Other 3D Too Far

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Seducer_Of_Souls, 29 May 2011.

  1. Seducer_Of_Souls

    Seducer_Of_Souls What's a Dremel?

    15 May 2011
    North Yorkshire, UK
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    Is it Me or does making gaming etc 3d just sound stupid??
    I'm Not anti-technology or anything but at the moment I just think what's the point in 3d especially when you need to wear stupid flaming glasses to do it especially when on 9/10 people the glasses can give serious migraines (its true personal experience) i would love to have 3d gaming but why try to make it work when it is being proven by many games that it doesn't until they start making processors etc that are compatible and i have to say the things that are coming out now aren't 3d compatible.

    Sorry if this in the wrong place new to the forums.

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