Rant Silly Cyclists

Discussion in 'General' started by Pete J, 30 Oct 2013.

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  1. Pete J

    Pete J Employed scum

    28 Sep 2009
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    BBC News story of anti cyclist road rage

    This guy really irritated me. He seems to be one of those cyclists deliberately going out of their way to antagonize motorists. I think the fact that he wears a camera is indication alone of hi intentions. I hate to say it, but as soon as I saw the picture of him I made a snap judgement of 'b*ll end' - thing is, I feel I was right.

    Before the cyclist elite come here to tear me a new one, I cycle to work (or at least I would continue to do so if some gypsy b******d hadn't nicked my bike a couple of months ago). I never really had a problem with motorists, though I found that as long as you expect the worst to happen (unexpected pulling out etc.) then everything was fine.
  2. RTT

    RTT #parp

    12 Mar 2001
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    I cycle 20 miles a day through central London which is mental at the best of times and there are IMO three types of cyclist

    1) Those who cycle proficiently, understand any fight with a vehicle is going to end up in them losing one way or another, so anticipate bad drivers and generally just accept the fact that, regardless of any highway code or whatever, as a cyclist you're a 2nd class road user and that's the reality of it. You're going to get pulled out on, people will beep at you for no real reason, people will overtake too close, but whatever... not worth it.

    2) Guys like that in the video who - even if they are perfectly in the right - expect to be treated like royalty, video everything and go out of their way to antagonise and offer advice to anyone driving a car who bends even the slightest rule. Tossers basically

    3) Utter dangers to themselves who make all cyclists look bad and will probably wind up dead before long.

    Not that the chav in the car was justified! But if you're going to wind up a chav, what do you expect?
  3. Tangster

    Tangster Butt-kicking for goodness!

    23 May 2009
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    I don't have a problem with cyclists filming things, it's probably an intelligent thing to do if you ride an expensive bike anyway, just for insurance reasons.
  4. liratheal

    liratheal Sharing is Caring

    20 Nov 2005
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    I wish cyclists had to register their bikes like we do cars. The number of times I've seen a cyclist run a red light (And nearly be killed in the process, then act all superior.. Made me want to kill them myself most of the time), scratch a car because they couldn't judge the gap, cut people, and me, up then get all shitty when I hit the horn, or my personal favourite:

    Ride two abreast in a tight country lane effectively blocking anyone over taking because of poor visibility and that they're all over the road.

    Hell, I pass cyclists as wide as possible because I know they're vulnerable road users. I try not to cut them up, and I'm always looking for them in my mirrors.

    I see them do as much dodgy stuff as car drivers, and I see as many if not more sensible safe riders than dickhead riders, but the dickheads stick out. As they do with cars, motorcycles, trucks, vans etcetera.

    Should be registered, so there is some recourse when they break the law that they so quickly bash over a drivers head, should be a hefty fine-able offence to not wear a helmet, and a slightly less fine-able offence for them to ride at night with nothing but reflectors (Sorry, but the abundance of front and rear lights for bicycles these days means they should be well lit at night - I can't see a reflector around a corner of a country lane, but I stand a chance of seeing a light).

    If one more cyclist knocks on my window (ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE GODDAMN CAR (Seriously, right hand side of the lane going straight on with no right turn)) I'm going to punch them in the face until they fall off their bike.
  5. Lance

    Lance Ender of discussions.

    6 May 2010
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    The kid is an unbearable bore, but he's right that driver did cut the corner, and did then threaten to assault him for no reason. People like that worry me.

    And Lir, I sometimes ride 2 abreast or ride wide, because it means I can control who goes past me. If you ride in nice and close to the pavements on some roads, there are cars that will take the space and push you into the pavement/wall because they see a gap that isn't really there. Getting passed at 40mph with a 2 inch gap on your handle bars is NOT a nice experience.

    Not everyone is as nice as you when it comes to giving riders space.
  6. Silver51

    Silver51 I cast flare!

    24 Jul 2006
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    I can sympathize. Riding a motorbike, it seems that a lot of car drivers completely loose their mind when it comes to anything on two wheels.

    The number of cars that pull out in front of me isn't as high as the number that decide they want to overtake something in the opposite carriageway, so they cross over onto my side of the road and drive head-on because; lol, bike.

    I will always give pushbikes plenty of room, even if it means slowing right down for a while.
  7. liratheal

    liratheal Sharing is Caring

    20 Nov 2005
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    I don't mind people riding two or three (Hell, I've seen them ride across both carriage ways. Boy did they get some hate for that) abreast. I understand, but when there's a line of cars waiting to get past because a cyclist cannot ride up a hill at thirty miles an hour, a few seconds riding single file won't kill anyone. Especially when they're laughing and looking at the cars they're holding up.

    I always thought the highway code preached that you should treat other road users with courtesy and respect - But around here that only seems to apply one way.

