The Unofficial Hard Drug Discussion Thread.

Discussion in 'Serious' started by DivineSin, 17 Jan 2006.

  1. DivineSin

    DivineSin What's a Dremel?

    23 Apr 2004
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    Alright, so we've all had discussions on marijuana, and i would consider that a safe drug as alot of you would as well. What do you think of hard drugs? Such as Cocaine/Crack/LCD/Extacy/Mushrooms/Meth, i'de like to hear from some people who have done such drugs as well.

    Personlly i'de consider Cocaine/Crack and Meth the only drugs that I would personally never want to experience. I've heard and read very good things about how LCD can awaken your mind, and mushrooms being the same but a milder effect. Extacy seems to be like a party drug, which i might consider someday to take, but i think it would be on the last of my list.

    So, what drugs would you consider taking/what do you think of other drugs?
    Last edited: 17 Jan 2006
  2. specofdust

    specofdust Banned

    26 Feb 2005
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    Acid is LSD, and only a fool, or a damn fool, would take it at a party. Its far too strong, unpredictable, and long lasting drug to take it at a non-acid orientated party, its a real no no :)

    Extacy is a party drug, I've never taken it myself, but have been at a few small gatherings where the majority of people there have been doing so, and they do seem to have a great time(not that I don't not on it).

    What drugs would I consider taking? Most of 'em to be honest. There are certain drugs I would always avoid, heroin, meth, crack, stuff like that, the rest of it is all fair game as far as I'm concerned, if taken responsibly.

    I've got no problem with most drugs, the really hard horrible dependancy ones are horrible things, and I don't like them one bit.
    Last edited: 17 Jan 2006
  3. DivineSin

    DivineSin What's a Dremel?

    23 Apr 2004
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    Scuse me, corrected.
  4. Malvolio

    Malvolio .

    14 Dec 2003
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    OK, E is NOT something to play with, and you will never be the same after taking even one dose from it. E will kill you, and it will change you. I've heard of far too many people dieing from taking the drug (my sister has had three friends die within the last two years due to it).

    Honestly, if you want to get high, be my guest, just don't think you won't be screwed up for it :p

    As for myself? I refuse to even take pain-killers due to their side-effects (yeah, call me crazy, the doctors do, it's one of them personal things). But that’s not to say I haven't experimented. The only drug I've taken has been Sylvia. Basically, I got really giddy, the room seemed to "melt", and I needed to get outside as I started to come down. Lasted a grand total of about 5-6 minutes, and I was completely back to normal in a half hour. Fun.
  5. Ab$olut

    Ab$olut What's a Dremel?

    22 Dec 2004
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    Maybe a BIG maybe on e as im into underground dance and have attended a few raves where nearly everyone has been off there head accept me and my mate most ravers say they need it to get through the night or it makes the experience 100x better than it already is but ive never really had the need I can stomp all night without anything but a few drinks :D
  6. specofdust

    specofdust Banned

    26 Feb 2005
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    I'm sorry, but I have to call BS on this. For a start, E is not some life changing drug, its nothing like a powerfull halucinagen, its a light party drug that makes you love people and wanna dance, not much more.

    Secondly, hardly anyone dies from MDMA, the number of people who die from common problems that occur in E takers isn't even that high, its one of the safest illegal drugs. If your sister has had three friends die in the last two years, I would suggest that either they were complete and utter morons, or that they weren't taking MDMA, most likely the latter.

    While dehydration and hyperhydration do kill a small number of users of E per year, the number is very very small, at least within the UK.

    But the notion that E is some massively life changing drug from one dose...I disagree with that.

    As for Salvia Divinorm(which is what you probably meant by sylvia), thats a considerably more powerfull drug then acid, if taken a few times, so you may want to reconsider taking that if you're very opposed to E.

    Salvias effects are short lived, and theres this weird inverted tolerance thing goin on where the more times you take it the stronger the effect is, but just because its legal shouldn't lead anyone to believe its weak, its not, its considerably more...powerfull, then acid or most halucinagens(with the exception of DXM, among the common ones at least) and should be treated with utmost respect.

    edit: quick little fact on E, there have been about 200 extacy related deaths since 1996 in the UK, thats under 25 people per year. To put that in perspective, 14 peolpe die every year in the UK from testing those little square 12V batteries on their lips or tongues. Also, aproximately 200,000 thousand people are estimated to take Extacy in the UK every single weekened. That means over 10,000,000 E pills are taken every year in the UK, and under 25 people die. Hope that illustrates how incredibly safe E is. Also, malf, if 3 people died in one area of Canada, considering that Canada has half the population of the UK(or so), those cases would make up a quarter of E related deaths in canada for one year, so 1/8th of 2 years, thats quite surprisingly high.
    Last edited: 17 Jan 2006
  7. Malvolio

    Malvolio .

