Casey Heynes: The bullying victim who fought back

Discussion in 'Serious' started by Pete J, 22 Mar 2011.

  1. Pete J

    Pete J Employed scum

    28 Sep 2009
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    First time posting a thread in the serious forums but I'm interested in what you guys think and I think general is a little too tongue in cheek for this.

    First, the original video:

    Victim's interview:

    Bully's interview:

    Personally, I believe Casey acted appropriately given his situation; the desired effect of the bullies stopping can be immediately seen as one of the bully's friends squares up to Casey but doesn't attempt to hit him. Both boys have been suspended from school, an act I think extremely unfair on Casey as he was only standing up for himself and is undoubtedly a child who wants to learn, rather than the little s**t of a bully who likely just mucks around in class (I know, I'm making assumptions).

    In addition, it hugely annoys me that the bully and his ilk are talking all 'ghetto'. They actually think it's cool to copy the gang violence they've seen (probably on TV). Lock them up for a day with some real gang-bangers and let them see what happens.

    Over to you.
  2. BRAWL

    BRAWL Dead and buried.

    16 Aug 2010
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    Yup, I agree entirely with what he did. I was bullied in school and did the exact same thing... I'm bloody glad he retaliated, the kids worldwide famous for being the nerd/geek who finally had enough.

    Good on you buddy!
  3. liratheal

    liratheal Sharing is Caring

    20 Nov 2005
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    I think the thick little shitbag of a bully got exactly what he deserved.

    I can't watch the videos here at work - Well, I can, but I can't put sound on - but that would probably serve only to make me more angry.

    The little swine and his friends clearly conspired to try and beat Casey up - Why else would the camera be so readily available, before even the first punch was thrown?

    The way he prances around Casey is clearly a "look how badass I am, I act like a boxer" affair. Then everything goes tits up and he gets body slammed into the concrete, which is significantly less than he deserved for being such a jumped up little goon.

    My gut reaction is to say "Yeah, **** that douchebag up, Casey, he deserves it". However, the majority of me agrees with the school for suspending both of them.

    In my opinion, Casey responded in kind to how he was being treated - An admirable trait, don't get me wrong - But his response was utterly over the top for a school to let go unpunished. Both children broke the rules, regardless of who had the moral high ground.

    Vigilante justice has no place on the playground, much like it has no place in the real world, regardless of how just the action may be.

    Unfortunately, I see this going worse for Casey than the jumped up little windbag of a bully, because it likely doesn't matter to the bully what punishments the school bestows on him, and his (doubtless) wounded pride will lead him to ham anything he can up to get worse punishment bestowed on Casey. Casey, who probably doesn't want to be expelled, or punished, will unlikely think in the same way the windbag will.

    I don't want to jump to conclusions, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if the bullies mother was driving this to some degree, for whatever reason.

    I doubt this will be the last Casey hears from the bully and his friends, because they will no doubt convince themselves that they're "harder" than Casey, and that Casey somehow wronged them.

    Perhaps I'm just a cynic.
  4. Phalanx

    Phalanx Needs more dragons and stuff.

    28 Apr 2010
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    I think the bully absolutely 100% got what he deserved. He had it coming, and I fully support Casey. It's also pretty clear the bully is lying in the last interview.
  5. GeorgeStorm

    GeorgeStorm Aggressive PC Builder

    16 Dec 2008
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    Are you sorry?: no, err I mean yeah.
    Would you bully again?: Most probably not???
    What the heck?
    I mean, everything points towards caseys story being right here, and I'm not surprised he snapped. That kid was horrible to him.
  6. mvagusta

    mvagusta Did a skid that went for two weeks.

    24 Dec 2006
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    Did you guys notice what motivated Casey to stand up for himself against a bully half his size?

    The girl :duh: If only Casey had some self respect, instead of only respecting the person he wants to be when a girl is around.
    Notice how Casey didn't have enough guts to stand up to the bully his own size, but the girl calmly and confidently tells him to back off.

    Hopefully for Casey's sake he continues to grow some balls, or the bullying won't stop.
  7. M7ck

    M7ck Ⓜod Ⓜaster

    28 Mar 2009
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    I think the bully got what he deserved and tbh probably got off lightly. From the clip I am convinced that this wasn't the first time that this has happened and was done with the sole intention of publishing on youtube, its a return of happy slapping.

