Star Wars Episode 3

Discussion in 'General' started by toidiochysp, 19 May 2005.

  1. YingKo

    YingKo What's a Dremel?

    8 Sep 2003
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    For those of you wondering about Greivous, he is more a cyborg. Basically he is what Anikan became, mostly machine. And probably would have been dead except for the emporers ability to keep people alive. I have read quite a few (read 20 or more) of the books that follow 4, 5 and 6 and although they are not by George Lucas help to understand how far reaching the emporer's powers were.

    As far as my opinion goes, all of EP. 1, 2, and 3 are a little dissappointing. When you know what has to happen and what the outcome of certain events are supposed to be, you would expect the continuity to be there. George Lucas should have not tried to fit things together at the last moment and explain them away, he should have just had it the same from the beginging.
    i.e. He should not have tried to explain at the very end of Ep. 3 how Obi-Wan was able to come back as the ghost in Ep. 5. It should have just been something that was excepted as the way it is from the begining.

    As a movie goer I thought it was a good movie, don't get me wrong. But as a star wars fan I was left a little dissappointed.
  2. fartonmyear

    fartonmyear What's a Dremel?

    16 Jul 2004
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    i'm not being picky. i'm just curious what happened between 3 and 4. what happened at 3:30?
  3. Bandit_zoraK

    Bandit_zoraK What's a Dremel?

    29 Nov 2004
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    That is the basis of the tv show being developed if I am correct.
  4. Henchman:crg

    Henchman:crg What's a Dremel?

    9 Feb 2005
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    Well, just got back from finally watching the film, and well, 90% rubbish is all I can say.
    Nobody seems to be able to make a decent film these days.
    Might explain why I don't bother with movies any more :waah:
  5. fartonmyear

    fartonmyear What's a Dremel?

    16 Jul 2004
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    i made this when attack of the clones came out. pretty cool eh? it's a sticker.

  6. Piratetaco

    Piratetaco is always right

    15 Apr 2004
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    its definatly there. just after Obi wan and anakin 'land' the ship on Coruscant.
  7. GreatOldOne

    GreatOldOne Wannabe Martian

    29 Jan 2002
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    It certainly is there - I spotted the Falcon landing on Coruscant. Is it the Falcon though? It could be any old YT1300 transport... ;)
  8. Yo-DUH_87

    Yo-DUH_87 Who you calling tiny?

    6 Mar 2002
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    Unless it had the quad guns and larger sensor dish on it, which were just 2 of the more noticable mods done to the Falcon.

    I watched for it the second time around, but did not end up seeing it. Oh well, I guess there will always be a next time ;)
  9. riggs

    riggs ^_^

    22 Jul 2002
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    Looks like no-ones using the spoiler I won't bother.

    Overall, an ok film. Much better than 1 & 2...

    However, just one thing that I need to know that relates to the original trilogy.
    How old is Luke in ep4? I'd imagine mid 20' roughly 25 years for the death star to be built and operational, right? Now forgive me if I'm wrong (I've not watched the originals in a number of years, and my memory aint too great), but surely the time frame between the end of ep4 and end of ep6 is no-where near as long as 25 years? How come they managed to get the 2nd death star operational in such a short space of time?

    Is it just down to the fact that structurally, it's no-where near finished, so they've obviously spent more time building the 'death beam' (can't remember what it's called!) weapon thingy?

    (just realised I've asked a really nerdy question...I'm not a huge Star Wars fan, but that's the first thing I thought about when I left the cinema)
  10. Piratetaco

    Piratetaco is always right

    15 Apr 2004
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    i'm guessing they where both under contruction at the same time. just staggered a bit
  11. riggs

    riggs ^_^

    22 Jul 2002
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    Hmm, never thought of that.

    But then, I always thought that they build the original, which got destroyed, so they started building a new, improved version?
  12. Springs

    Springs Boing boing

    29 Aug 2004
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    i didnt really think about it when i was watching the films.... but you think why would they build 2 death stars when 1 is more that powerfull enough to cause fear in the galaxy and supposingly indestructable...
  13. Froggy

    Froggy What's a Dremel?

    10 Jun 2003
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    Ive never seen eps 4, 5, 6 :)
    will see them when the 6 disk box set comes out :)
  14. Piratetaco

    Piratetaco is always right

    15 Apr 2004
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    incase one of them gets blown up.

    since its like a really really big target
  15. Yo-DUH_87

    Yo-DUH_87 Who you calling tiny?

    6 Mar 2002
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    If you have read the books, you will find that this is correct. Palpy killed one of the designers and transfered his "essense" into a new body, then commanded him to fix the problems the first (really the second death star) had.

    Why do I say it was really the second? Because they built a prototype that was nothing more than what was shown at the end of Episode 3. Maybe that was what you saw, and the first had not been started yet?

    The "first" death star was also built using slave labor, whereas the second was supposedly built by all human workers (and not slaves either).

    The "second" also had none of the "extra" stuff on it yet. It's mass was more than likely a 16th of the "first" due to it's lack of all the misc stuff needed for it to move and carry around it's support staff. It literally was just a laser sitting in space.

    The darksaber project had the right idea, build a superlaser without all the extra fluff and use it to blow stuff up (of course :D). Only problem with it was they used workers from a species that is pretty much born with ADD, so it didn't work out so well (ADD + assembling superlaser != good).

