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Multi Fallout 4

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by mrMonkeyChunks, 2 Jun 2015.

  1. creative

    creative 500rwhp

    23 May 2014
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    yep, me.

    I am trying to collect one of each to display in my base. I have got bored of the tedium of having to collect stuff to build anything so I copied my save game to another drive and just started to explore with TGM turned on without the need to worry about lack of ammo etc. Enjoying it even more now as it means I can really look in every building for interesting things instead of desk fans and duct tape! :D
  2. Mr Meltdown

    Mr Meltdown Minimodder

    26 Jul 2003
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    I dont use power armor at all, just stealth.

    I've never completed the main story line and have just started again for the 3rd time on survival but this time will not cheat at all except maybe using scrapall in settlements.

    I went for a melee build this time as i normally just do guns...
  3. Kronos

    Kronos Multimodder

    6 Nov 2009
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    I am desperate to finish this game but not sure I know how to. I blew it with the Institute, Railroad and the Minuteman really annoy me and I still have Danse as a companion.

    How do I move this game on? This is becoming a boring repetitive slog and I only go back every couple of days or so. Mind you occasionally I have come across something either amusing or tricky. I bumped into another behemoth with Danse nowhere to be seen and a race track with a race in progress.
    But I want to finish it now just to see how it ends, I don't think the story means much now as I have lost track of what, who, when and where.
    At the moment I an, I think, building up a minutemen army but I do not understand why I am not doing stuff for the BoS?
  4. iancowell

    iancowell Minimodder

    21 Jan 2015
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    Got this last night any advice for a beginner??

    Thanks in advance
  5. Kronos

    Kronos Multimodder

    6 Nov 2009
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    Collect everything you can dump it all in the first workshop you get access to which is a Red Rocket station or something. Dump the power armour also. I played the game without wearing it again.
  6. iancowell

    iancowell Minimodder

    21 Jan 2015
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    Thanks. What about setting up sanctuary. What armour to use and weapons.
  7. Kronos

    Kronos Multimodder

    6 Nov 2009
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    I did not set up a sanctuary. Weapons upgrade your pistol when you can as it is a useful weapon.
    As for armour I really just used what I found complete. When you kill someone you might find a couple of bits and then a bit on someone else. I took them all and sold them. I think I pretty much finished the game using the Railroad faction long coat or some such. But you wont get that for a while.
  8. Almightyrastus

    Almightyrastus On the jazz.

    21 Mar 2002
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    When it comes to the settlements, i found it was best to designate one as your 'special' one and build that right up in terms of defences, living space, food, water and so on. Then, when you get the ability, set up supply routes to any other ones that you find so that you can dump your crap whilst nearby and having it available in your main 'home'.

    Plus you will have a decent place to send your various followers to. I chose to do this with the Castle (you'll find out...) as it has a pretty easily defence layout and a decent amount of space.

    As for armour and weapons, just use the bits and pieces that you find along the way, the good old 10mm pistol can last a surprisingly long way into the game, especially with some of the mods that you can apply. Just check each piece of armour that you grab and swap it out if it's better. You can throw some mods on some parts if you pick up something really special - I have a synth right leg armour piece that turns me invisible if I stop moving whilst crouching, that has a lot of mods on it.

    As for power armour, good fun to play with and collect but, aside from very special situations, I've not really bothered with it. I still grab every suit I can find and am working on a set of each type to get them extra shiny, but they're really just collectables. I might use one more when I mod a torso piece up to have a jetpack on it as that might be a touch more useful.
  9. suenstar

    suenstar Collector of Things

    13 Sep 2009
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    I found Castle a bit awkward to build with, I ended up having to use the various glitches to override the placement limitations.
    Finch farm is one of the locations that I seem to focus my attention on building up, planning to create a multi-story complex that reaches up and extends onto the raised highway section next to it... when I get enough resources.

    As for weapons, melee is quite fun in many situations throughout the story so a nice blade is always handy to have. Other than that I find an upgraded automatic pistol to be one of the more useful guns for controlling a fire-fight.

    A useful tip when wandering around the wasteland, tap the hotkey you've assigned for VATS every now and then as it can often spot a threat you might not immediately notice. Those Radscorpions can blend in quite well and if they spot you first they'll burrow underground and sneak up on you...
  10. creative

    creative 500rwhp

    23 May 2014
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    Power Armour also has a spawn level setting. The higher your level, the higher the armour level you will find afaik.