    I know a lot of people will say that there are two sides to every story, but the bullies reasoning 'he was mouthing off at me' doesn't match up to the events on the video. If it was a revenge hit the first punch would have accomplished that, all other actions just backed up Casey's story.


    Are you serious? Casey behaved perfectly by walking away, I did notice that the bigger bully wasn't as keen as his wee pal to try and hit him. It wasn't about guts, Casey defended himself and IMO used reasonable force to do so. By not retaliating to the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th punches he gave the little sh!t plenty of opportunity to walk away, when it became clear that this wasn't going to happen he took steps to ensure that he was no longer getting assaulted. I think if the bigger boy did try to assault him then Casey would have put him down too. I think the bullies are the ones that have shown lack of guts.
    Last edited: 22 Mar 2011
    mvagusta likes this.
  8. BRAWL

    BRAWL Dead and buried.

    16 Aug 2010
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    errr... there were two girls he was chatting to... they ran off behind the other bullies and then another appeared.

    The larger bully didn't even threaten him... plus his adrenaline probably stopped OR he wasn't aware he was capable of that. been there before.
  9. mvagusta

    mvagusta Did a skid that went for two weeks.

    24 Dec 2006
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    Yeah another girl appeared, and to me it seems she was the icing on the motivational cake, but hey I might be wrong :confused:

    I dunno why you're saying the larger bully didn't even threaten him? You don't think the other guy gets in Casey's face, obviously in defense of the little bully?
    You didn't notice the girl coming to Casey's rescue there?
  10. Pieface

    Pieface Modder

    8 Mar 2009
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    Getting suspended doesn't stop people bullying others. But in this case I think vigilante justice might, as people will end up being scared to bully Casey. I bet this WILL be the last Casey hears from them, due to the mass of support he gained (And crying on TV will not help the bully's pride at all).

    If this story didn't blow up, then I do believe Casey would still be being bullied, but I think this will help him.
  11. BRAWL

    BRAWL Dead and buried.

    16 Aug 2010
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    I doubt it man... he probably just snapped after being bullied.

    The larger bully just saw his friend get piledrived into the floor, he decided to step in... but didn't go anywhere close to Casey as he's now percieved as a viable threat... not just target practice. No boy will hit a girl, even a coward like a bully usually won't. Casey walked off because he was more than likely unaware that he had that in him and he scared himself.

    I'd like to think it would help kids being bullied in alot of places.
  12. PureSilver

    PureSilver E-tailer Tailor

    16 Dec 2008
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    We don't really know anything close to 'all the facts', and kids as young as these lot - especially the little one - aren't really old enough to be 'little s***s' as much as they are a product of nurture. I'm with the school on suspending both of them, if only to defuse the situation a bit - you can be sure that this particular incident won't endear either of them to their classmates. Casey might have asserted himself, but you can bet it's one thing to watch him bodyslam someone on YouTube and quite another to sit next to him in a lesson.

    I'm not gonna say it wasn't satisfying watching the little s*** get suplexed, though.
  13. liratheal

    liratheal Sharing is Caring

    20 Nov 2005
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    I'm not saying the suspension will stop the bullying - Far from it, in fact. I doubt Casey will notice much of a lapse in being bullied, because even with his display of intolerance for being bullied, it will be quickly ignored by those that feel they were some how wronged by Casey taking a stand.

    To be honest, assuming nothing happens beyond a suspension for both of the boys, I don't think anything will change in the long run.

    The publicity of the story may prolong the effects of his outburst, but I doubt it'll last forever.
  14. Pete J

    Pete J Employed scum

    28 Sep 2009
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    I see where you're coming from, but I think the punishments should've been different. The little s**t should be expelled, as should the bully that squared up to Casey. The boy filming the whole affair should be suspended - after all, if he hadn't released the video, Casey's suffering wouldn't have come to light. In Casey's case, maybe some sort of detention - but with a teacher to help him do some additional learning!
    I share this worry, but as BRAWL says:
    Lifting the littl s**t up in the air actually required a large amount of strength, especially for a 15 year old. Casey is now an unknown quantity to the rest of the bullies - personally I think he could've ruined the larger bully's day as well if he felt so inclined.

