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Small Form Factor Mini PC for Roblox

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Booga, 20 Aug 2018.

  1. Booga

    Booga Cuppa tea anyone?

    28 Sep 2009
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    My young daughter's PC that is a bit long in the tooth now, finally died or at least I think the mobo has. I can't get a signal from the onboard graphics or even with a GPU plugged in.
    She just used it just to play Roblox on, she is too young to need a PC for school work, yet.
    She is currently using an older notebook which pretty much runs flat out when she is playing.

    I have been looking at Mini PCs and wondered if they where up to running Roblox. I know you can run it on tablets so I am guessing the answer is yes. If so does anyone have a recommendation? I don't really want to spend more than £150
  2. Behemoth

    Behemoth Timelord in training

    1 Nov 2001
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    Just found this for you on google, looks current enough and from what I can see you won't need to splash too much cash to get the game playable

    Minimum Requirements
    ROBLOX states the Minimum System Requirements for PC users:

    • Graphics Card: ROBLOX requires DirectX 9 minimum and Shader Model 2.0. For the best performance, we recommend either a computer less than 13 years old with a dedicated video card or a laptop less than 3 years old with an integrated video card.
    • Processor: ROBLOX recommends you have a recent processor (2005+) with a clock speed of 1.6 GHz or better. There have been some issues with older AMD processors.
    • RAM or Memory: ROBLOX recommends you have at least 1 GB of memory on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10 computers.
    • Storage Space: ROBLOX recommends you have at least 20 Mb of system storage space to install Roblox.

    This chart has not been updated since 2009, but thanks to some dedicated hardware collectors, we were able to establish a new chart of minimum requirements.
    • Graphics Card: Minimally, you can get playable framerates with Intel HD Graphics 2000 or higher (onboard graphics), but just make sure you have at least 128MB of VRAM. Integrated graphics will have a much harder time with larger games such as Phantom Forces. For a much nicer experience, upgrading to a dedicated GPU such as a RX 550 would make heavier games, such as Phantom Forces, run smoother.
    • Processor: Any Dual Core CPU with a frequency of 2.7GHz or higher (EX: Pentium G3258 3.2 20th Anniversary Edition). ROBLOX will refuse to run on most Single Core CPU's
    • RAM or Memory: 2-3 GB of memory running in ANY environment, 4GB of RAM is highly advised though.
    • Storage Space: 700 Mb of system storage space to install ROBLOX. Since ROBLOX does tons of updates, 2GB of Disk Space is recommended for update flexibility.
    • Internet: 5 Megabits per second down and 1-2 Megabits up will be fine for ROBLOX, but games which need to stream a lot of assets will slow down a tad.
    If a PC was made after 2011, you should be good in the specs department. Internet is the biggest department where lag can occur.
    Additional Notes:

    Some problems do occur on the AMD Athlon X2 series and the FX-51 of processors for "unknown reasons"

    Some problems were occurring on Kaby Lake platforms on launch but were fixed fairly quick

    Roblox requires the SSE2 Instruction Extension, found in every PC using an Intel Pentium 4 or better.
    Booga likes this.
  3. silk186

    silk186 Derp

    1 Dec 2014
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    If you are thinking something like an Intel NUC I think it will run you more than £150.
    What about a mITX build in a small case that can be upgraded later on?
    You could go with something like an Intel i3, 8GB ram and a small SSD. I think most of the Ryzen chips don't have integrated graphics and would require a GPU.
    Booga likes this.
  4. Booga

    Booga Cuppa tea anyone?

    28 Sep 2009
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    Thanks Behemoth, some useful information there.

    Yes Silk, thank you. I probably will end up building something for her that can be upgraded, if she carries on playing games. I have been looking on PC part picker just to get an idea.

    Saw this on Amazon and looks perfect as far as I can tell.
  5. silk186

    silk186 Derp

    1 Dec 2014
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    The problem with that is that the memory will need to be upgraded, the PSU is unlikely to support a GPU upgrade and some of the items may be proprietary.

    I took a closer looks at the specs and it has a 250GB HDD, not an SSD. I don't know how slow it will be but I don't think they have been made in many many years.

    The model for £214.95 is ok but still won't support a GPU.

    You would be better off collecting parts from the marketplace given the budget. You could try ebay or facebook as well.
    Last edited: 22 Aug 2018
  6. Behemoth

    Behemoth Timelord in training

    1 Nov 2001
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    I was just thinking though does it have to be a PC ? My 10 year old step daughter (well she's as good as) plays this game all the time on her tablet. Would a decent tablet not do the job instead until such time your little one is ready for a PC ? Would be a fair bit cheaper to and easier to remove than a full on PC should she get addicted to it.

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