Rant Quick question about issues

Discussion in 'General' started by ClearCaseMan, 15 Jan 2009.

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  1. ClearCaseMan

    ClearCaseMan Acrylic GOD

    13 Apr 2002
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    I am not being bitter with anyone. I am defending my thread from being crapped in. it is just that simple. I have a goal to get done and people coming in here and saying "YAWN" is just plain childish. there are other places for people like that to linger. it is as simple as that.

  2. DarkLord7854

    DarkLord7854 What's a Dremel?

    22 Jun 2005
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    I wasn't merely posting in reference to that one post, your tone seems to be rather abrupt and can easily be taken the wrong way, especially considering you're not really giving specifics and leaving us putting 2 and 2 together from your posts :lol:

    Anyways, so your issue with with giving away free things to Bit-Tech, and now that you're in need of something, you're not getting any response what-so-ever back, even after multiple PMs?

    I'm fairly sure the forums aren't the best place to take care of issues like that and a phone call, email, or letter, would be more appropriate (especially the phone call).

  3. ClearCaseMan

    ClearCaseMan Acrylic GOD

    13 Apr 2002
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    You are right, this isnt the place for this. I have emailed several times and pm'd a handfull of times too. I wasnt going to play phone tag to get someone overseas to answer me. and the letter thing had not occured to me at all. I figured email should work since it worked when they needed stuff. and I dont mean to be vague. the fact is I did stuff for bit-tech and was promissed help in return and havent recieved it. I honestly hoped that they werent getting my emails and when I pm'd them it would have fixed everything. I am not big on disclosing everyone elses business good or bad. and out of respect for them I am not discloseing business right now. it would be similar to being at your house for a party and taking pictures. then posting them on the net. there is nothing wrong with the pics. but maybe you dont want your picture posted on the net. so I take things like that into account.

  4. dom_

    dom_ --->

    4 Jan 2004
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  5. identikit

    identikit Minimodder

    5 Jun 2004
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    Well this thread soon turned into a train wreck.

    CCM is English your first language? I ask because I just google-d and Pelion is in the USA.
  6. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    Sorry, but this thread is closing. Mind the doors.

    ClearCaseMan, if your grief is with Bit-Tech, please PM the team.
  7. dom_

    dom_ --->

    4 Jan 2004
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    You don't have to thank me, it was a pleasure.
  8. Guest-16

    Guest-16 Guest

    Yea PM or email (check the About page) with some detail please, because no one in the office has heard a single thing from you. I've read the whole thread and I still don't understand what you're on about!?

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