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News New iMac disassembled

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Tim S, 9 Aug 2007.

  1. Bauul

    Bauul Sir Bongaminge

    7 Apr 2007
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    It's not that we hate macs, we don't, it's the stuck up, self important, supercilious little twats that rave on about them being 'perfect machines' that we don't like.
  2. pillow

    pillow What's a Dremel?

    16 Aug 2004
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    the high school i just graduated from has a "maclab" and they are on a server connected to the university in my town. all photo and video editing and almost every website that is made in the maclab. then count the number of people using them for personal usage. the windows lab half the computers dont work or run slow as hell. so i would say that on a server they work fine. you probably didnt know how to use one. o and the guy that runs both the labs is a pc person and pretty much has one of the teachers run the maclab.so i dont understand whats wrong with them on a server because at my old highschool they didnt/dont crash at all.

    so its not that you dont like macs, its that you dont like being told how perfect they are? there are problems wih macs. hard to build one from scratch, hard to upgrade parts other than ram/hd, and the biggest problem is very limited support for gaming. although u can install vista or xp and play games that way, which is a hassle.
    Last edited: 9 Aug 2007
  3. Ramble

    Ramble Ginger Nut

    5 Dec 2005
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    I don't hate Macs or Apple. As said above one factor is the userbase, they're awful, God awful. Another thing is just taste, I don't want to pay over the top to get a machine I could build myself, most of us here are hardware enthusiasts, we don't want to buy a prebuilt machine.
    Another thing is the OS doesn't do anything new that Windows can't do already. I like Windows, there's no reason for me to use OS X (and a Hell of a lot of OS X things piss me off).
  4. Tim S

    Tim S OG

    8 Nov 2001
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    I really want a Mac and I was close to buying a MBP in March. However, the simple fact that they're not splash proof is ridiculous - if I would have bought one instead of the ThinkPad I got, I wouldn't have had a laptop by the time I got back from Taiwan, as I managed to spill OJ on my ThinkPad on the plane.
  5. cyrilthefish

    cyrilthefish What's a Dremel?

    15 Apr 2004
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    I completely agree!

    A few mm extra thickness would be well worth it as a tradeoff to make it a functional laptop as well. After all, it is essentially just a laptop with no battery anyway.
  6. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    I see a pattern... and I'm right there with you. Unfortunately no company will put itself out to make a PC comparable in design and build quality because most Fillistines will just buy the cheaper, crappy box. As riggs says:
    And as for us: we like to build our own... I'm working on a case design that will have similar build quality --I hope...
    It aims at a totally different market. It is not meant to be a box that is opened up frequently for maintenance and upgrades --it is meant to be a box that lay people can plug in, turn on and work with. It is like a consumer hifi system. Nicely built, looks slick, easy to use. It is not meant to be a build-it-yourself kit for geeks, or a cheap no-frills office drone.

    /me drools :brrr: But the cost would indeed be prohibitive. A good Wacom-style touch screen would double the price.
  7. Zurechial

    Zurechial Elitist

    21 Mar 2007
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    Great engineering, yes, but I certainly wouldn't want a PC more like that..

    Hardware locked to a whatever screen it comes with, virtually zero opportunity for individual style and a system that looks like a 'Towers of Hanoi' puzzle on Acid to try and take apart and put together.

    I'd rather have something with a focus on functionality (inside and out) and customisability rather than a system tied to an overrated minimalist style and a design worthy of a "No user servicable parts inside" label.

    Of course it's subjective, and thousands of fashionable people out there just love their 'cool' iMacs/iPods/iPhones/iClothes/iHair which "just work", but I'm certainly not one of them.
    Last edited: 9 Aug 2007
  8. Sandwich

    Sandwich What's a Dremel?

    21 Jun 2007
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    The fact that they managed to cram all that stuff in there is pretty amazing from a technical and design point of view (kudos to the sunon fans).
    However, by the same token, this is (probably) why they no longer offer the smaller version, only 20 and 24. They probably couldn't cram all that jazz in there. I'm sure if they found a way, they could make an affordable 17 inch imac since 17inch panels are pretty cheap.