    Honestly, if I didn't dislike the idea of prison I'd have run a few over in my time.
  8. CrazyJoe

    CrazyJoe Modder

    4 Aug 2010
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    Some drivers are *****, some cyclists are *****.
    wolfticket likes this.
  9. CrapBag

    CrapBag Multimodder

    17 Jul 2008
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    Motor bike riders just recently have the habit of driving right up my arse getting ready to overtake.

    Fifth gear proved the other day that even a top competition rider couldn't brake fast enough on the bike he was testing to stop as quick as the car so one day one of these bikers is going to be implanted in my rear windscreen.
  10. liratheal

    liratheal Sharing is Caring

    20 Nov 2005
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    Just FYI.

    If you're at speed, s/he stands a chance of breaking your front seats.
  11. Lance

    Lance Ender of discussions.

    6 May 2010
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    I'm quoting this because its the whole point of everything on the road. Nothing else can be more true.

    I promise that I try to be respectful both when I'm driving and when I'm cycling. I also try to drive and cycle in a way that keeps me and those around me safe.

    At the end of the day the road is a dangerous place and the best thing you can do is be calm, be responsible and always be defensive. The punishment for ****ing up is death.
  12. RTT

    RTT #parp

    12 Mar 2001
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    :D If it makes you feel any better (excepting utter, utter twats, as usual!), motorbike riders are probably offset to your car (despite what it might look like from the drivers seat) and we can see well ahead of you anyway, so can see the car (or 3) in front of you braking before you even brake yourself. Generally bikers know exactly what they're doing :thumb:
  13. benji2412

    benji2412 <insert message here>

    25 Apr 2009
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    I'd consider myself as that, I just get out of the way of certain drivers, it isn't worth it.
  14. wolfticket

    wolfticket Downwind from the bloodhounds

    19 Apr 2008
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    Nailed it.
  15. Pieface

    Pieface Modder

    8 Mar 2009
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    I'm on a cycling forum where this guy is an active member, and when people found out that he was doing this there was a collective groan.

    He generally uploads videos of himself causing situations and just wants youtube views in general. He's been pretty much shunned by the cycling community where he is from due to his antics and the way he cycles.

    Here's his thread


    He basically just loves the fame
  16. Teelzebub

    Teelzebub Up yours GOD,Whats best served cold

    27 Nov 2009
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    I used to drive a van to Brighton and when there was the Brighton bike run they would hold on to the van for a free tow ffs I even had one holding on my door mirror until I wound the window down and told him to f'off or I would punch him in the face.

    Not all are that bad but I reckon bikes are a form of vehicle and they should have to have a licence and pass a test and be insured
  17. RedFlames

    RedFlames ...is not a Belgian football team

    23 Apr 2009
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    Dear cyclists, if you insist on barrelling along the pavement at double-digits mph and trying to run me down... I will do my utmost to ensure you come off your expensive wheeled coathanger and faceplant into the road you should be using... or i'll let you hit me then sue you into oblivion... either works for me...

    In short... get off the ****ing pavement...


  18. Krikkit

    Krikkit All glory to the hypnotoad! Super Moderator

    21 Jan 2003
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    This, all this.

    Generally I treat cyclists as I would expect to be treated myself, but once in a while you run across real nutjobs. Just the other day one shouted and gesticulated at me when I had to avoid him while he cut across some traffic lights (that were on red for his direction) on a derestricted road. Luckily I was doing 40 rather than 60+ that day, or he would've been dead/paralysed without question.
  19. legoman

    legoman breaker of things

    28 Feb 2010
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    Double edged sword, ride on the road get hit by a car ride on the pavement and hit a pedestrian.
    Said riders who ride at speed on the pavement OK yes they are breaking the law by they also fall into category three. You should ride to the conditions and traffic not to your limits

    Ill admit im quite spoilt my local area is strewn with "redways" where cyclists are allowed to ride. You can get pretty much anywhere around Milton Keynes on a bike without using the road it was part of the idea when they laid the place out.
    I have encountered angry pedestrians while on redways who seem quite angry when i glide part them leaving a large gap or cut to the grass to avoid them while they walk at me blocking the whole path. I simply ignore it and carry on, if you get angry you end up doing something stupid. OK i admit if theres a clear redway ill whack on some speed most drivers would do the same id have thought.

    When i have had to use the road the abuse you can get is unreal, I was riding in London hi viz jacket lights high viz gloves signalling etc and using the bike parts where possible. I still got abuse telling me to get off the road as I dont pay road tax. I usually smile back because no one pays road tax that shiney bit of paper in the front of your car is "vehicle excise duty" which is there because your vehicle causes pollution where as mine only does when i fart.

    General rule of thumb when riding is your in the same boat as motorbikes, very vulnerable and you will be abused if you hinder someone even in the slightest.

    Also like to add the cyclist in that videos helmet is incorrectly adjusted (chin straps far too loose)
    Last edited: 30 Oct 2013
  20. RTT

    RTT #parp

    12 Mar 2001
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