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Windows Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Hex, 14 Feb 2011.

  1. GregTheRotter

    GregTheRotter Minimodder

    9 Aug 2008
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    Another thing, I've now got the mute ability, but how exactly do you use it? I've tried enabling it when I see a persuer coming for me, but if they've already started to charge, it does nothing and I can't stun them. Is it really only for taking people down? Stopping them using sprint etc or something to get away?? It's supposedly meant to take away their abilities, like what??
  2. Hex

    Hex Paul?! Super Moderator

    11 Jan 2002
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    As we've said before, mute suffers with lag a lot! Against Charge, if it's already started you need a well-timed smokebomb, but even then it may not stop them. Mute will stop them being able to use any abilities, but if they're already charging, it's too late. If you play with really defensive players it's good to offensive mute them so they can't smokebomb you ;)

    I generally use mute as I run at people, but I don't use it as much now as charge isn't as buggy when lagged.
  3. GregTheRotter

    GregTheRotter Minimodder

    9 Aug 2008
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    So I need to run at my pursuer and hit mute just before I run at them, and I should be able to stun them? I'm finding it more and more often that I get two people after me, I take out the one guy, by blending, then smoking just as they come up to me, and stunning them, and then directly after someone else appears and I've seen them, but I've got no smoke to use on them, what would a second ability be to have? I've tried having mute as a second but have only once managed to use it. I mostly am using disguise and long lasting smoke bomb, no matter what the map.
  4. Hex

    Hex Paul?! Super Moderator

    11 Jan 2002
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    The running at them takes timing. Some people like it (I do), but some people claim it fails every time. In that situation I would normally go for Smoke & Mute or Charge. Smoke the first one and then mash mute/charge for the 2nd one when they're in range. Also when you have multiple pursuers and you have a good lead this is when you probably want to go full on defence. Find a good place on the map where you can see exactly who's coming after you. The only map where this is almost impossible is Alhambra... there's like 1 place, but by the time you've seen them it's often too late anyway. I hate that map!

    I nearly always go for LL or Strong Smoke these days rather than RR. Just because the counter-smoke situation has got ridiculous of late. At least with LL theirs normally clears before mine.
  5. wyx087

    wyx087 Homeworld 3 is happening!!

    15 Aug 2007
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    LL RR ??

    i find mute is only effective when they are not in high profile mode, otherwise their X kill button distance seems to be larger and almost impossible to judge mute range.

    disguise is pretty useless IMHO. only time it's useful when im going for poison kills in manhunt. other than that, can't see it ever be useful even with 20 seconds of disguise.
  6. Hex

    Hex Paul?! Super Moderator

    11 Jan 2002
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    LL = Long Lasting, RR = Rapid Reload. If you're both running and time it right, Mute is still effective.

    Disguise is actually pretty awesome. It's great in Chest Capture because of the compass malarkey but also don't forget using challenge unlocked variants will get you 200pts for Hidden when you use it.
  7. GregTheRotter

    GregTheRotter Minimodder

    9 Aug 2008
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    I've actually seemed to do quite well with disguise. I mean, from the minute you've got the blend perk, and you know someone's after you, if you can disguise before they get to you, then they often take out your lookalike.

    I find that they often just seem to know by default which one I am, sitting down, blend group, whatever. (although I can't understand HOW on earth they just know it's me, maybe it's just 50/50 luck).

    What I'd like to know is what sort of distance the basic whisper starts to work from when your enemy is after you? I find myself start running to just throw someone off, and go into another blend group on the basis of thinking they've already spotted me and that I need to get rid of their lock on etc. Not knowing whether they know who I am yet or what.

    I am actually thinking of changing the sound effects to the point that the music is way down, and the whispers are the loudest sound effect. Is there a way to do that?? I am getting better at hearing the loud whisper, but usually by that time it's too late unless they are fast walking and it's blatantly obvious who they are in which case I usually get the smoke and stun down before then.

    I've now got the poison ability, but I find that as soon as I am within sight of my target, they bolt and there's not much point in chasing them. Unless of course I catch them, smoke them and then poison Not sure what sort of points I'd get then though.

    Lol I have been using my camera more lately, joining into a blend group, spotting someone on a roof top looking down at me etc. I was just wondering, in one of shenue's video's that I watched, he locks onto the persuer while he's in the blend group, what exactly does that do for you? Does that allow you to do a stun easier? Throw smoke in better time? I find I often throw the smoke down but it's often too early and I just have to run for it after that. Any ideas?

