Windows Bloodbowl 2 - Bit-tech League

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Goatee, 30 Oct 2021.

  1. Goatee

    Goatee Multimodder

    19 Apr 2015
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    Interesting game, I was looking down the barrel of a defeat until an optimistic pair of twin red die blocks completely turned the match. I really struggled in the first half and my (not so) secret weapons failed to really have any impact.
  2. Goatee

    Goatee Multimodder

    19 Apr 2015
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    So final game of the season planned for tonight, I think it could end up shaping title depending on results.

    Pete J likes this.
  3. Midlight

    Midlight Minimodder

    6 Jun 2011
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    That is fairly close.
    On the off chance that I were to win tonights match, does it come down to goal difference, casualties caused or some other metric for determining the winner?
  4. Goatee

    Goatee Multimodder

    19 Apr 2015
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    I wondered the same thing and a google search seems:

    • Could be TV (team value),
    • Could be casualties (inflicted or ratio),
    • Could be touchdowns (scored or ratio),
    • Could be head to head,
    • Could be based on distance travelled,
    • Could be nuffles roll,
    • Could be star player points the team has collected
    • or some combination or something entirely different.

    Basically I don't know. :D
  5. Midlight

    Midlight Minimodder

    6 Jun 2011
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    Ok, I shall assume roll of a D20 then.:thumb:
  6. ModSquid

    ModSquid Multimodder

    16 Apr 2011
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    ++News from the Lane++

    Unfortunately over the weekend, the Hotspikes' catering person and one of the dependents were taken ill and have been milking it somewhat, leaving the coach to perform three household roles. Thankfully, dodgy hotel lasagne has been avoided so the team remains unaffected, although their skill level has not necessarily improved. The coach received a text from Oliver Reed and George Best (surprisingly, they were big Necromantic fans and have opened a bar in their second life) so he's stopped in to see them on the way upstairs to the dugout.

    It seems the cold-blooded ones need a win (and a good D20 roll) to have a chance at the top spot, but a draw secures second. The 'Spikes need a win just to avoid coming in the bottom half and shedding season ticket holders faster than their fur in Summer (sounds oddly familiar....:eyebrow:)
  7. Midlight

    Midlight Minimodder

    6 Jun 2011
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    Well that was a heck of a game last night. Plenty of injuries, on both sides, decent amount of back and forth. When the rain showed up in the second half, that just led to great hilarity with the ball being harder to pick up than a bar of soap.
    The final outcome was a nice win for the lizards.
    Thanks Mod for the game, it was great fun.
    ModSquid, Arboreal and Pete J like this.
  8. ModSquid

    ModSquid Multimodder

    16 Apr 2011
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    It is a well-known fact that rats do not like water.

    This only compounded the errors made before the game had even started, first of which was mistakenly hiring a goblin fanatic thinking he was actually a rat ogre (speaking to the coach after the match, he used the excuse that yes, he does realise those two could not be further apart, but the countdown timer was pressuring him). Not only that, but said expensive, reluctant loon proceeded to swing his ball about twice before getting sent off, coming back on, getting injured, then sulking in the dugout for the rest of the game for no apparent reason. Art imitating life.

    An absolutely frantic last turn of the first half then saw a desperate blocking action by the skaven with the ball dead on the two yard line, made a mockery of by a skink (who clearly had the hidden skill Barefaced Cheek) as he skipped gleefully through about seventeen tackle zones, scooped up the ball and performed a little dance of celebration just to rub it in. The coach was unavailable for comment at half-time, although he was spotted at the bar downstairs, shaking his head and refusing to speak to the support staff.

    Rushing back onto the pitch after some half-time rotten fruit revealed the fact that time - or the concept of it - is apparently an issue for the Hotspikes' coach, as he let the turn timer run completely down on one push, missing a critical blitz, then succumbed again to temporal pressure and pushed a dodging skink back one square (wow) instead of knocking him over, due to ignorance of skills. Rat poison was seen being thrown onto the pitch by disgusted Hotspikes fans. At one stage a junior member of the support staff, upon walking into the viewing area, had to point out that the Wanderers' kroxigor was short a tackle zone and did not actually need to be danced around, before strolling back out leaving the coach muttering in a frustratingly bewildered fashion (said supporting staff was both congratulated and told to clear off to bed).

    Things got incredibly intense for the last half of the last half and it looked almost like it was possible to secure a draw, but with something like a 5+, 4+, 4+, 3+ combination-lock set of rolls required, hope was not high.


    The Spikes slunk off the pitch like the vermin they are, to angry cries from their fans (something about a "ship"?). Adding fuel to the calls for his dismissal, the coach then proceeded to goof about with the petty cash after the game and rumours are emerging that he has completely misunderstood the system and lost about 30k due to "errors with the mouse". Oh, the irony.

    The TH management team would like to thank @Goatee for organising and rigging running the inaugural league (even though it is being whispered that the whole thing was obviously an incredible fix...:grin:) and @Midlight and @fix-the-spade for some corker clashes, especially that closing one. Much was learnt throughout.

    And now, a word from our league president (and possibly some unofficial awards)...
    Arboreal, VictorianBloke and Pete J like this.
  9. Goatee

    Goatee Multimodder

    19 Apr 2015
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    That's it sports fans, season one over.


    We saw some great games, plenty of fouling and the odd fatality. A pretty high scoring few games, with several players getting plenty of points and starting to unlock skills.

