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Windows Quite possibly the stupidest comment ever about PC gaming

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Guest-16, 21 Sep 2010.

  1. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
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    even that wasnt all that good, my mates used to rave constantly about it before id ignore them and fire up quake 2
  2. Xtrafresh

    Xtrafresh It never hurts to help

    27 Dec 2007
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    The issue is not the question wether FPS will work on console or not. That debate is still raging i guess, and i can see how the purists say it's better at PC and therefor always needs to be done on PC.

    I disagree though. Halo, goldeneye, killzone, there have been a lot of FPS games that have been very enjoyable to play on console. They can be considered good games without problem.

    However, this douchebag has taken the debate to a whole other level. Heclaims that because he has gotten an FPS to work well on Console, none of us will need the PC anymore, and we'll all be lining up to buy kinect and other XboX stuff. That's just daft, though i suppose he's the counterweight to the same daftness of the PC fanboys who claim that FPS on a console will never work, despit the fact that it's already working.

    Playing on a PC and playing on a console are different experiences, and are not, nor will ever be, mutually exclusive!

    I guess the equivalent of this would be Peter Jackson saying everybody should stop writing fantasy novels, because he has succeeded in making a good fantasy film.
  3. yakyb

    yakyb i hate the person above me

    10 Oct 2006
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    Whilst they are the majority there are plenty of smaller dev studios that are trying new things

    take Starvault with Mortal online which is trying to become the more uptodate Ultima.


    Hi-Rez with Global agenda making a pretty decent stab at a MMO FPS

    these smaller developers need our support if we are genuinely interested in what they are doing
  4. GravitySmacked

    GravitySmacked Mostly Harmless

    2 Mar 2009
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    Got to agree with you Xtra.
  5. hyder

    hyder horrible horrible horrible

    29 Jul 2010
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    And I'm going to disagree, I think all those good console FPSs have been just: that good console FPSs. Unable to hold a candle to any PC FPS of the same generation.

    The sad fact that is that instead of the games going from PC to console (Q3, HL, 1st CoD) they are being designed wit the lowest common denominator in mind. IE, idiots that thought MW2 was good.

    I mean the last boss of the game has you TAPPING ONE BUTTON. I used to play a game called James Pond Olympics which had the exact same gameplay. I would definately enjoy it more. It's sad that we seem to have returned to needing our old cheating turbo pads again.

    And yes, I have played most of the recent big console shooter franchises ('cept killzone).
  6. Fiyero

    Fiyero Vindaloovian

    20 Sep 2009
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    Is that the same microsoft/kinect idiot who deemed "Kinect will outsell the iPad" in a completely irrelevant statement, comparing 2 totally unrelated products the other day?

    That's like saying Coca Cola in a fancy new bottle will outsell BBS' new 19" alloys.

    But either way, FPS attained perfection on PC with the mouse/keyboard combo.
    The consoles just made it lazy and sofa bound for easy access.
  7. sleepygamer

    sleepygamer More Metal Than Thou

    24 Apr 2010
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    Talking of decent consoles FPS games, Black on the PS2 was more than playable. I had a very good time playing that when I didn't have PC access.
  8. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
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    The relationship between console and pc like that of a angsty teenage son going through puperty. "my testicles have dropped, **** you dad"
  9. JCBeastie

    JCBeastie What's a Dremel?

    10 Nov 2005
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    I think I can comfortably say, all the decent console FPS games (Goldeneye, Timesplitters, Killzone etc) that were actually playable and fun, whilst good on the console would be BETTER on the PC. Mouse and keyboard is unbeatable for playing a shooter. You only need to do a side-by-side comparison of port on both console and PC to see the concessions made for the weaknesses of controllers, lower game speed and auto aim for e.g.

    Now my issue with the console/PC pissing match is that consoles are taking more features from the PC, Internet Connectivity, VoIP, downloadable content, internal HDD... if a console is such a good platform then why is it becoming more PC like?

    Games that belong on consoles should be casual, Racing games, Platformers, Puzzles... FPS and RPS game share their roots on the PC, they're built for it and that's where they need to stay.
  10. EvilMerc

    EvilMerc Minimodder

    1 Feb 2010
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    One of my friends sent me this yesterday. I raged. I can't understand how ignorant this man is.

