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Bliss Unleashed..Article on the way!

Discussion in 'Project Logs' started by daydreamingknight, 8 Oct 2002.

  1. daydreamingknight

    daydreamingknight What's a Dremel?

    9 Jun 2002
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    I had the window done and put together..tried a disk and it
    wouldn't spin!! Plexi is too think! I bumped up the supports that are right above the cdrom and had to throw in a few sections(very small) of double sided tape but it's working fine!!

    Yo-DUH_87, I'm sending you the pics right now...total of 5, the small webcammy ones!!

    In the meantime I'll tell everyone why it is called what it is in my next post....gotta get the pics sent!


  2. Morphine

    Morphine weeee!

    23 Feb 2002
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    you could ahve used the lid from a jewel case. Wouldnt that be nice and thing? Dirt cheap too.
  3. daydreamingknight

    daydreamingknight What's a Dremel?

    9 Jun 2002
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    OK, the pics are sent!

    OK..Time for me to ramble on here!

    Those who just want to see new pics you might as well skip this part:)

    There is are reason this case is named what it is. This is the story why...gather round:)

    If you haven't noticed, my screen name is Day Dreaming Knight. Always day dreaming, as long as I can remember. A few years back I had just about every dream I wanted. I was married, had the house, nice cars, alot of the "worldly goods" that many people desire. It all crashed when my wife was unfaithful and I left. I started again, but only half-heartedly..never knowing where or what I wanted to do.

    My best friend of 20+ years introduced me to some of his favorite authors, 2 of them being Joseph Campbell and Carl Jung. I read thru works of each and lightbulbs lit in my head. Campbell wrote of myth, religion, symbolism and culture among many other things. It seemed no matter what stage in life you are at, you can find wisdom and peace in his writings.

    And I did.

    I began to rethink my dreams and where I wanted to go. My dreams didn't change, they only grew stronger, and I became more determined to get them. In came my life an incredible woman named Jessica, with her young son Josh... and that was it. One dream started to become reality. Life was going good!

    After 6 months of the GREATEST relationshp I have ever had with a woman, IN MY LIFE, Jessica broke up with me. Two weeks later my best friend told me: "Don't EVER contact me again" A friendship of more than 20 years was over..with a sentence. I don't know why, he would not return my calls, emails or see me face to face. To this day I don't know why he ended our friendship.

    The combination of losing Jessica and my best friend crushed me. I flipped out. I had a mental breakdown. no job. no home. I slept in my brothers car.

    I had a small amount of fight left in me and came to live with my brother in this small town. I got a job where he worked and I'm still working there now. He ended up moving out and I began my life over alone in a small apartment..just going to work and back..sleeping ..eating..working...a robot..day after day...

    Depression set in on me again, worse than before. So bad I decided suicide was an option. I would go over in my head how to do it. Over and over, day after day. Some how I managed to keep working.

    I went as far as to buy two boxes of sleeping pills...My brother ended up finding out my plans and he and his wife had the town cop come take me to the hospital, I had no choice.

    To make this story a little shorter:

    It was a wake up call. I found the books my long time friend had giving me way back and started reading. My spirits began to lift and I was feeling better. It really felt like I was reborn.

    Out of the blue Jessica called. Right before New Years if I remember right... anyway.. we talked, and talked.. She did the one thing NO woman has ever done to me. She apologized.:jawdrop:

    WOW. To have someone that hurt you so bad to say they are sorry...there are no words to describe it. We talked and talked and I went to visit her a few times and our love blossomed again.

    Joseph Campbell wrote :

    "If you follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track, which has been there all the while waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living."


    "The privilege of a lifetime...is being who you are."


    I have truly found my BLISS. As I type Jessica is behind me watching TV....and wanting to play Splinter Cell..:) We moved to this 2 story/2 bedroom house last Oct...2 cars in the 2 car garage.. a big yard for Josh to play in...a good job..I have more of the "worldy goods" than I did before... But more importantly I have peace within my heart and a love for life like never before. T

    People mod their case for different reasons. I decided to mod this case and have it as a daily reminder of what I have been thru. From sleeping in a car and on the edge of suicide to having the dreams I have dreampt of since childhood. I hit bottom, yet now I stand tall... and to the ones that stepped on me, laughed at me..and cheated on me..I say..


    Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines BLISS as:

    Main Entry: bliss
    Pronunciation: 'blis
    Function: noun
    1 : complete happiness

    and UNLEASHED as:

    Main Entry: un·leash
    Pronunciation: -'lEsh
    Function: transitive verb
    : to free from or as if from a leash : let loose

    I said once, some will get it, some will not. Some will probably laugh. No biggie.

    I did this for me.

    Though it's not the case finished, I used the graphic that I had planned to use on the mobo side panel for the CDRW window. I decided it was to small...

    Taken with the webcam, can't really show it without letting you guys know the name..lol...

    Yo-DUH_87, you can still go ahead and send me the urls for the pics I sent you, I'll edit my post later...:)thanks:)






    In the top pic you can see the LEDS, two white two blue. The webcam does not pic up the color very well. The two blue leds are from the same group I used for the floppy/top bezel lighting. The 2 blue are on the outside with the white in the middle, it blends VERY well, though the pics are crap..sorry...when/if I get a hold of a good camera I take new pics:)

    Guess that's long enough of a post..:)

    Thanks to those who actually read the entire post to know why I chose the name!

    Time to change over to the new case now..see ya guys on the flipside!!

    Follow your bliss

  4. Dad

    Dad You talkin to me?

