Gaming Dead Space

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Tim S, 21 Oct 2008.

  1. Mister_X

    Mister_X Chaotic Neutral

    13 Jul 2007
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    Just finished it and loved it, A good solidly enjoyable game. Good looking and an entertaining story.
    Didn't mind the controls at all really.
    Load times were fine on my system.....

    Yes some niggles with the zero G but it was just a wee thing.
    I concur with the 8 out of 10. and Going for £11 in some retailers great value
  2. boiled_elephant

    boiled_elephant Merom Celeron 4 lyfe

    14 Jul 2004
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    Thread resurrection ho. Just wanted to throw in my vote of awesomeness for this game; just completed it and it was the most satisfying one I've played in a long time. Absolutely recommended. Load times were literally non-existent for me on an E8400; graphics were smooth and flawless (though I had to force AA in CCC. Seems all modern console developers have just abandoned AA entirely.)

    Mouse controls were a problem, but I just whacked the sensitivity right up and it was fine. A solid patch could easily fix the mouse smoothing, but I doubt EA will bother now unless by divine intervention.

    Best of all is the replayability, literally - when you finish the game, it unlocks a ton of rewards (cash, a new suit, new backstory, a new difficulty level) and gives you the option to save your game and begin playing again with your character as it is. A true RPG element, and very appealing for me, because I was very proud of my upgraded weapons and wanted a greater challenge to use them on; plus I hadn't even tried half of the weapons available, so now I can get the rest. A brilliant way to increase longevity in a game.
  3. johnnyboy700

    johnnyboy700 Minimodder

    27 May 2007
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    I had this one kicking about for ages and started playing it a few days ago.

    The tension levels in this game are just terrific, it reminds me of the nerve jangling induced by the motion tracker in the original Aliens vs Predator. There was one bit I just played earlier today, it was whilst I was repairing the centerfuge, whilst I was rummaging about in one of the stores just as I turned round you saw the back end of one of the necromorphs rocket past the open door and the tension music really shot up in both intensity and volume - it really made me jump and let out a few loud expletives. Bloody surround sound headphones!!!

    I love this game, although I do find the dismemberment quite disturbing at times - particularly my own when I screw up and have to watch me/Isaac get my/his head eaten off or get disembowled. I really don't come across too many games that truely deserve their 18 certificate (maybe I should get out more) but this one definitely does. Yes its a bit old school, no reward without punishment and after you complete a task you just know you're going to be rushed but I think the game plays so well I don't care.
  4. thehippoz

    thehippoz What's a Dremel?

    19 Dec 2008
    Fresno, CA
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    =] wait till you get up in levels.. you'll say this is the end! and the game keeps going.. lot of content there- like the story too
  5. johnnyboy700

    johnnyboy700 Minimodder

    27 May 2007
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    Is the pre-game DVD worth getting?
  6. impar

    impar Minimodder

    24 Nov 2006
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    The game is a chore to play in PC!
    Cant configure keys properly, the camera is weird (just to not show an UI?!), the mouse is "jumpy", etc.
    According to Steam, I have 2 hours of gameplay and have finally reached Chapter 2.

    Pretty bad port. Avoid if you want to play a PC game.
  7. serial_

    serial_ What's a Dremel?

    11 Oct 2005
    Raleigh, NC
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    Thread res Cheesecake.

    This probably comes too little, too late, but I'm really irritated by the amount of bashing on such an awesome game.

    If anyone sees this who passed up on the game for control issues and load times: the problem is the Vsync implemented in the PC version locks the game at 30fps, which makes the mouse lag like none other. Turn of Vsync in-game and force it on through your card's control panel (force triple-buffering too).

    Both control problems and load time problems are solved. For some reason the in-game vsync really fugs the speed of the game engine in accepting data from outside sources ie. input/hard disk.

    It's a major minus and a "shame on you, EA" for them not patching it ASAP, but it takes a whole 30 seconds to fix and the game plays perfectly.

    If you experience gamma issues (the game is too bright) the settings for that are in appdata/electronic arts/dead space/settings.cfg and you just set the gamma to -0.5 and it's perfect. My home rig (GTX 275) had no issue with it, but for some reason my work rig (8800GTX Ultra) rendered it particularly bright.

    So that one seems to be related to chipsets, no biggie.

    Again, I want to stress that yeah it should have been patched, but if you let something as easy to fix as that rob you of this game's experience, you're cheating yourself out of one of the best survival horror games to ever be released.

    my $0.02.

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