    14 Dec 2003
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    OK, sure, don't believe me. Thing is though, dehydration is not the only issue.

    Yes, this is true, and I know all that, which is why I've only taken it once (as I attempted to indirectly state).
  8. DivineSin

    DivineSin What's a Dremel?

    23 Apr 2004
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    What is this salvia? I've never heard of it. I actually have done a drug that i would like to share, its called Tripple C. Its an over the counter cough/cold medication that is taken in excess and smoked with marijuana. I'de have to say it was one of the stupidest things i have ever done in my life and i'm glad i didnt overdose. It literally makes you feel like your hallucinating, drunk, and high at the same time. I spent two days in bed recovering after that night, sad to say.

    Edit: Malfoleo, you actually trust what a government site throws your way? There drug 'facts' usually arnt the most reliable. I've been around drugs for a long time and have never locally (aka friend/friends friend) die from extacy. The only thing you really need to worry about when you take it is that it isnt mixed with anything and you need to be hydrated.
    Last edited: 17 Jan 2006
  9. specofdust

    specofdust Banned

    26 Feb 2005
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    I know the quoted effects of MDMA malf :)(read my edit above in case you missed it), the simple fact is that dehydration and hyperhydration(which I also mentioned) are the main causes of death in MDMA related deaths, things like heart and kidney failure are so rare they might as well be zero.

    DivineSin, Salvia is a halucinagenic plant, its legal in all countries except Austrailia. Its very powerfull, when taken a few times, is taken in large doses compared to cannabis, and is obviously very cheap as a result of being legal.

    Its sold in two forms, plant and extract, the extract is basicly the same as plant, only more powerfull(normally shown by a factor on the container - 2,5,10,12,15 and 20 are the most common factors). Taking extract is inadvisable for non-experienced users of the drug. If smoked it needs to be smoked in a pipe, not a joint, and needs to be lit with a jet gas flame, a regular lighter will not work properly. It can also be chewed, in a thing called a "quid". The effects last roughly 5-15 minutes when smoked, and 15-30 minutes when chewed, with major halucinations occuring by the third or fourth use. There are no known side effects to salvia, and its been taken for millenia by central american tribes.
  10. Malvolio

    Malvolio .

    14 Dec 2003
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    OK, sure, I'll bite.

    Honestly, if you don't know what all E can do, you've not done any research at all :p

    The only site I found that did not have the same basic set of information was one promoting the use of E, and had the same exact missinformation you've given. (honestly, please do some research before taking it, as it DOES effect you more than what you're anticipating).

    [EDIT]Spec, I do respect you, and I don't doubt your numbers, but why should I lie? I was the one who had to be there with my sister at the funerals, and I was the one to console her. It is a very powerful thing to be standing at a place like that.

    E does more than just a temp high, and it is a dangerous drug. The last thing I need is for one of the better people in SD to go off on a trip and deteriorate. It would suck for everybody.[/EDIT]
    Last edited: 17 Jan 2006
  11. DivineSin

    DivineSin What's a Dremel?

    23 Apr 2004
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    Odd, i've never heard of that. I'll have to do some research, thanks for the info. :thumb:
  12. specofdust

    specofdust Banned

    26 Feb 2005
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    Likewise malf :)

    I wasn't intending to imply you'd lied, apoligies if it sounded like that, all I was meaning to say was that chances are there was some really bad stuff(non MDMA) being sold in your area, and that the numbers of people to die from MDMA each year are negligable, so if they did actually die from MDMA, they were, as I said, 1/8th of the people that would die in those 2 years in all of canada.

    I just don't agree that E is more then just a light party drug though, yes, it has longer term effects if taken regularly, but all things in excess are bad for you. Taken on a fairly irregular basis, I would consider MDMA to be safe. There is research going on into the long term effects of it, but that seems to generally take place on common users, and like I say, in excess, anythings bad.
  13. xen0morph

    xen0morph Bargain wine connoisseur

    30 Jun 2002
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    having caned E's for a long time myself, I can't argue that they do **** you up when taken to excess, and they do change you, however I don't think occasional use of the drug can cause that many problems.

    It's VERY difficult to overdose. in fact, it is practically unheard of for an ecstacy related death to be due to overdose. most often it's due to dehydration/heatstroke or from drinking too much water (usually the latter). The other main cause of death is from having an allergy to MDMA itself (although this is rare, and more often than not this will just result in a bad time when taking it, rather than death.)

