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Paris attacks 128 dead at Batclan reported, 99 in criticsl.

Discussion in 'Serious' started by rainbowbridge, 13 Nov 2015.

  1. TheBlackSwordsMan

    TheBlackSwordsMan Over the Hills and Far Away

    16 Aug 2009
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    To quote Yamamoto ''I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.''
  2. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
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  3. play_boy_2000

    play_boy_2000 ^It was funny when I was 12

    25 Mar 2004
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    I doubt it. Unless WWIII starts and it's kill or be killed, the west will stick to conventional weapons and rules of war. Sure the 3 letter agencies get up to some naughty stuff, but that's really a different game.
  4. oscy

    oscy Modder

    22 Sep 2011
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    A local shop (well, someone with a 'business' from their house it seems) has banned 'Islamic' people. Here are some of her quotes:

    "if you are not patretatic go away."

    "I hope your families get blown up by ISIS"

    "Any one who disapproves of my choice in client selectivness will have their names and FB status reported to the police"

    "You are clearly the most uneducated people I have ever had the misfortune of hearing."

    "I was brought up in Deptford with the blank Nigeria people"

    "Racist? Thicko dead beat idiots. I love my [n-word which isn't even spelt correctly, no it didn't even end with an a or er]"

    "You are all Sooooooooo thick. Deerrrrrrrr"

    "So thick you lot."

    "My solicitor just confirmed it" - (At midnight on a weekend)

    "Why don't you do and tell the families that last there loved ones. You'd be batterd"

    "I do not have any other interest aside protecting my country"

    "Any more comments on my business page will be reported to the police"

    "I waiting for the police. Shall I get ready for bed or are they in their way. Do tell twats"

    "those that want to call me racialist."

    "My life is with ragga and patowoire language with Trinidad" - (She is white as **** btw.)

    "ANYONE else who wants to say something to me come to (her address)"

    "You are just soooo politically uneducated it's hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!"

    "I don't care what you want to say about my choice to protect my business and my family and my house"

    "unless you want to quote patawore or SE chat, do one."

    "What if ISIS bombs your house tonight?"

    "those poor parisisnas."

    "I don't care what you think"

    "Stop messaging me."

    "Need to arch up o the news about Paris. Far more important"



    My original response to this situation mentions how terrorism is twofold now as this attack has led to people asking "How can you attack innocents who had nothing to do with it? How can you discriminate?" and then send abuse to anyone with brown skin and a foreign-looking name on Facebook comment sections.

    But this sums it up just as well...
  5. Kronos

    Kronos Multimodder

    6 Nov 2009
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    In Britain it will be more finger wagging, tut tutting, setting up investigative committees waiting on reports in a year or so's time. One only has to remember how long it took to deport Abu Qatada, that was a shambles by successive governments. And in the mean time bring in further draconian legislation which will not have the slightest impact on the bad guys, but give extra powers to the police and councils who will interpret them in ways that beggar belief. Already half the councils use anti terror legislation to check on recycling bin mistakes. Bin Crimes as they are known.

    But I will rest easy in my bed as I am reassured by the headline in the Times this morning which says "Cameron orders shoot to kill" I must admit to being unaware that prior to this order there was a shoot to wound, or perhaps a shoot to scare policy? I do wonder how you shoot to kill someone who has just blown himself up?
  6. forum_user

    forum_user forum_title

    4 Jan 2012
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    Shoot to kill the terrorist, question the bomb later.
  7. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    The councils say: "Oh, som' are 'Bin Laden' cases". :p

  8. Darkwisdom

    Darkwisdom Level 99 Retro Nerd

    27 Aug 2011
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    I'm very bothered by the media's coverage on this. People are barely mentioning a similar attack in Beirut, an al-shabab attack on a Kenyan University or an Earthquake in Japan.

    I sometimes feel as though people just follow the media's coverage. People on facebook with their french flag pictures, basically acknowledging that this attack was more important than others, even though similar attacks have left more people dead. All loss of life is awful, and I wish people would realise that rather than just focusing on one thing they see on the news.
  9. Kronos

    Kronos Multimodder

    6 Nov 2009
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    I must admit you have a point as as far as the BBC was concerned the rest of the world stopped following these attacks in Paris. It was not as if they were telling us anything new it was hour after hour after hour of the same reports.