    The Eclipse star destroyers also had the right idea, you don't need to completely vaproize the planet or break it into little bitty peices in order to exterminate the people living on it, just vaporize the crust and leave the rest. They also had the benifit of having a little more defenses than the death stars, and were not quite as hard to move around ;)

    I haven't read most of these books for well over 6 years, so my facts may be a slight bit off, feel free to correct as nessasary and I'll go dig them up :p

    And yes, I am a nerd :D
  16. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    I think the movie sucked, to be honest. The eyecandy (SFX) were good, and the fight scenes spectacular, but it did feel a bit like an ILM billboard at times (look, we can do sweeping vistas of futuristic landscapes!), and the scenes were bitty (tried to squeeze too much in, George?).

    The acting was wooden, dialogue mediocre and I found it hard to connect with the characters or care about their struggles. Obi Wan sounded like he had studied at Eaton, and towards the end of the movie, after he has seen all his Jedi peers killed, the Republic fall, the dark Sith lord rise to power, and his Padwan, the Chosen One, the hope of the Universe who is like his brother, turn to the dark side and killed (he thinks) by his hands, he still looked as squeeky clean, hair parted and pink complexion like he just walked into a dinner party.

    In fact, this goes for all the characters: I mean, there was no experience of transformation. There was no journey. None of the characters seemed to change fundamentally as a result of their experiences, which is rather ironic considering this is a movie about people changing. Even Anakin, in changing from good to bad did not seem to acquire complexity and depth to his character in the process but rather flatten into a ranting 2D parody of a "bad guy".

    Moreover, Anakin's rather abrupt turn to the dark side was contrived to say the least (I mean, come on!). I think a brilliant opportunity was completely screwed into the ground here by George Lucas, and turned what could have been a powerful, emotional and above all meaningful movie that would have left you thinking about the true nature of good and evil, the nature of politics and war, and exactly just why dictators manage to come to power, into just a rather boring fairytale with rockets. And the tragedy is, it wouldn't even have taken much. Just some dialogue changes and relying on the damn good acting talent he had available there.

    Dooku's death almost felt like a loose end that needed tying up, and General Grievous' role had no point and just took up valuable screen time that could have been spent on telling a good story (probably just squeezed as many characters in as they could to maximise merchandising opportunities).

    So I'm left with the sense of a tragically lost opportunity. Something that could have been so good, became such a mediocre disappointment. Perhaps George is tired of it all. Perhaps he just decided to park his brain at the door and let the flashy effects sell the film and subsequent merchandising to its established fanbase. Perhaps the lure of an easy cash cow was too tempting, too easy and he didn't feel like he needed to stretch himself. I think that during that movie, someone did turn to the dark side after all. But it was George.
  17. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Multimodder

    27 Aug 2003
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    but the important thing is did you enjoy your popcorn?
  18. supermonkey

    supermonkey Deal with it

    14 Apr 2004
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    I thought it was decent enough, for a Star Wars prequel.

    For me, the acting has been one of the weakest points since the beginning of Episode I. Ewan McGregor and Liam Neeson are two of my favorite actors, but they were held back by poor dialogue. Christopher Lee is another amazing acting talent, again wasted on bad writing. Natalie Portman and the two kids who played Anakin were all wasted opportunities, as none of them could pull off the roles very well. Hayden Christensen is my personal favorite for "Worst Actor of the Star Wars Franchise." George may be able to write action scenes, but he needs to vow to never write another love story. Ever.

    George sold out to the cash cow a long time ago (in a galaxy far far away...) With the constant remakes of the original trilogy (none of them adding anything worthwhile), and the tragedies that were Episodes 1 and 2, I had low expectations for Episode 3. Perhaps that's why I was ok with it. Yes, the special effects were good. Yes, the saber duels were incredibly impressive. Everything else was sub-par. I think nowadays he's just looking for any excuse to throw in digital effects. Consider that almost the entire movie was shot against a green screen.

    My 3 biggest complaints about the film:
    General Grievous (really the entire scene at that planet): Stupidly pointless.
    Hayden Christensen: Can't act.
    Anakin's "death": You mean to tell me that after all the acrobatics, after all the flipping around over lava, after all the 2-saber dueling with Dooku and eveyone else in the galaxy, Anakin is taken down in one stroke during a flip in the air? I don't buy it.

    And as fun as it was to see Yoda finally get to show his stuff, the digital uber-Yoda of the prequels just doesn't fit with the calm, wise, puppet Yoda of the originals. Give me the puppet any day :)

  19. Kevo

    Kevo 426F6C6C6F636B7300

    9 Sep 2001
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    It sucked on so many levels but I think Anakin should have got a red lightsaber though, I mean forget all about making them ********.

    It would have just looked better when he’s raping the Jedi kids, and added a bit of clarity to the last fight between him and Obiwan instead of the big blue blurry mess that we got instead. :rolleyes:
  20. Firehed

    Firehed Why not? I own a domain to match.

    15 Feb 2004
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    IIRC I think it was indicated (ep5?) that a new space station was under construction. You'll also note that the Death Star MkII only blows up spaceships (albeit quickly), not planets.

    supermoney good point, but as was pointed out by Obi Wan, he did have the height advantage, and it's pretty hard to defend yourself in one of those crazy spinning jumps (and I don't think he had it lightsaber on then anyways, I'd have to check again).

    Just saw EP1 again, yoda is just fugly. Might be about the same in EP2, haven't watched it recently, but I swear he looks about 200 years more wrinkled although a bit less bald.

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