    Personally I'm really surprised with winning, Goblins are normally pretty self destructive and the team didn't really self immolate which was shocking but I maybe have a bit more experience so that gap may well change in the next season.

    End of Season Summary:

    Parcels2U - Still maintaining a low TV with a stadium upgrade and a nuffle alter, should mean any home games are well populated with star players. One of my trolls has block (chosen over pro on the double roll) which make the team a bit more reliable.

    @Midlight - Came in second based on the random calculation in the game. Skills are starting to stack up with the big lizards getting block and the skinks getting levels up too.

    @ModSquid - Rats took an absolute pasting in several games, loosing key positional players and lacking funds. Skaven can always score, its if they can survive long enough to stop the opposition. Second season woes may befall them if they dont start earning some coins!

    @fix-the-spade - I'm not sure how FTS ended up last without a win. The team should have beaten my goblins and is getting stronger and developing well so I'm expecting a better second season.

    Second season:

    Question: Same teams for season 2?
    Question: Do we have anyone else interested in joining / making up a second string league?
    Arboreal and Pete J like this.
  10. Midlight

    Midlight Minimodder

    6 Jun 2011
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    I'm happy to run the same team again. Starting to like my guys.
    Goatee and Arboreal like this.
  11. ModSquid

    ModSquid Multimodder

    16 Apr 2011
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    Also happy to (mis)manage my guys through a second - hopefully less lacklustre - season. I have some things I want to try, although the lack of funds and ability may hamper this. As will the rain, no doubt!

    I've got two buddies this end who've just confirmed interest so I'll get them to open accounts today and sign in. Plus one of the Hotspikes support staff has announced they would prefer to strike out on their own and manage a team, but match times would have to be slightly earlier or towards the end of the week if that's okay with everyone, as support staff have to go to bed slightly earlier than us older thugs :grin:

    EDIT: Have we got ageing turned on? I think that would keep things fair, to stop OP teams if this turns out to have the legs we all hope it does.
    Last edited: 25 Nov 2021
    Goatee likes this.
  12. fix-the-spade

    fix-the-spade Multimodder

    4 Jul 2011
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    That's easy.

    1) I built up a team centred around reversals and fast charges into the opposing half, which is a very high risk/reward kind of play. It either goes really well and they belt past the entire opposition in one move, or they get cornered and outflanked.
    2) I am a twonk with no grasp of the subleties required for such a team to work. But it is exciting!

    I'd love to play a season two, but do request that we get some transfer market time, I have a Golem with a permanently broken hip who would like to return to his eternal slumber.

    I'm also not overly keen on the aging mechanic, but will defer to the mob on that one. Only my Werewolves age as normal, the rest just hit retirement age and go poof.

    Edit. I just read up on how the transfer system works, forget I ever mentioned it, there's no point trying to sell players to each other in a 4 team league :lol:
    Last edited: 25 Nov 2021
  13. ModSquid

    ModSquid Multimodder

    16 Apr 2011
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    In case anyone is sitting on the fence about joining up and maybe doesn't own the game, it's £3 on Kinguin at the moment.
  14. ModSquid

    ModSquid Multimodder

    16 Apr 2011
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    Righto, chaps - we've got three grunting, ornery, hormone-fuelled ladies?/men? ready to fill the Chumpionship at this enda taaan....

    We need one more. Can anyone get a festive feeler out? And retract it quickly with a team and coach on the end?
  15. ModSquid

    ModSquid Multimodder

    16 Apr 2011
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    As an aside, I did ask elsewhere on bit, but no-one has taken it up - so I have a Frostpunk key going if anyone keen...?
    PM if int
  16. ModSquid

    ModSquid Multimodder

    16 Apr 2011
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    Oi oi!

    The rats have sobered up and are ready for the new season (coach is another matter though). What's the plan/timeline for kickoff of the new format? There is a rumour that there are TV rights floating about...
  17. Goatee

    Goatee Multimodder

    19 Apr 2015
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    Seson 2 tickets issued to the four grandfather teams.

    Do we want a feeder league?
  18. fix-the-spade

    fix-the-spade Multimodder

    4 Jul 2011
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    I'd say no to a feeder league, if anyone wants to join in just let them*. If there's any way in Bloodbowl to balance up a new team joining (free levelling ,extra credits etc) then all's good.
    *I would like someone I have a chance at beating...
    Goatee likes this.
  19. ModSquid

    ModSquid Multimodder

    16 Apr 2011
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    Will get one of the fresh meat teams registered today/tomorrow on behalf of the splinter coach from NM17 (that's North Middenheim); will need to co-ordinate matches through the Rats' press office (me) though. Spade will have a massive forfeit to honour if losses are suffered here...(although I'm pretty sure I've forgotten everything I learnt last season already)! :hehe:

    @HeroSimon can advise on one other for definite, possibly a third.

    @Goatee - how shall we balance up the new guys? They'll have an experience disadvantage of course, unfortunately, but it's a good suggestion (unless it leaves things open for that to become standard for any future new teams that join).
  20. Goatee

    Goatee Multimodder

    19 Apr 2015
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    I can expand the league to take extra players.

    Typically those new teams are created normally and will receive inducements (free cash to spend before games) when playing the stronger teams.

    is it two extra teams?

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