    Fortunately Al Jazeera kept me up to date on other news.
  10. forum_user

    forum_user forum_title

    4 Jan 2012
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    Imagine how different the news would look if the media announced every attrocity like the example you gave, of the whole world.

    It does seem like the media is protecting (?), shielding (?) the average Joe and Joanna from the whole picture, or maybe even hiding (?) it from them.

    When trouble arrives on a countries doorstep it is kinda staggering the massive reaction coupled with the mindless abandonment of every other poor soul on the planet being terrorised daily.
  11. oscy

    oscy Modder

    22 Sep 2011
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    Are people really only now realising the news media is a business and not a free service i.e. it has an ulterior motive to market and even manufacture its product rather than to give the full picture?

    I stopped watching and reading the news years ago. You'll have a happier life, most of it is irrelevant. Even bombings, unless you live in a capital.

    UPDATE: She has been arrested.

    Last edited: 15 Nov 2015
  12. Harlequin

    Harlequin Modder

    4 Jun 2004
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    in alternative news - once again the terrorists very kindly went on a secret mission carrying there passports....
  13. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    The news media is a commercial enterprise, in the business of selling stories. Therefore stories must sell. Few people here in the West care about what goes on in Beirut. Most people can't point out Beirut on a map.

    Our psychological world space operates on a level of the place where we live and the 100 or so people we know personally. Beyond that things get rather hazy. So yeah, bad stuff happens in Syria, Iraq and Nigeria and places like that, but for most ordinary people it's pretty hard to really imagine what that is like. When it comes to our doorstep however, all of a sudden we get a vivid picture and people freak out.
  14. Kronos

    Kronos Multimodder

    6 Nov 2009
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    You mean the news media particularly the BBC freaked out, who had nothing but the Paris atrocities on for over 24 hours. Or are you saying that we the British public phoned the BBC on mass to demand that they do not show any other news from anywhere in the world including the UK unless it was directly connected to French story?
  15. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    It's a reciprocal process. The news media shows what sells. What sells is what people want.
  16. forum_user

    forum_user forum_title

    4 Jan 2012
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    I can see what you are sayng that our immediate circles, then outer circles, then friends of circles make up our world and main thoughts.

    I do wonder if the BBC, Sky, CNN etc, were to broadcast all atrocities (minus bias, minus business interests, political influence etc), people would be much better informed and think more broadly in terms of people all around the world and their suffering.

    Is it beyond our hopes to look after everyone on this planet equally? Maybe then we wouldn't be creating the next decades terrorists, and the next, and the next!



    I thnk the BBC only mentioned Beirut after people complained (quite rightly) that they ignored the bombing in Beirut.
    Last edited: 15 Nov 2015
  17. walle

    walle Minimodder

    5 Jul 2006
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    The same tactics the National Socialists used when they wanted children to police and spy on their parents and then report them to the state.

    The woman was arrested under section 19 and the Public Order Act which relates to the display of written material which is threatening, abusive or insulting with the intention of stirring up racial hatred, and for producing malicious communications.

    Welcome to the police state.

    Pretty soon you English will get more Orwellian "laws" such as "verbal assault and use of inflammatory language" which further will restrict free speech, or "incitement of hatred". You're getting conditioned by political correctness which leads to these kind of "laws".
    Last edited: 15 Nov 2015
  18. forum_user

    forum_user forum_title

    4 Jan 2012
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    Well that was some crazy ****.
    I happen to have on Channel 4 news right now and a reporter (live broadcast) just had a hundred'ish people legging it across the road like some more shooting going on.

    I dont know if it was a false alarm or a fire cracker ... Or what.

    (Update) false alarm apparently. Just goes to show how on edge Paris is right now. Understandably.

    I wonder how places like Beirut and Baghdad cope ... crazy.
    Last edited: 15 Nov 2015
  19. Harlequin

    Harlequin Modder

    4 Jun 2004
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  20. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    ^^^ Yup, because we don't have any radicalised Brits at all and terrorists never pose as tourists. :p

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