Hardware Asus Eee PC 1000

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Guest-16, 25 Aug 2008.

  1. kenco_uk

    kenco_uk I unsuccessfully then tried again

    28 Nov 2003
    Hurst Green, Halesowen, UK
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    Or even a supermodel draped over it? Somewhere breezy would be nice :naughty:
  2. Liquid K9

    Liquid K9 Human programmer.. heh

    1 Sep 2002
    Dublin, Ireland
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    I dont get the facination with this model.... its needlessly expensive.

    I'm 6' 4" and I think I'll manage perfectly fine with my 901 thank you very much. crompers. Though I may have different goals in mind... wardriving mainly, and the odd bit of stuff at college.

    I just think Asus went schitzo when the EEE got such a big reception - they decided they'd throw every freakin' model type they could think of into the market, thinking somehow people wouldnt buy anyone elses netbooks. I guess in a sick sort of way it worked, because I didnt really consider any other apart from the acer one momentarily.

    The point im trying to make is at £340 is too much for a netbook. When I think netbook, I not once assume its ever going to replace my laptop or desktop, it just suits a niche of something light an portable an quite functional. not a freakin' powerhouse - or a gold brick either.
  3. [PUNK] crompers

    [PUNK] crompers Dremedial

    20 May 2008
    North of the Wall
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    imo the features gained over the 901 are well worth the money, 40GB SSD space? i know they're a different thing but have you seen the price of a 32GB SSD drive? usable keyboard and bigger screen space are a welcome addition for me too.

    ok so this may not be in the features range nor the price range of what was originally considered a netbook but there is certainly a market for it...... and just to prove there is a market i have just ordered one from ebuyer :clap:
  4. joebot

    joebot What's a Dremel?

    26 Aug 2008
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    I've owned a eee 1000 Linux for about 3 weeks now. I am very happy with it although at $700 from Newegg, it was the most I'd have paid for it.
    The article incorrectly states that it has a 40GB HD. It has a 8GB primary and a 32GB secondary drive. They are physically 2 separate drives. But at least unlike with earlier models the 32GB has the same performance (if not a little better according to HD Tach).
    I don't try to run Photoshop 3 on it, but the Atom is fine for my purposes, WinXP Media Center, Adobe Reader, CDisplay, light MS Office use, Yahoo Messenger and Skype.
    Even with a 2GB Ram upgrade (which is a 5 minute task if you've ever upgraded ram in anything before), you probably don't want to really multitask because it then bogs down. Other than that, it's really responsive.
    I haven't had many laptops (such a waste because you can't upgrade) but one thing I find odd is that none of the ports are covered, so you don't want to bring it to a dusty or linty environment. Maybe other laptops are like that too.
    One thing that I've never seen covered in any review is the odd VGA port. You can see it in the photo of the right side of the 1000. It doesn't have any screw holes for securing the VGA cable. Apparently they mean to use friction alone. VGA is not Plug and Play and I remember dealing with video cards and monitors with nonfunctional VGA ports that shorted when the cables came loose, so I am always very leery when I plug it into my external monitor.
    I specifically bought an eee so I wouldn't try to do much gaming with it, but if you go in with simple expectations it works very well. All my steam old library titles like the full id pack (RtCW, Doom1/2, Quake), half-life, max payne 1/2, Peggle, Geometry Wars play very well. Especially GW. My friends and I hated it on my uber gaming PC because there was too much background f/x to actually see your ship and the enemies. On the eee (even though it says it's dx9) the background crap (like that wave effect) drops out and its a much more enjoyable game.
    The weight is really light. The battery life especially if you turn wifi and bluetooth off, with its 6 cell battery really does last you 5 to 6 hours of use. Asus however has it's usual track record of really slow updates. According to the Asus website, there are none. According to the eeeUser forum, just about everything except the chipset has a new updated driver. So if you are familiar with Asus's lack of updates (especially AsusUpdate which has never ever ever given me a bios update for any mobo i've ever had), you are in for more of the same here.
    Oh, and the multi-touch trackpad makes scrolling on the 1024x600 screen acceptable because you can do both horizontal and vertical.
  5. CowBlazed

    CowBlazed What's a Dremel?

    9 Dec 2005
    Toronto, Canada
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    Thanks for the site review, and the reader feedback.

    Any comments on the noise level of the 1000? And vs the 901 and Acer One.

    I've read a few people saying the AAO is very loud, "noticeable in a busy office enviroment, will certainly get your teacher's attention in a quite classroom" is a quote from one review. Thats just not acceptable for me since alot of my planned use is for classroom work.

    Its really hard for me to decide between one of the higher end netbooks (Eee 1000 $480 or AAO 6cell $432) or a cheap low end laptop. I want something as light as possible and was looking into 12 or 14" lappies but they're all expensive, though alot more power too.

    Unlike some people who buy these as a suplement to their laptop, I do any heavy computing at home and only want something to satisfy mobile my computing needs at and during transport to school.
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