    I really hope the little s**t's parents punish him for lying. If children aren't taught the importance of being truthful, they'll grow up to be complete gits.
  15. smc8788

    smc8788 Multimodder

    23 Apr 2009
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    I can actually relate to this quite a lot. I was bullied a fair bit at school by various groups, which resulted in me having a lot of pent up anger during my childhood. One day, after years of putting up with it, I finally snapped and punched one of them in the face in the middle of a classroom. Apparently it was quite scary (the teacher gave quite a 'colourful' account of the events), but I didn't really have any idea what I was doing since it wasn't even a concious decision on my part. I got suspended for a few days as a sort of "time out", but I knew what I did was wrong and that they had no other option but to suspend me, so I just accepted it.

    That day was a big turning point for me, because it not only changed how the bullies acted towards me (they no longer threatened me physically, though they would still occasionally throw verbal insults my way or call me names or whatever), but it made me calmer and more tolerant so I found it much easier to just ignore them rather than get angry about it.

    I'm not saying that it will be the same in this case, but I very much doubt the status quo will remain the same after what happened, especially since everyone in the school will have seen that video. It's not going to stop a bully being a bully (I still occasionally see some people today who, in their 20s, act the same as they did when they were 15 :sigh:), but it will certainly make them think twice next time, even if Casey has no intention of retaliating again.
  16. liratheal

    liratheal Sharing is Caring

    20 Nov 2005
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    If it were up to me, Casey wouldn't be suspended. However, from the schools perspective - They have to. They can't be seen to judge whether one violent act is morally justified where as another isn't - They have to come down on things like that as hard as possible to drive it home to the kids involved that their behaviour was unacceptable by any standards.

    It's harsh, but they have to learn that there are consequences for their actions, on both sides of the camp.

    If Casey wasn't suspended - and let's be honest Casey could have done the bully some significant damage, had he slammed him head first into the ground as oppose to how it actually transpired - He wouldn't even have the chance to learn that the school justice system is a complete farce rules are there for a reason.
  17. lp1988

    lp1988 Minimodder

    24 Jun 2008
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    I remember that feeling only too well. and ten seconds after such an incident, my legs shake too much to stand on for several minutes.

    Thankfully the last time was ten years ago.
  18. LeMaltor

    LeMaltor >^_^

    3 Oct 2003
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    Shocked they are 15, they look about 12, but the bully got what he deserved.
  19. BRAWL

    BRAWL Dead and buried.

    16 Aug 2010
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    Yup, I can relate to it. I used to be bullied alot because of my weight... ended school year 10 and came back year 11 (15/16 for the not UK residents) and had lost my weight and gained alot of muscle in 12 weeks. Someone said one thing, I snapped and it took an hour for the kid to become concious again, he was also "the hardest kid in school" with mates who are drug-dealers and general criminal elements. My mom panicked, but when I saw these guys all they said was "Nice shot".

    Thing was at the time... I walked off and hid for a while... never realised initally there could be so much fury behind a punch I could throw.

    Since then I've only really got stronger mentally and physically and I know due to size that I can cause a huge deal of damage. But it's so well protected and under-control that it isn't an issue anymore. So I can understand if Casey's just gone "Holy crap, did I just do that?" and walked off... as a daze of red mist lifts you generally can't see much beyond the panic and adrenaline that's surging.

    Exactly the same... infact I went to my home-town a few weeks ago and saw one of the lads standing beside a shop surrounded by 16 year olds smoking and looking like a total scumbag, all I got was "What you looking at?" walked over casually in my lovely work-suit and the conversation went... "Wow, look at you... remember when you used to call me names boy. What do you do now? A once a fortnight walk to the JobCentre? Two kids and a drug-habit from the Child Benefit? Always knew you were a scumbag... but to be 23 and still throwing insults... well, says alot about you." I walked off with a smile on my face, knowing that mental child was just embarrased in front of my entire home-town, his friends and hopefully some family. Karma is glorious.
  20. b0ng0

    b0ng0 Reddomitlum

    26 Oct 2009
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    I don't know what you'd expect if you just go up to someone and punch them? A hug in return?

    These little shits have no respect for rules and the only way they're likely to stop bullying him is probably by him acting as he did.

    It's not a civilised way to deal with things but I had plenty of cheeky wee gits at my school who were constantly "punished" with detention or written exercises and it did nothing to them. Which is a shame really - maybe if they had a bit of discipline when they were younger they wouldn't have ended up the sorry state that many of them did.

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