    15 Apr 2003
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    Been there! Sorry to hear about the first part dude, like I said, I've been there and I can sympathize with the situation. Fantastic how it ended though! I don't want to go into long storys or painfull memories, but I did want to tell you that I've been in the same situation and had we have 2 kids from the marrage. Feel lucky that you didn't have kids with her... If you live in the US and are a divorced father, you would understand, but thankfully I was (uncomonly) granted split custoday with them living with me most the time (primary parent).

    Jung wrote some rockin books! I reccommend anyone here to read some of his work. It's not a Star Teck novel and there's no Matrix battle scenes, but a fantastic read none-the-less.

    Oh and by the way, GREAT job on the mod! Looks very pro! :thumb:

    ....me goes on to seek out my bliss...
  5. OtakuHawk

    OtakuHawk What's a Dremel?

    30 Apr 2003
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    If anyone laughs at that, they deserve to get thier HDD fragged by a virus...

    That was beautiful, man. :thumb:
    And so is the case.
  6. Crunchy_Frog

    Crunchy_Frog What's a Dremel?

    6 Mar 2003
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    As I sit here @12:45 EST, eyes blurry from 6 hours of coding, I am in awe at your post.

    First off, congrats on the life you have discovered with your family.

    Second, congrats on not taking the permanent solution to your not-so-permanent problems and passing on the pill-induced dirt nap.

    Third-ish, congrats for having the kindness and courage to share that with me (and hopefully all of us).

    Finally, that's a great case - I'm motivated to get back to work on mine now!

    I'm a sensitive dude and my eyes are now welled up with tears.... Do I hear movie rights? :D

  7. Morphine

    Morphine weeee!

    23 Feb 2002
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    incredible tale man, I admire your will to live life and the perseverence (spelling?).

    I would also like to say...

  8. the_secret

    the_secret What's a Dremel?

    29 Sep 2002
    Likes Received:
    ->That was really touching
    ->I’m glad you followed your bliss . :thumb:

    ->And the cd-rom window looks really good

    -> goes to follow mine
  9. daydreamingknight

    daydreamingknight What's a Dremel?

    9 Jun 2002
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    Wow, thanks for the nice replies everyone!

    It's 4:30 in the morning here and I've been working on the case since early afternoon..

    It's pretty much finished, for now... and again I have nothing but crappy pics!! Why change now eh??:) I'll change over the hardware in a day or two.

    I've cut up the old PSU so much I only have one molex on it, so I can't light the thing up!

    I leave you with these pics and Im heading off to bed..

    ... I did not get the entire tray of the DVD dyed, but I did the cdrw drive:






    I was too busy modding to do the dishes:D

    I'll be back when I'm awake...thanks for all of the help and the nice comments guys!

    Take care!


    PS- I hate this camera. I'll try the webcam out and see if they turn out better..
  10. Jack

    Jack Minimodder

    22 Dec 2002
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    Congrats mate:clap:

    CD drive looks cool!

    The name without the story would be good but with it comes meaning which only makes it better to yourself and probably ppl out there that has had the same problems in the past

    Dont stop here with this case move on and keep that :dremel: going!!! im sure that i speak for alot of ppl when i say we will all be looking forward to the next thread!

    And to who ever might be reading this after all this that story!!!
    someone go to his house with a bleeding camera and take some good pics for him if i lived close i would!!

    thanks mate for the read?:thumb:


    PS when the movie coming out:D
  11. bard

    bard Modding isn't what it used to be

    8 Mar 2003
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    Love the Bliss unleashed sign! And that was a good story. Glad to hear that it all turned out well. (And as other have implied, this sounds like a movie).

    I can't wait to see the whole case lit up.

    Great work, man.

  12. complexprocess

    complexprocess What's a Dremel?

    8 Jul 2002
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    Nah. No hollywood prop designer would dare to attempt recreating this tremendous case in progress. ;)

    Very touching story. I'm glad things are working out.
  13. Crunchy_Frog

    Crunchy_Frog What's a Dremel?

    6 Mar 2003
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    You are probably correct....

    Re-creating that case would be like re-building the deathstar in a week. :D

  14. Dad

    Dad You talkin to me?

    15 Apr 2003
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    Dude, I think ya got an addiction to modding! Go to bed my friend! A sleepy modder is a dangerous modder! :nono: :D
  15. Sc0rian

    Sc0rian Here comes the farmer

    23 Feb 2003
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    /me Nods and agress
  16. yodasarmpit

    yodasarmpit Modder

    27 May 2002
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    Well if that doesnt inspire people to get up of their arses and do something with their lifes not much else will.
    Very touching tale, im glad you shared it - happy everything turned out well.:thumb:

    So people get modding, I know this project log has inspired me to work on my case.
  17. daydreamingknight

    daydreamingknight What's a Dremel?

    9 Jun 2002
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    Thanks guys.. I think I'm done with modding for awhile.. I have to head to work but I sent Yo-DUH_87 some pics taken with the webcam, he is free to post them and after work I'll stop by and do any explaining...

    take care guys!

  18. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    "What does not kill us, makes us stronger"
    -- Nietsche

    "With every goodbye you learn"
    -- Kara di Giovanne

    "Everybody pays. [It's what gives life value]"
    -- Death (in Neil Gaiman's comic by the same name)

    Mod on, dude. :rock:
  19. Yo-DUH_87

    Yo-DUH_87 Who you calling tiny?

    6 Mar 2002
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    ok, heres the pics:








    And a repost of the pics he posted earlier, in case his bandwidth limit tops out:






    And for the CD mod pics:






    Some seriously sweet work there DDK :thumb:

    Edit: fixed broken images and added the CD mod pics
  20. Emperor Ming

    Emperor Ming What's a Dremel?

    21 Apr 2003
    Likes Received:
    That looks amazing.

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