Windows Crysis WARHEAD - An Ironman Videothrough (COMPLETE)

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Gunsmith, 31 Jan 2010.

  1. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
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    Wooo, here we go again! :D

    Whilst I havent been able to finish posting the original Ironman (borked netbook) I have actually completed it and as soon as i can un**** my netbook, i'll post the rest. It experiance, but still too easy

    So I'm doing warhead as well, however this is being done differently....

    so then....Ironman rules, at 800x600, on Delta difficulty with FRAPS raping away...sounds deliciously evil :D








    Last edited: 5 Feb 2010
    mars-bar-man and smc8788 like this.
  2. smc8788

    smc8788 Multimodder

    23 Apr 2009
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    That is all.
  3. knuck

    knuck Hate your face

    25 Jan 2002
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    nice man, nice

    I haven't tested the config(s) you gave me yet because my friend who owns the game is in mexico (city!)

    I will give it a shot at some point though :)
  4. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
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    no. 3: Adapt or Perish done :clap:
  5. theskirrid

    theskirrid What's a Dremel?

    15 Dec 2009
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    You am teh man.

  6. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
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    4. Frozen Paradise done, just patching all the video files together, should be up later on this evening :thumb:
  7. smc8788

    smc8788 Multimodder

    23 Apr 2009
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    Well this is a massive disappointment. You don't sound like I thought you would at all.

    J/K of course ;)

    I find it amazing how fast you get through each level when all I remember was slowly crawling through the bushes for most of the game, although the increased difficulty of Delta seems to be somewhat offset by most enemies only needing one or two shots to go down. I didn't even know a lot of the routes you took for some of those levels even existed, and I had no idea the shotgun or grenade launcher even had secondary fire modes. I seem to have missed out on a lot when I played through this game :sigh:

    Do you use the middle mouse button for switching between the suit modes or some other method? I could never switch between the suit modes that fast without selecting the wrong one by mistake and end up getting shot in the face.
  8. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
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    yeah I dont sound like a Brummie at all, Some people have thought I was Australian before now :eeek:

    Delta is all about taking away the comforts of the hud whilst upping the danger of the enemy ordinance, In the early levels the KPA have little armor so 2 shots from an unsilenced SCAR rifle will more then happily take them down, Its power ofset by its ammo. Later on they get some beef and require more of a beating. I didnt find out about the shotgun spread until about a month ago, Im running through the original crysis at the moment using only a shotgun and my fists, I can see ammo being a problem in hte later levels for it so i might switch to an FY :)

    yeah I use middle mouse for suit functions, Its kinda gotten to the point where I dont think about what mode I'm in or need to be in, its become almost instict now :worried:

    oh, 04: Frozen Paradise is uploaded and you can all laugh as I **** myself in the final defend sequence :waah:
  9. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
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    05: Below the Thunder done, just uploading now.
    Last edited: 2 Feb 2010
  10. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
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    05: Below the Thunder uploaded for your viewing pleasure, probably the easiest level in the game bar the end room.

    wish id have done the original like this as opposed to a million and one pictures :/
  11. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
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    right then time to go at 06: From Hells Heart I've been dreading this bit since I started this as its almost completly random.

    will I make it or will I push my luck and fail miserably?

    place your bets :D
  12. smc8788

    smc8788 Multimodder

    23 Apr 2009
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    This is the one on the train where you have zero cover and can't use the cloak for any length of time, isn't it? I predict a change of underwear after the bit at the end where you have to defend the train.
  13. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
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    thats actually the easiest part, its getting there im worried about :worried:
  14. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
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    what do helicopters and jeeps have in common? they both explode in the air :D

    06: From Hells Heart complete, and what a complete it was :D

    read after youve watched.

    on the train i state the level is random, it is to a point, various things spawn at various locations however what spawns is entierly random, sometimes ive gottne through without so much as a chopper in the air, others its been evil and sent 3 choppers after me, i have NEVER had a 4th chopper turn up just before the awesome jeep kill, apologies about the entusiasm of said kill. I was absolutly terrified and on an adrenaline high for most of the first 4 mins :(
    Last edited: 5 Feb 2010
  15. alecamused

    alecamused Minimodder

    22 Apr 2008
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    Honestly, i enjoyed watching you do this way more than i enjoyed playing myself. Awesome!
  16. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
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    right then...onto the Finale.
  17. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
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    07: All the Fury complete. Thats the end of the run folks :lol:
    Last edited: 5 Feb 2010
  18. mars-bar-man

    mars-bar-man Side bewb.

    17 Apr 2009
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    Hey man, actually love this!!

    Thought of putting it into one BIG video? And if YouTube will let you, upload the entire game?
  19. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
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    I've been thinking about what to finish on for the last 2 hours while the final video was processing and uploading. I felt that this was overally much easier then Crysis, not because of its difficulty but because of the mindset I was in when doing it. Sure death is final, but that nagging sensation in the back of my mind constantly when going through the original Crysis led me to make so many silly mistakes that nearly did cost me my life, It was as if no matter how much training I had I couldnt play at my full potential for fear of the consequences. With Warhead I let the fear of death which plagued my original run slip to the back of my mind, it was almost as if a massive weight had been lifted off my shoulders and all my knowledge and experiance that I've built up over the hundreds of hours of gameplay both on and offline was let loose again.

    however, the experiment was somewhat sullied by having intel ahead of play, knowing where enemy locations and patrols were as well as thier weapon capabilities and AI pathways from repeated playthroughs meant I was able to approach each situation with the ideal course of action in mind, yet at the same time that is not entirely true. There is no AI pattern to predict when fighting the aliens and the random spawning of vehicles in From Hells Heart meant that I was kept on my toes.