    Just finished it with the minutemen and BOS and Ally Cats on side. Decimated the Railroad ( didnt even do a mission for them) and burnt my bridges with the Institute. The BOS missions are so damn tedious though. I spent more time in loading screens than I did doing the quests!

    Now to put that TGM to use and build some huge bases!
  11. Vault-Tec

    Vault-Tec Green Plastic Watering Can

    30 Aug 2015
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    *blows dust off of thread*

    So the Mechanist DLC sucked. Far Harbor started out absolutely awesome. Then that puzzle bit happened. First thought was "WTF?". Second thought was "OK this could be fun" third thought, after three of the memories I was like "OK enough now...".

    Why do they keep trying to make Fallout 4 like other games, rather than being like Fallout 3?
  12. Kronos

    Kronos Multimodder

    6 Nov 2009
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    Did not, or rather have not bothered with any DLC for this game as although I felt it was not a bad game, to me it was not a great game and I was glad to finish it.
  13. faugusztin

    faugusztin I *am* the guy with two left hands

    11 Aug 2008
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    Mechanist DLC was an excuse to bring in robot companion customization in game. And hey, who wouldn't like to have a robot companion who can shoot two laser weapons at once :D.
  14. Vault-Tec

    Vault-Tec Green Plastic Watering Can

    30 Aug 2015
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    I eventually finished it but I will admit I got terribly bored of the whole "Fetch ! go gettem boy !" sort of quests it had. The best thing IMO to come out of it was the Mechanist's armor which I am using and actually protects me. I've not gotten into the whole crafting thing I always tend to get frustrated that I can't find anything I seem to need.

    However, Far Harbor was absolutely excellent. The only downer was the whole Portal themed memory bank thing but once I got past that I really enjoyed myself. Bethesda also ramped up the graphics quality quite heavily and it was gorgeous, though gave even my Titan X a good workout on ultra settings @ 1440p. But I don't mind 42 FPS for brief periods of time and that was only when it was foggy, and glowing, and everything else that was going on.

    A cracking DLC all in all and I can't wait for the next one. Apparently it's called "Nuka World" as a hacker was digging through the Fallout 4 exe and found Nukaworld.esm in there.

    Some people are saying it could be some kind of theme park but it's also rumoured to be a standalone world like Far Harbor.

    It's really got me back into the game tbh and I agree with some of the reviewers who said that this is what Fallout 4 should have been the whole way through :)
  15. Guest-16

    Guest-16 Guest

    I just started playing two days ago and I've put 5 hours in: 4 alone in Sanctuary building walls everywhere. Can't work out how to build defences at all or assign people to guard duty.

    I did, however, find 110 fusion cores in the large satellite receiver NE of Sanctuary, which was nice.

    Also surprised a 1080 is not enough for 4K on Ultra. I had to turn down the settings as I was feeling motion sick. I dunno why but I'm finding it really difficult to aim accurately.
  16. Pete J

    Pete J Employed scum

    28 Sep 2009
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    Really? My 980Ti handles it just fine.

    Yeah, the aiming isn't as nice as say DooM.
  17. Guest-16

    Guest-16 Guest

    It's certainly not 60fps solid and anything lower seems to make me sick, which is unusual.
  18. .//TuNdRa

    .//TuNdRa Resident Bulldozer Guru

    12 Feb 2011
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    It's probably just Godrays, those on Ultra absolutely destroy performance on virtually every machine I've seen. The rest can probably be left dialled all the way up without an issue.
  19. Vault-Tec

    Vault-Tec Green Plastic Watering Can

    30 Aug 2015
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    There are new settings now (gun details? something like that) so go easy on them. With everything on ultra on a Titan X I dip into the 40s sometimes @ 1440p.

    I didn't like the Godrays at first but they're awesome now. Also, this game can bug out at 4k and sync to half of your monitor's refresh rate so load up a FPS meter to see what's going on.
  20. Almightyrastus

    Almightyrastus On the jazz.

    21 Mar 2002
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    Must get back into this, not done anything with any DLC yet and I'm probably only about 1/3 (if that) through the base game bits.

    I don't run at anything higher than 1080 as that's my monitor's native resolution but I seem to remember that with everything turned up I was having no issues (980 ti) which is what I would expect to see given the resolution.

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