with links to the Putin regime directly and/or indirectly I could not for one second vote for them.

    Plus, as reported by Cummings (yeah, I know), with a PM who commented "let the bodies pile high" as care homes, that often house veterans, were swarmed with COVID and inadequate PPE I do not see them as the veterans champion.

    Not Tory and if I were in your shoes not Labour then I would look elsewhere. Honestly, you may disagree and find disgusting what your local Labour MP says but to believe what a Tory MP says and to expect the current Government to back that up, well, their actions have proved otherwise.

    They cannot be trusted. At all.

    Edit: I've tried searching, I can find an MP who was taken off a flight on Armistice Day, blaming her medication for her reaction to alcohol.

    I can't actually find an MP calling veterans criminals but then it was just a quick search.
  6. damien c

    damien c Mad FPS Gamer

    31 Aug 2010
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    Labelling someone a Xenophobe for voting a certain way is insulting regardless and it's one of a very small number of things I actually find insulting and offensive!

    There are valid reasons to vote for any of the parties and personally I will not label anyone who votes for any party a xenophobe etc just because of my personal political leanings.

    You cannot prove 100% that, that person is any of the "ist's or phobes" etc just because they vote a certain way, unless of course the whole idea behind the party is being one of those "ist's/phobes" like the old was it BNP.

    The Tories are not great, neither are Labour and no political party in this country are "Clean" they all have issues and can pretty much be linked to "Bad" things depending on who you listen to and how much you trust different sources for information and how far back you go in history.

    Typically we have a choice of which is the excuse the bad pun or what ever it's called but "the best of the worst bunch" and that is not how it should be but that is how it is.

    I think people should be glad we live in a country where we have a choice even if it is between 2 bad options, there are plenty of places where you don't get a choice and where you cannot live how you want to live within reason.
  7. Byron C

    Byron C Multimodder

    12 Apr 2002
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    Hence why I said

    Burn the whole damn thing to the ground. Though we'll keep the Senedd, thanks, it's working out pretty well for us at the moment.
  8. Gareth Halfacree

    Gareth Halfacree WIIGII! Lover of bit-tech Administrator Super Moderator Moderator

    4 Dec 2007
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    He didn't? He said:
    That's not "everyone who votes Tory is a very wealthy xenophobe," but "the only people who really benefit from voting Tory are very wealthy xenophobes." Two very different statements of opinion.

    If the only people who voted Tory were very wealthy xenophobes they'd never have a hope in hell of winning an election.
  9. adidan

    adidan Guesswork is still work

    25 Mar 2009
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    So when is the next election?

    They quietly ditched the Fixed Term Parliament Act last week.
  10. Gareth Halfacree

    Gareth Halfacree WIIGII! Lover of bit-tech Administrator Super Moderator Moderator

    4 Dec 2007
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    Not sure this is going to win the Tories any votes from The Gays:

  11. RedFlames

    RedFlames ...is not a Belgian football team

    23 Apr 2009
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    The party that gave us Section 28... say it isn't so...
  12. adidan

    adidan Guesswork is still work

    25 Mar 2009
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    They've backtracked on a promise and wanted to hide it in the Queen's May speech??!?! Can't believe they'd do such a thing...

    Next you'll be telling me they're backtracking on legal action and/or fines against P&O. Oh hang on...

    Edit: Now it's been leaked it sounds like they're backtracking on backtracking and now banning it again. Except for transgender people because, well, I have no idea.
    Last edited: 1 Apr 2022
  13. Solidus

    Solidus Superhuman

    26 Dec 2005
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    This has been interesting to read. When I started this thread, I did so because I was baffled by the motivation of voters at times.

    I should mention, I omitted to mention one thing;

    I work quite close to politicians due to the nature of my job (I cant state what but think local government and public protection roles) and have had a real chance to look behind the curtain in terms of what actually goes on, particularly with the conservative party at the local level and how they work.

    One thing I would state is I would never vote conservative again after seeing some of the things I have seen and how they operate. I watched the dominic cummings interview with that committee after he was fired talking about how they were literally unprepared for the pandemic and had to jot stuff on a board, like the entire country's planning hinged on some brainstorming session they had - this is pretty much the entire approach I've seen with some of the tory politicians I've worked closely with. They are absolutely fantastic are talking and saying the right things but there is absolutely zero substance or delivery. It's all literally PR and spin - i would liken it to nazi propaganda actually as they tap into this a lot with their connections to keep people effectively brainwashed - the whole agenda is to discredit the opposition to hide their own failings (the best defence is offence).

    I do ok for myself, I'd have liked to have seen lower taxes so people can take home more but there is no chance of that given how much I've seen them waste too;

    I've seen them blow billions on projects I could not quite believe. They spent 7+ years trying to develop a system for one public sector organisation I worked for costing over £900million only to scrap it in the end. The taxpayer picked up the tab on that. They tried to privatise the probation service only to make a royal cock-up, countless deaths and poor monitoring of high-risk offenders only to backtrack - not before spending billions of tax payers money and paying off private companies however. They were warned this would happen prior, I was in some of those meetings yet they seemed to know better. Chris Grayling has a lot to answer for, if only this country knew exactly how much of the public money he's blown or given away to people he knows..

    Theres loads of these examples I've seen and it all adds up and its why for the low-tax party, they can't really afford to be, they end up wasting so much on projects that a lot of the time benefit people they know quite well. You've only got glimpses of it with this Covid scandal and preferential treatment of certain suppliers they know. I've seen these backhanders first hand and have had to bite my tongue thinking "if only the public knew this is where their tax is going". Even the most die-hard torys would never vote them again if they knew, I have no doubt about this.

    The general argument I've seen against Labour is, they are not a real opposition, they are a mess etc - I can assure you, they are much better than what we have despite their faults and its a case of shooting yourself in the foot with labour or shooting yourself in the head with the torys. Unfortunately common sense, doesnt appear to be that common and most people seem to be aiming for their own head, I will never understand why.
    Isitari, Nexxo, Byron C and 2 others like this.
  14. DeanSUNIAIU

    DeanSUNIAIU Modder

    11 Aug 2021
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    spolsh likes this.
  15. RedFlames

    RedFlames ...is not a Belgian football team

    23 Apr 2009
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    Seeing how the sausage truly is made... your poor *******...
  16. Solidus

    Solidus Superhuman

    26 Dec 2005
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    You have no idea

  17. Vault-Tec

    Vault-Tec Green Plastic Watering Can

    30 Aug 2015
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    I once met Screaming Lord Such in Tooting. Funny guy !
    DeanSUNIAIU likes this.
  18. adidan

    adidan Guesswork is still work

    25 Mar 2009
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    So Sunak considered a permanent resident of the US for tax purposes while Chancellor and, prior to that, an MP.

    Plus, here's part of what Brexit was all about - being able to dispose of any troublesome EU tax laws for the rich while bleeding the public dry.

    From the Guardian article
    I mean this is just more manure to pile on the stink of the current administration.
  19. wolf5ster

    wolf5ster Minimodder

    2 May 2011
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    Definitely not Conservative or Labour, Keir seems so false and I can't believe a word he says just like Boris. Libs Dems maybe
  20. lilgoth89

    lilgoth89 Captin Calliope

    12 Mar 2011
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    i will be voting Labour, unfortunately it really doesnt matter all that much as i live in a HEAVY conservative area, to the point where Boris could be on national television kicking puppies over park fences, while setting fire to homeless orphans and he would STILL win simply because of the party he is in, Heck he could announce Adolf Hitler, Gengis khan, Stalin and Satan himself as running partners and still cakewalk this constituency

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