    I want to expand on From Hells Heart a little more as well as the fourth helicopter incident.

    FHH is possibly the closest thing I can think of to being in an actual combat senario, I went in with limited intel as to what I could expect only to be dealt a vicious and unpredictable hand. In those first 3 minutes on the train I experianced anger, fear, and euphoria. The anger was at the second and third chopper spawns, normally the 2nd chopper would have attacked me just after the I took out the jeep to the left and below, instead it waited for me to dismount the cannon before launching a very suprising attack as well as the immidiate 3rd chopper coming at me straight after. fear was the 4th chopper, I've never had a 4th chopper appear and shooting blinding throught the trees was the most terrifying thing I had ever experianced in Crysis, its death followed by following jeep kill made me scream so loud that I think I woke my neighbors dog. I was genuinly shaking at that point.

    Taking down the final exosuit was no where as thrilling as that incident in FHH, this was probably because in the final battle I knew exacly where to attack from thus removing the immidiate threat. No risk, no reward.

    This brings me to an immidiate problem with todays games: Difficulty

    lets take a look at what the definition of a game is, there are actually quite a few in the dictionary however this one is most relevent to our needs:

    3. a competitive activity involving skill, chance, or endurance on the part of two or more persons who play according to a set of rules, usually for their own amusement or for that of spectators.

    Some people would argue that this definition was describing chess as opposed to something like Super Mario Bros. actually they are very much alike, you have your game pieces; pawns rooks/mario bowser, you have your board/levels of which the pieces will play on and then you have rules depecting how those pieces will behave as well as react in a given situation. There are always two players weather it be computer vs human or human vs human as experienced in multiplayer gaming.

    So we have 2 teams competing against each other for a single objective, to win.

    However there can only be one winner which means the other person or playing party must lose or achieve something less then the winning party, afterall that is what a competition is.

    Rewind back 15 - 20 years ago, how many games did you have on your shelf that you couldnt complete because you werent good enough? there must have been a few however how many of you would continue playing those games either through enjoyment or to achieve the final cutscene? Through failure came experience, through experience; learning, and thus were able to play the game again with more skill and understanding until you were eventually able to finish the game.

    But what if you enjoyed the game and didnt want it to end? you would either play it again or ramp up the difficulty level to give youself more of a challenge.

    Difficulty levels also served another purpose. To help people get into the game who were ordinarily not very good and again through failure came experience, through experience came learning etc. Crysis tackled this wonderfully. On easier difficulties the game helps you with the highlighting of enemies and grenades whilst cleverly hiding it within the mechanics of the Nanosuit. Higher difficulty levels not only up the quality of the opposition but take away the aids that helped you get there in the first place.

    Todays gaming devs are no long run by people interested in making games for people to enjoy instead its all about revenue, If your busy enjoying "simulated action military shooter" then you cant play "simulated action military shooter" 2 at the same time. So instead they turn they're eyes to those not playing games, the masses; and see them as untapped revenue.

    The clever difficulty mechanic however is lost in modern gaming as "simulated action military shooter" 3 becomes easier and through vicious marketing its pushed in the faces of the masses at every turn. through statistics generated from its sale "simulated action military shooter" 4 is released presenting more of what people liked from 3 but at the same time being even shorter and more even easier to help people finish it and move onto "simulated action military shooter" 5. Fans of the original complain but thier pleas fall of deaf ears as a new product range "simulated action military shooter: new fight" is released and marketed with an all out launch party in london.

    The unrivaled success of simulated action military shooter: new war" causes other devs to release thier own rendition and soon the concept of difficulty level is replaced with a lazy "more hp" option. Originality also suffers in the quest for more profit forcing old gamers to revel in the vistigious qualities of old gaming or band together to become thier own dev studios catering to both the gamers of old and releasing thier concepts to a new and blindly lead masses.

    Its' hard to say if this is a re-occuring cycle as gaming only really took off at the start of the 80's but it does beg the question as to if and when the gaming industry experiances a "financial" meltdown. :/

    YT will most likley tell me to **** off at uploading a file over 4 hours long. If I had an old Director accound from before 2007 I could upload whole levels instead.

    I am VERY tempted on re-doing the original in video form as 1. its easier for me to do and 2. im guessing you lot enjoyed watching me punch the **** out of Koreans more then reading about it. If I do then Im sure as hell going to experiment with video encoding more so I can get these file sizes down.

    If anyone wants who is familier with video encoding wants to experiment in getting these ones down to a more managable size then they're more then welcome to try. :lol:
    Last edited: 5 Feb 2010
    boiled_elephant and Elton like this.
  20. smc8788

    smc8788 Multimodder

    23 Apr 2009
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    Hell, I think it was loud enough to wake my neighbour's dog :lol:

    Absolutely, this walkthrough was a blast and I strongly encourage you to re-do the original in a similar fashion. As well as being easier for you to do, it's also a lot more enjoyable and accessible for us to watch (well at least for me, I have a short attention span so it's easier for me to watch something than to read it :D).

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