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News Xbox 360 to get USB storage

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by CardJoe, 19 Mar 2010.

  1. talladega

    talladega I'm Squidward

    18 Aug 2007
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    It WOULD be great if Micro$oft wasn't the one making the X360, because then there wouldn't be a retarded 16GB limit. That is just totally retarded. So you can have two of these for up to 32GB of extra storage. [sarcasm]Wow that is ALOT of games you can install.[/sarcasm]

    And besides, with installing games on USB storage your load speeds are not going to improve over running off the disc very much at all if any. They need to take a look at what Sony is doing and copy them, with the hard drive, like they usually do.
  2. LordPyrinc

    LordPyrinc Legomaniac

    7 Mar 2008
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    I'm a bit surprised that Microsoft is still milking the XBox 360. Isn't it about time for a new round of consoles?
  3. Warrior24_7

    Warrior24_7 What's a Dremel?

    24 Apr 2009
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    No matter what M$ says to the media, they were getting internal pressure from developers (Capcom in particular) to do something about the 360's storage. Especially since the PS3's Blu-Ray can store 50gb of data on a single disc and a DVD can store about 9gb! Sony's GoW 3 weighed in at about 35gb! The devs want to make bigger games and as it stands now, the 360 needs multiple discs, and some content was even cut from a game because lack of storage! It's clear Sony had a plan when it designed and launched the PS3, M$ didn't and it's starting to show. Since M$ refuses to adopt Blu-Ray! This is the result in the interim, USBs.
  4. Paradigm Shifter

    Paradigm Shifter de nihilo nihil fit

    10 May 2006
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    There doesn't seem to be much point to this...? some of the 360 RPGs wouldn't even fit in 16GB... Blue Dragon comes on 4DVDs or something crazy like that!
  5. Warrior24_7

    Warrior24_7 What's a Dremel?

    24 Apr 2009
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  6. Veles

    Veles DUR HUR

    18 Nov 2005
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    That's a bit misleading, a lot of the data on a PS3 is repeated making the size of the data on the disk "artificially" higher, if you look at PS3 versions and Xbox versions of a game, the PS3 version will be taking up a lot more space on disk, even though it's exactly the same game.

    And here it's basically pot calling kettle black. MS didn't have a plan? What about Sony? PSN was a shambles at release, their emulation backwards compatibility wasn't ready forcing them to make the initial consoles with hardware BC, then later they removed BC entirely because they weren't selling enough PS3 games.

    MS refuses to adopt BR, that seems logical to me. When the 360 was out, BR, HDMI, HD-DVD, none of those were released, not even the specifications finalised. As for Sony's plan it was also not to improve gaming with the release of the PS3 with BR support. Sony's main purpose with BR in the PS3 was to make BR the winning format of the format war.

    I don't think releasing a BR box for the 360 would really improve the console at all, think about it, if they released a BR box and then allowed developers to make games on them, then lots of people would be forced to buy an expensive peripheral to be able to play new games. Then we'd get another thread like this with people moaning about how M$ is all about the money with their expensive peripherals that are all but required.

    I don't really see your problem, if someone came up to you on the street and gave you £10 would you be all up in their face about how little you can buy with £10?
    Last edited: 20 Mar 2010
  7. talladega

    talladega I'm Squidward

    18 Aug 2007
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    is microsoft giving you a hard drive? no. so your comparison makes no sense.

    MS are being jerks like always.
  8. Rkiver

    Rkiver Cybernetic Spine

    23 Apr 2009
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    Well I just got a new Xbox with a 250gig hard drive with it, but my Xbox is for gaming not media. The PS3 is my media playback machine as it supports more formats for playback.

    As for Microsoft keeping the limit at 16gb, kinda obvious why isn't it?
  9. Veles

    Veles DUR HUR

    18 Nov 2005
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    How are they being jerks by giving us something? What you you prefer? No USB stoarage support or limited USB storage support (which is limited to being more than the original HDD had which was still more than adequate for save games, demos and arcade games).
  10. talladega

    talladega I'm Squidward

    18 Aug 2007
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    16GB is hardly useful at all.
  11. Warrior24_7

    Warrior24_7 What's a Dremel?

    24 Apr 2009
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    35gb is still 35gb! Thats alot of data on one disc! Thats better than having to multiple discs like many PC games. It's also better than having content cut from "your" version of the game because the devs can't fit it in.

    M$'s backward compatability was also called into question for a while as many games didn't work when they were suppose to.

    Thats misleading right there. M$ made some key decisions when desiging the 360. They decided to go with DVDs. Things that they didn't include then, they ended up adding later, like HDMI, HDDVD, and now USB. They wanted to see who won the format war before deciding on what to adopt. HD-DVD got it's ass kicked. They know that they need more storage but just don't want to go to Sony for it. To me, Sony had a better plan, and right now it's starting to show.

    I don't either, but thats why you design a better box in the beginning so you don't to add things later and charge people more money for them. I like the 360, own one, and support M$, but I believe both consoles have their strengths and weakness. I believe that the PS3 is a better designed box than the 360. Both have good games, Xbox live is a better service than PSN. I also don't want multiple discs or lost content either.
  12. mastorofpuppetz

    mastorofpuppetz What's a Dremel?

    12 Mar 2010
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    it was only a matter of time before the ms FANBOY strolled in, lol. The PS3 does seem like it had a future plan, MS, as is well documented, were so bent on beating and rushing Sony to the market, resulting in rushing out a faukty console and other problems like the storage issues. Amazes me the 360 is still even cimpetiting with the PS3 with its large amount of AAA exclusives the last 2 years, bluray and overall better hardware design. Blame the americans. Everywhere else the PS3 is outselling the 360 2:1.
  13. DragunovHUN

    DragunovHUN Modder

    30 Oct 2008
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  14. Nikumba

    Nikumba Minimodder

    29 Aug 2001
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    You will probably fine the 16Gb limit, is a limit of the FAT file system, rather than any other reason
  15. riggs

    riggs ^_^

    22 Jul 2002
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    Eh? I don't get it...why is there a 16GB limit?

    As if those stupid proprietary HDDs weren't enough they're now 'making up for it' with external storage, limited to 16GB?

    Yeah, way to go Microsoft! Unfortunately 2 wrongs really don't make a right.
  16. Stompy

    Stompy What's a Dremel?

    16 Aug 2004
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    After that post I don't think you really have the right to call anyone a fanboy :p
  17. talladega

    talladega I'm Squidward

    18 Aug 2007
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  18. veato

    veato I should be working

    15 Jan 2010
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    Is this not Xbox article? What did you expect?
  19. mastorofpuppetz

    mastorofpuppetz What's a Dremel?

    12 Mar 2010
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    No one with a straight face cannot tell me the 360 is better designed then the PS3, come on, i own a PS3, 360 and a gaming rig, lets be real, that does not make me a fanboy, its just the way it is. What I said is the truth. Not allowed to say one console has strengths over the other without being a fanboy? A little childish is it not? BAd support for Peripherals, no support USb Hard Drives, Flimsy pull out DVD tray, no Wireless, we all know about the rrod issues. The HDMI port and AV cable ports are too close together, so if yuo hooked up a 360 to a monitor you had to break off the plastic to get both connections to fit for sound. It is what it is.
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