    I'm really starting to wonder what this game would have been like with a mouse and keyboard. No auto camera angles, mouse controlling where you run up and where your camera looks in one go. No controlling your movement with the one analogue and your camera with the other etc. Perhaps I should just give up on the controller? Or would you say to just stick with it, as it's better on the long run and more 'rage proof'?
  8. Hex

    Hex Paul?! Super Moderator

    11 Jan 2002
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    They're probably LoS'ing you (Line of Sight).

    Well it wouldn't do you much good because the whispers are on the Music track :p

    Yes it can help with the range when you mash on Stun. Same as killing. If you're throwing smoke too early, try throwing it down a bit later ;)

    Personally I think it is horrible with m&k. It was designed for a controller and works best with one. Also you can turn auto camera off.
  9. GregTheRotter

    GregTheRotter Minimodder

    9 Aug 2008
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    How do you play? With auto on or off?? I do find that it helps me to an extent, but if I'm chasing someone and they drop down, it goes from being auto on, to suddenly having shake the analogue out of auto by which time I've lost sight. Bah.
  10. Hex

    Hex Paul?! Super Moderator

    11 Jan 2002
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    I switch between the two (market stalls still spazz it out in laggy games). Can't say I've ever had to shake the analogue sticks to change anything though... that sounds... wrong!
  11. GregTheRotter

    GregTheRotter Minimodder

    9 Aug 2008
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    Spazzes out is more like it.

    My favourite map so far is the one where it's inside a building. Because everythings pretty much on one level, and there are lots of npc's around I find it really easy to just blend in all the time, I don't have to travel big distances to get to my target, and it's easy to see people coming because they jump up over the balcony's they walk alone etc etc.
  12. Hex

    Hex Paul?! Super Moderator

    11 Jan 2002
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    Yeah I like Castel Gandolfo for most modes. I still love Siena though and rarely get to play it these days :( San Donato is good too. Basically all the maps you hardly ever see are the good ones :/
  13. GregTheRotter

    GregTheRotter Minimodder

    9 Aug 2008
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    I used to rage big time on mt st michel. I've just changed the way I play it though tbh. I stay off the roofs, run for short bursts when I need to, and sit and wait either to take out with a stun whoever's after me, or for my target to get closer. It's so funny being poisoned by someone with blender on. They mosey on over to your blend, and just as you see an npc change you are like >.<

    Bah, must get more used to using mute as well. I guess I've just been trying to practice with poison cus even if you get diddly squat kills, you can still get a good score. I seem to be getting good scores lately (3000 for me is good, 4000 even better), with poison. I don't really mind if I don't get that many kills as long as I get a good position by the end of the round.

    I think they should invent a new system that gives people you've seen and locked on to a lower score if they kill you and reward those kills that are truly discrete. But hey. As for the whole just spawning and running into your killer............ -_-
  14. Hex

    Hex Paul?! Super Moderator

    11 Jan 2002
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    Yeah I love MSM in Wanted, but only if I have 3+ pursuers. If I join late and the person with the pursuers is running all over the rooftops I hate it. I lure everyone out to the flat open bit cos you can see someone coming a mile off then and normally your target will run up to kill someone you've stunned, so you get a nice incog poison.

    Well to be honest that is how it is in Assassinate. If you expose your pursuer, unless they unlock you again first, they only get a discreet kill.
  15. GregTheRotter

    GregTheRotter Minimodder

    9 Aug 2008
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    Random tit bit; was playing san donato, and had a few people after me. I DOUBLE 'bitch slapped them' :D Double stun, first time I've done that. Then later on, I had a like ten seconds to go till end of round, and was in 1st place, so I went and hid round the south side (north being where the church is) and hid in under the wooden barn like bits, (not the two story, but ground floor bits), some dude comes mosey'ing round the corner, and BAM another bitch slap :D

    Also not digging the alahambra map :(
  16. wyx087

    wyx087 Homeworld 3 is happening!!

    15 Aug 2007
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    is there a map list anywhere? can't see it on wikia. i get confused by all those names thrown about.

    double stun is great, one of the reason i use long lasting smoke bomb.
  17. GregTheRotter

    GregTheRotter Minimodder

    9 Aug 2008
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    Last edited: 25 Apr 2011
    wyx087 likes this.
  18. wyx087

    wyx087 Homeworld 3 is happening!!

    15 Aug 2007
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    Thanks for that, I was searching for "maps" or "map lists".

    I hate those rooftop runners, in any gamemode. This is why I play Advanced wanted whenever I feel like FFA gameplay. Inaccurate compass makes people so much harder to find, so those running on rooftop are easily countered, as long as you are not directly under their roof ledge.
  19. Hex

    Hex Paul?! Super Moderator

    11 Jan 2002
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    I don't like roofers and runners in Wanted, but I have to say I am one in Assassinate. Being aggressive pays in that mode. I'm fairly aggressive in Wanted these days, but prefer to combine that with stealth when needed. In Assassinate I tend to get a lot of kills from running at people in mid-kill and getting incogs from late locking. Possibly why I now get so much hatemail & have a little group of people on a vendetta against me XD

    It's still near-on impossible to get a full lobby for Advanced Wanted on 360 and I've all but given up playing on PC now. Every time I log on I get invited into games and sometimes I just want to play some FFA :sigh:
  20. GregTheRotter

    GregTheRotter Minimodder

    9 Aug 2008
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    RAAAAGE at the effing rooftop runners. Couldn't get one kill off this one guy today. Couldn't chase him down, and whenever I did catch up to him I got stunned. How do you stop someone your're after stunning you with smokebomb, or otherwise??

    Anyone up for a wanted match tomorow? Got a few ppl on my friends list who have added me but it seems I'm the only one who's ever on. Wuyanxu did u get steam??

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