Case Mod - In Progress Nanoxia i49 Rig

Discussion in 'Project Logs' started by OcSurfe, 1 May 2013.

  1. OcSurfe

    OcSurfe Uber Noob

    7 Aug 2012
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    Hey guys, back with another build.
    Although i still have to finish Coolsair, i was approached by Nanoxia to do a watercooled build in a Deep Silence 1, i thought this would be the perfect opportunity to upgrade by parents pc for them, my dad is a bit of an RTS nut and his pc is somewhat lacking for when the new C&C generals gets released. i also thought this would be a good chance to make a really nice tidy rig to take to iSeries in the summer, and that is the plan.
    Don't worry, Coolsair will get finished, been talking with Pexon and Nate from E22 about it a bit, and i think theres gunna be a few hardware and color changes going on there, but ill divulge that in the future.
    Before i start off with the pictures, id like to say a massive thanks to Eddy at Nanoxia for sorting the case out, but he has also generously supplied the Fans, braided extensions and possible a window side panel. So here is your shout out Eddy and Nanoxia!


    The next MASSIVE thanks goes to Gigabyte for supplying the awesome motherboard for this build, Thanks Guys!


    The proposed specs of this rig are as follows;

    i5 2500k
    Gigabyte Z68 G1 Sniper2
    2gb XFX 7850 (This may change to a 580)
    1x 500gb WD Blue
    1x 256gb Kingston HyperX 3k (OS)
    4x2gb Corsair Dominator 1600mhz Cas 8
    PSU yet to be acquired.
    Nanoxia Deep Silence 1
    7x Nanoxia Deep Silence Fans

    As for the watercooling it all going to be EK,
    1x EK 240mm Coolstream XTX
    1x EK Coolstream XT
    1x EK Supreme HF CPU block
    1x EK RAM Monarch x4
    1x EK VGA Supremacy Bridge Edition
    1x EK DCP 4.0 Pump
    1x EK RES X3 150 6 Port Reservoir
    EK-PSC Series fittings.

    Also a big thanks to Nate at E22, going to be using some of his really nice FG01 Fan Grills!


    Heres a few pics of the rig being assembled while i wait for a few more pieces to arrive.


    Big box all the way from germany! this thing was heavy, poor old guy who lived opposite initially took delivery of it, took him literally 5 minutes to carry it across the street.


    And here it is the magnificent Deep Silence 1!


    A good image of the Deep Silence Fans, these will be used through out the build, i know they don't match the green on the sniper board, but they do go very well with the Nanoxia Extensions that were provided.


    Here it is the Sniper2 in place with some of the Nanoxia Extensions, now you see how well they go with the braided cables. Also a nice shot of the Supreme HF block, i know its not the new supremacy, but i've always have a little soft spot for the aesthetic of this block, so when i saw one going for a very good price, had to snap it up.

    Anyway waiting for some of the water cooling goodies to arrive so more updates too guys, stay tuned!
    Last edited: 4 May 2013
  2. OcSurfe

    OcSurfe Uber Noob

    7 Aug 2012
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    just a small update while i wait on a much larger delivery,
    the last of the dominator came today so thats been put in and the EK rad that i got for a bargain £30 on ebay is in and installed, hopefully next week ill have the GPU and block + the roof rad and res here then i can start the watercooling.


  3. Phame


    17 Sep 2012
    Likes Received:
    Nice gear dude! I wanna see moar! :D
  4. OcSurfe

    OcSurfe Uber Noob

    7 Aug 2012
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    No photos im afraid guys but just a little heads up,
    Id like to welcome the latest sponsor to this and another build,
    Massive thanks to Enermax for sorting out a PSU!
    A 650w Triathlor!
    Brilliant guys and will be good to see the few tweaks that'll be done to this PSU.

  5. OcSurfe

    OcSurfe Uber Noob

    7 Aug 2012
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    Small update, Got a good deal on a EVGA GTX 570 and got a lovely looking Bitspower block for it, heres a few shots.


    Im loving the Nanoxia extentions, i personally believe they are a lot better than the BitFenix ones, the braiding between the two is a bit like Paracord Vs MDPC.
  6. OcSurfe

    OcSurfe Uber Noob

    7 Aug 2012
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    So today i come home from work to be greeted by a mountain of boxes!


    The Silverstone box is a Sponsored PSU for another build im doing, but the Enermax one is what we are interested in! Massive thanks to LARS at Enermax for sorting this out, so whats in such a large box you say well lets have a look!


    The 650w Triathlor PSU that they have kindly donated as well as 12 Enermax TB silence fans which are having the fan blades sprayed copper and the halo frames wrapped in carbon for another build.


    Eagled eye amounst you may have spied an EK box there, thats the Monarch Ram block for the doms, looks lovely!, also got the roof rad in now, so just need to get a pump and res sorted then its time to get this under water!


    Hopefully ill have this finished within the next week or two work permitting, ill keep you guys updated!
  7. OcSurfe

    OcSurfe Uber Noob

    7 Aug 2012
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    Just a small update,

    Once again a big Thanks to Pascal at aquatuning for sorting out the last few bits of watercooling gear, it would not have been possible without ya bud!
  8. Darkwisdom

    Darkwisdom Level 99 Retro Nerd

    27 Aug 2011
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    Looks nice so far but I think the colour scheme you're trying to make isn't working very well at the moment. The Greens are too dark and the huge amount of black on the Motherboard and case are drowning it out slightly. I hope you get some nice UV green coolant or some Green LEDs to light up the case.
  9. OcSurfe

    OcSurfe Uber Noob

    7 Aug 2012
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    Green coolant yes, not UV i HATE UV, and white LED's, not a fan of colored LED's as it bleaches.
    in regards to the colors, its all supplied by Nanoxia and thats their company color if you like, so thats what i have to work with, its not for everyone i understand that, but i also havent got my proper camera atm, that will be used for the final shots and the colors will look better
  10. OcSurfe

    OcSurfe Uber Noob

    7 Aug 2012
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    Illuminated PSU anyone?!

  11. OcSurfe

    OcSurfe Uber Noob

    7 Aug 2012
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    Ok, so today the package from Aquatuning came. Kudos to Pascal, free shipping and indeed very fast delivery.


    And this is what awaited me, the items were,
    3X Mayhems x1 UV Green Coolant,
    1X laing DDC
    1X EK 150 X-res for DDC,
    4x Alphacool 90 degree fittings,
    4x Alphacool 45 degree fittings,
    8x Alphacool fatboy barbs 1/2 inch.


    DDC and res all assembled ready to be installed.


    All hosed up ready to install, Pump secured on some foam and then in place with spring washers.


    Filling the loop and starting to bleed some of the air out!


    All done, leaked checked and everything is A-ok,


    Next up is waiting for some lovely storage devices to arrive, then to tackle the mammoth cable management task, one of my weaker areas i will admit, then i can get cracking with temperature testing and overclocking, Cannot WAIT!
    Is it wrong that i like this more than my own rig atm?
  12. OcSurfe

    OcSurfe Uber Noob

    7 Aug 2012
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    Hello guys,
    stupidly i neglected to update the Sleeved power supply,
    Well its done and here are some pictures.


    i will try and get some photos of the completed system this weekend while i have some time.

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