    I wanna get rid of the stand though and mount it on a VESA mount on the wall the use it as a sort of TV. that would be so freakin awesome. Then maybe I could mod it so the monitor can take multiple inputs!
    e/ oh an i wish they would update the mac mini (or discontinue it so i can buy it cheap)
  9. The_Beast

    The_Beast I like wood ಠ_ಠ

    21 Apr 2007
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    I love the look of macs but I don't think I'd ever get one
  10. TheVoice

    TheVoice What's a Dremel?

    14 May 2007
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    They look much nicer than the plastic white iMacs, still wouldn't really want one though. I like Windows (as unthinkable to some as that may be), and I like being able to choose my own hardware out of so many different options and price ranges. It might not give you a system that looks as slick or compact as a Mac, but the benefit of getting better PC hardware outweighs that for me.
  11. Atomic

    Atomic Gerwaff

    6 May 2002
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    I'll be buying one when I can get it with Leopard on... was after one anyway and i love the new design so thats a bonus :)
  12. nphekted

    nphekted What's a Dremel?

    15 Dec 2005
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    The glossy screen would likely drive me insane :blah:
  13. g3n3tiX

    g3n3tiX Minimodder

    3 Jun 2006
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  14. perplekks45

    perplekks45 LIKE AN ANIMAL!

    9 May 2004
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    Quite surprised nobody mentioned this. :eyebrow:
  15. Tomm

    Tomm I also ride trials :¬)

    12 Apr 2004
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    We get it Joe, you don't like Macs. This is a tech website, it's not exclusively Microsoft. It's also a tech site where half the staff use Macs. So I think it would be splendid if you just cool down the fanboyism in future.

    P.S. The iMac looks lovely. What's the little circuit board in the top left of the 'back-of-case' shot though? Next to the hard drive?
  16. zoom314

    zoom314 Minimodder

    10 Jun 2003
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    Eggzactly. ;)

    Besides If Apple went belly up(God forbid:rolleyes:), Their little niche would go poof soon enough.:D
    Last edited: 10 Aug 2007
  17. Miser

    Miser What's a Dremel?

    1 Oct 2005
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    I think he was playing it up to humorous effect...or he could be an anti-Apple fanboy zealot without any journalistic integrity, I dunno. :thumb:

    I wouldn't have one. See my previous sentence for reasoning.
  18. CardJoe

    CardJoe Freelance Journalist

    3 Apr 2007
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    As I pointed out in the article, it was nothing more than friendly banter and not serious. I personally don't like Macs, true, but then again I'm a games writer, who cares only about PCs as a games machine and Macs just don't offer me anything in that regard.

    And nobody here in the office uses a Mac. I know at least half of them don't have them at home too...:confused:
  19. lamboman

    lamboman What's a Dremel?

    25 Jul 2006
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    I used to think this thing was really ugly. But I kinda like it now. Somebody should start a 'Apple Logic Board Museum', it is amazing how many different shapes and sizes these things come in. As for Macs v PCs, I would say that if you like having good software that comes with the system, buy a Mac. But if you are willing to buy extra software, buy a PC. There are more options on the PC, or the options available are better.
  20. iwog

    iwog Linux cursed

    14 Jun 2007
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    I've used a mac and OSX once and all i can say is hmmm fuzzy. Everything on it seemed to be AAed to the max, so much so that i was having trouble making out some of the small fonts. Whilst they may not be bad machines some of their advertising and fan base are a little confusing and contradictory.

    "Be an indivual by doing what everyone else does and get an iPod/iBook"
    and from the mac PC adds​
    "Macs dont come with loads of useless programmes installed"
    "Macs, everything you need out of the box"

    So if its everything you need out of the box surely you have some one at the mac store who magically knows what i want and installs it for me? No? Then how can it be everything i need out of the box. And what if i dont need all those programmes surely then the mac comes with useless programmes installed?

    Once again i'm not debating how "good" a mac is, as for some people they're perfect, I', just having a go at apple's branding, ad campaigns and a good majority of holier than thou mac users. Hmm i can taste the outrage at the genius bar now.
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