    The other possibility, which is more likely, is that the drug they obtained was not MDMA, but one of the more toxic relatives such as MDE.

    don't get me wrong, E is a crap drug, and you probably shouldn't bother with it, but taking it will NOT kill you and NOT turn you into a drug-fuelled psychopath, unless you're an incredibly rare case or just a moron.

    there is a lot of misinformation about ecstacy.
  14. Da Dego

    Da Dego Brett Thomas

    17 Aug 2004
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    Just for an on-the-record:
    Please keep in mind that seratonin dumps caused by chemicals like E have long-term effects on the mood. When used VERY occasionally (once or twice a year, for example), it takes the body approximately 3-5 days to rebuild levels of seratonin and dopamine in the brain, causing depression during those periods. Over prolonged, more frequent use, the brain cannot keep up with the demands and you essentially put yourself in a nearly permanent clinical depression. The more frequent the occurance, the less your body becomes able to produce these chemicals, as well. So, I'd make sure you keep in mind the possible risks that are not just physical. Rare usage has no long term side-effects, assuming you can handle being grumpy the next few days, but frequent usage degrades the brain's ability to reach normal levels of happiness.

    Also, particularly in the US/Canada market, where E is less easily brought into the country, the tablets are doped with other compounds, similar to how cocaine is 'cut' with sugar, or heroin with rat poison. That's probably why Malf has had those types of experiences while you guys in the UK (who are closer to clean sources in eastern european countries) have very low side effects. Actual MDMA has very little chance of causing your death, but the stuff they put in it over here can range from being mixed with LSD, to PCP (a DANGEROUS combo), to opiate derivitaves, to household cleaning chemicals (I kid you not).

  15. Tibby

    Tibby Back Once Again

    9 Oct 2005
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    I can only comment on cocaine really.

    Tbh my opinion is it should be left for the rich.

    It has become a glamour drug. Becuase the end user has little cash, it is cut heavily.

    Therefore you get a high of about 20mins, and constantly take it.

    I just personally consider it a waste.
  16. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    ...and then there are manufacturing errors with synthetic compounds, often made by some failed chemistry student in a make-shift kitchen lab...

    For instance MPPP (1-methyl 4-phenyl 4-propionoxypiperidine) is an opioid analgesic drug. It is not used in clinical practice, but has been illegally manufactured for recreational drug use. It is an analog of meperidine (Demerol), but since it is not used in medicine, the DEA has labeled it a Schedule I drug in the United States.

    Mistakes in the synthesis process may lead to the production of the neurotoxin MPTP, which causes symptoms similar to Parkinson's Disease. In the worst case, one dose can paralyse you from the eyeballs down. Permanently. In less severe cases, you're stuck with really bad Parkinson's symptoms, permanently.
  17. exavier412

    exavier412 What's a Dremel?

    15 Jan 2004
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    i have tried salvia, shrooms, and ecstacy.

    salvia is a legal plant that when smoked makes you hallucinate for a good 10-15 minutes. me and my friends were running around in circles at a park, and just felt like gravity had altered. i was convinced i was going to fall through the ground into blackness..

    shrooms is like a complete body takeover. it felt as if something was coming out of me, or i was a completely new person. i didnt have a care in the world. i saw faces in trees, the ground breathing, and the walls moving. things of that nature.

    i recently took ecstacy and found it quite overrated. unlike salvia and shrooms, i still felt in complete control, and was able to socialize and function. it just made me feel amazing. my body just felt great all over. if e wasnt such a harmful drug, it would be taken often. but it is a harmful drug.

    personally, i dont especially want to try anything else really, but i will probably try them at one time or another. i have had good experiances so far, and although i do feel that they are harmful, i feel responsible enough to know when to do them, and when not to.

    also, all drugs i have taken have been under sober supervision. i recommend that to anyone wishing to try any recreational substance.

    these are personal experiances, and are different for everyone. i do not recommend these drugs to anyone, they are illegal, and harmful.
  18. specofdust

    specofdust Banned

    26 Feb 2005
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    Its intresting the way opinions of E differ, it seems to be considered a very dangerous thing stateside, whereas in the UK its basicly considered safe. I guess thats mostly down to the difference in markets as Da Dego points out.
  19. ou7blaze

    ou7blaze sensational.

    5 May 2003
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    Salvia is some kind of plant which looks just like any other weed plant lol and I have a feeling it's taken the same way smoked basically..

    It's illegal to deal/sell buy not illegal to possess or consume, at least in the US anyway.
  20. bloodcar

    bloodcar Minimodder

    1 Sep 2002
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    It's not illegal in the US. I can drive to the local headshop and buy the plant or the extract with no trouble at all. It sits right behind the main counter. I've had quite a few experiences with drugs, but I"ll tell more on them later when I don't have to go to work.

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