    My console playing friends seem to think that a keyboard and mouse (which they associate with working on) would be awful to play games on, and I think that's half the problem. I mentioned I played MW2 on PC the other day to someone and they were amazed I didn't use a gamepad.
  11. JCBeastie

    JCBeastie What's a Dremel?

    10 Nov 2005
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    Link them this:


    ... and rub it in!

  12. wyx087

    wyx087 Homeworld 3 is happening!!

    15 Aug 2007
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    nice spot, no, im just used to posting about moments afterwards. did that every night when playing with good folks on Aria/Novatech. no one seems to do it on Bit-tech.
  13. Sloth

    Sloth #yolo #swag

    29 Nov 2006
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    I'm surprised no one else has commented on this yet: The quote specifically says "Halo" with no other description so it's not pointing to one specific game since even the first was "Halo: Combat Evolved". Therefore it must mean the entire Halo franchise, which is not exclusively for the console (see Halo 1 & 2). So right off the bat the quote is entirely false, without even getting into the statement of no one playing PC FPS games.

    To be honest, I find it disgusting that someone like the Kinect chief, someone who holds some pretty big sway in gaming, doesn't even understand the games he's talking about. How does someone who is that detatched from the gaming market end up leading a project for a video game console?
  14. Rogan

    Rogan Not really a

    6 Oct 2003
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    I play FPS on both PC and console. Both are good in their own right.

    Not everyone can sacrifice the money, time, and social mores that it takes to play FPS on PC. You can apply the same learned skills on PC and console FPS; when the player gets used to the control system a good player is just a good player; fun is just fun.

    The mouse vs controller debate is just a strawman. On consoles everyone is using a controller. The hardware is there, the display is there, the comms are there. Everything you need for a good FPS experience are available on the console. At some point all the people who just play FPS to have some fun will go over to console, leaving all the whiny wannabe pro gaymers on PC.

    Yes this guy's right up his own ass, but so is anyone that says there aren't any good console FPS games. PC gaming isn't dead in FPS or any format, but it's becoming more and more niche. It still has its strengths, but its weaknesses are becoming more and more tiresome, espcially neck deep in a recession.

    Oh and have you seen the cheats in PC FPS? Not much of that on console yet, it's still pretty well locked down.
    djDEATH likes this.
  15. Canon

    Canon Reformed

    19 Jul 2010
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    There are good console FPS titles. But by choice I do not play them, my keyboard and mouse are superior controls, granted it's down to preference, I prefer winning so yeah I'll stay where I am.

    I will play an FPS on a console, but I honestly believe the experience is dire, miserable and I am ashamed to admit having done so. This may seem a rather immature approach, but heck, each to their own.
  16. Weekly_Estimate

    Weekly_Estimate Random bird noises.

    1 Feb 2010
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  17. smc8788

    smc8788 Multimodder

    23 Apr 2009
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    Killzone 2 had some of the worst controls of any console FPS I've ever played. I even spent a good amount of time trying to get used to it (more than any other console FPS) as I really enjoyed the single player, but in the end gave up in the conclusion that the control system was simply flawed. If you can't aim at something accurately in an FPS game it doesn't leave room for a lot of fun.
  18. lp1988

    lp1988 Minimodder

    24 Jun 2008
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    It takes some time to get used to yes, but if you get used to them they are better than any other I have tried on a console.

    Bear in mind that I have also played Killzone 1 so I was already used to the controls
  19. docodine

    docodine killed a guy once

    10 Feb 2007
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    I enjoyed Halo 3 as much as I enoyed Half-Life

    ...I'll be leaving the Gaming section now..
  20. nemo

    nemo Foregone Destruction

    16 Jun 2010
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    Interesting. Kudo moved from a failed EA studio to Microsoft in 2008 http://uk.gamespot.com/news/6185160.html?sid=6185160&part=rss&subj=6185160.

    And now he is General Manager of Microsoft Game Studios and apparently a casual-gaming evangelist.

    It's sad how Microsoft chopped the Ensemble & Flight sim ACES teams, and hires a bunch of EA lackys like this. The future of shovelware is clear -> "Super Smash Halo Party 6".

    Thank God for Valve.
    docodine likes this.

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