News WoW add-on is the fastest selling game in history

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by WilHarris, 24 Jan 2007.

  1. IccleD

    IccleD What's a Dremel?

    11 Oct 2006
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    Yes, I own a copy, no I'm not 70 yet. Congratulations to Blizzard on their achievement.

    Mute Point; The Chinese Government made Blizzard impliment a system on their version of the software, that limits the time a person can play.
    After a set period, you stop gaining XP, Currency & Item for kills, which requires another set period of time to reset. Something like 3 hrs online / 3 hrs offline.
    This may be a great way to overcome addiction, however, there are way round it (buy a couple of accounts for example, if you really must play that much).

    I'm just glad I have the freedom of choice to decide how long I play for, & when I want to.

    WoW has infact saved me money, as instead of going to the pub getting drunk, I stay in with the missus, who also plays, and enjoy chatting with 40 of my Guild mates about the choas of the "Real World" & having a good, time.
  2. sadffffff

    sadffffff Minimodder

    20 Oct 2003
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    that is EXACTLY the same thing the addicts i live with say when i try to confront them with their problem along with saying they are socializing just the same as anyone else and how the real world is harder. infact they played wih a guy who stayed home and played wow with his wife every night...they got a divorce.
  3. casey_cole

    casey_cole Minimodder

    16 Dec 2006
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    Maybe for people who have a job already, it's a good thing - as IccleD shows - but for people who don't HAVE to go to school or get a job (e.g. over 16 but still live at home), it's easy to play all day long and into the nights, then wake up at 11.00 the next day for a sandwich and more WoW into the nights...

  4. Vash-HT

    Vash-HT What's a Dremel?

    7 Jun 2006
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    I don't know where I should start wit this, but I have been playing MMO games on and off for a very long time, and I have to say that the people talking about addiction on here interests me quite a bit.

    There may have been times when I would have agreed with you that these games are intentionally made to draw people in and waste their time, but not anymore.

    I started playing MMOs with Ragnarok Online. The only reason I really had any fn was because I played with a few of my friends, but we played it quite a bit. I started playing it right before I went off to college, and I continued to play it a lot during school. My first year going into electrical engineering I still manged about a 3.8/4.0 whilst playing a ton every day. While some people may not agree with me, I think a lot of people overstudy for college. I did my hw when I had it, gave a couple horus studying for tests, but spent a lot of my other free time playing. Still, even with all of the playing, I made friends on my floor, and went out with them to do things. Anyway, I graduated very recently near the top of my class, and I've pretty much been playing some MMORPG during my whole school career. When I first played WoW, I dove into it way too fast, and played it too much so I cut back. I bought BC and am playing it with my little brother now, and we only play a couple hours at night, and we don't even paly it every consecutive night. There was a time when I thought that I HAD to play these games a ton in order to do well, but now after trying playing it in moderation, I'm enjoying playing it as well as having a lot of time for other things. BTW, I have played GW mroe than any MMORPG I have played. One week during school I played for 56 hours, and after that I toned it down a bit. The lack of a subscription doesn't mean you can't waste your time on it, i know people who ahve done it with all kidns of games.

    Anyway trying to wrap this up, I agree with the people saying its your friends faults that they play so much, not Blizzard's, and I would like to add its partially your fault. If theyre really your friends, and youre really worried about it, then you should be helping them, not forgetting about them and laughing about how you have other friends and a whole house to yourself.
  5. sadffffff

    sadffffff Minimodder

    20 Oct 2003
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    well thats just the thing. i look down on them for what they do, it disgusts me that they do it, and i think theyre pathetic. i'll let them hit rock bottom to find out, theyre not kids anymore they can figure this out the hard way. they werent my best friends so i honestly dont care about their well being. and i do like having the house to myself. ive always been that way with friends, i dont let people get too close to me, except my girlfriend and my immediate family. guess that makes me cold. im antisocial too, but i do try to combat that.

    but that doesnt mean that i dont see a problem with the product and what it does to weak people. and it should probably have something done with it as far as warnings and limitations. i think this problem that appears to be becoming more and more evident is due to an addictive product and it is blizzards problem.

    another couple friends of mine that live togather both thought WoW was dumb... the one friend started telling the other to play it because he heard of my housemates and wanted the same (to see less of his roommate).. he resisted for a while saying how dumb the game was, but finally gave hes hooked and plays day and night never leaves his room, though thankfully he doenst skip school for it, yet.
  6. themax

    themax What's a Dremel?

    2 Dec 2005
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    Highland3r as far as the realm split goes, I believe Blizzard said they will do their best to give everyone a choice. I think something like 3 or 4 days after the split if you have not decided on which realm to go to you will be defaulted to the realm with the least population between the 2 at the moment. Guilds will taken into acct concerning the realm split, so for the most part, guilds shouldn't have to worry about being split apart because of the split, unless they have a load of inactive characters who let themselves be assigned one by the server.
  7. Lazlow

    Lazlow I have a dremel.

    8 Aug 2003
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    A slight under-exaggeration there - I awoke for work this morning (about 7:45am) to find my brother still levelling on WoW. He was about 120k XP off of level 70. Apparently he hit the big 7-0 at 9:30am and then went to sleep. He doesn't get up until I get in from work, at around 5:30pm! That's addiction. Though I keep teasing him about the French guy who did it in 24 hours...
  8. Sloth

    Sloth #yolo #swag

    29 Nov 2006
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    Or not scrapping Starcraft Ghost as they seem to have done :sigh:
  9. killergrips

    killergrips What's a Dremel?

    1 Feb 2007
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    WOW waweewa
  10. AcidJiles

    AcidJiles Minimodder

    19 Jun 2006
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    i dont understand how you could possibly get addicted too it. its so boring, i played a friends character a few times and its just very very reptitive and real lacking in the main reason to play games. FUN
  11. Pray_II

    Pray_II What's a Dremel?

    9 Feb 2007
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