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Windows Do you play one game or more?

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by mikemorton, 9 Nov 2010.

  1. Kovoet

    Kovoet What's a Dremel?

    26 Aug 2009
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    Playing two at the moment namely being Call of Duty 4 and Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising

    The joint operations has about the best CO-OP game out their believe me. I play on the hardmaps server as the team play cannot get any better.
  2. daveh84

    daveh84 What's a Dremel?

    17 Dec 2009
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    Fable III and Need for Speed for me at the moment, with Fifa 11 but theres always a Fifa game all year round until the next one is released.
  3. sausages

    sausages What's a Dremel?

    20 Nov 2010
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    For me it depends entirely on how good the game is. When I'm super hooked on a great game, I will play it and nothing else. When my interest starts to wane, I start playing other games too. Usually I rotate between about 3 or 4 games, mainly because all of them are just "OK". But then when a really special one comes along, all the others get ignored while I focus on the great one.

    I much prefer to focus on one game, because often you need to remember things like where you have been and what you have done and your little plan for the future. It's not so bad if you have an in game journal or something, but still, I prefer to play most games in one go so it's like one huge adventure that lasts a week/month/whatever. But like I said, it's rare that a game is good enough that it lets me do this. The last time was Dragon Age, before that was Fallout 3, and before that was Space Rangers 2.
  4. Margo Baggins

    Margo Baggins I'm good at Soldering Super Moderator

    28 May 2010
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    Grinding for achievements on Fable 2, Fable 3 and Trials HD. Been trying to get the last achievement for trials hd for what seems like an age. Also NFS Shift, trying to get all the stars in the game, got about 15 to go, but they all proving to be really hard!
  5. [ZiiP] NaloaC

    [ZiiP] NaloaC Multimodder

    9 May 2008
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    Currently playing Crimsonland, Bad Company 2, BC2 Vietnam, Supreme Commander 2, Plants vs Zombies and Dawn of War 2.
  6. Jedra

    Jedra Supermodel

    11 Sep 2010
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    On the PC I will play several different games. Usually it's an FPS that I might play for an hour or so at a time. Recently I played Crysis Warhead all the way through in a couple of sessions, and have been playing the Witcher too - to get into the story for Witcher 2.

    On the consoles (360 and PS3) I tend to play storyline games and driving games. At the moment I am finishing off Bioshock 2 on the Xbox while getting to grips with Demon's Souls on the PS3. I have just finished playing AC:Brotherhood on the PS3 and AC:2 on the Xbox. If an invite comes in via XBL for another game I will probably switch to that one for some human interaction (of sorts), unless I am well engrossed.

    I tend not to play online on PSN as I have found it extremely unreliable.
  7. kylesaisgone

    kylesaisgone What's a Dremel?

    23 Oct 2010
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    Depends on my mood. Sometimes I want to play a game socially, sometimes I want some good strategy (Nothing gets the blood flowing like some good multiplayer strategy!), sometimes I want something gimmicky and arcadey.
  8. Arcadiu

    Arcadiu What's a Dremel?

    17 Oct 2010
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    I find it easier playing one game at a time because if I play a couple then I get mixed up with the controls. For example I forgot how to sprint in Fifa11 because I was playing AC for so long!
  9. Orionche

    Orionche Guest

    I've had periods where I play something to death (Oblivion, Dragon Age, Fallout, Civ5), then switch to playing 3-4 games at once, usually multiplayer based. Currently World of Tanks and Team Fortress competitively with EVE Online and BFBC2 when I'm chilling out. :)
  10. FelixTech

    FelixTech Robot

    12 Jun 2009
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    "Variety is the spice of life" an' all that jazz...

    In my circle of friends it's mainly starcraft 2 with a whole bunch of other games mixed in for variety. An then some CS:S GunGame/ZombieEscape to round the evening off... and maybe some sporcle after that! :O
  11. GravitySmacked

    GravitySmacked Mostly Harmless

    2 Mar 2009
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    I've usually got at least 3 games on the go at any one time.

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