Films Prometheus

Discussion in 'General' started by GreatOldOne, 22 Dec 2011.

  1. Porkins' Wingman

    Porkins' Wingman Can't touch this

    23 Feb 2008
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    I would have gone to see this but, having not gone to the cinema for ages I'm confronted with yet more inflation of ticket prices. Now all the Bourne and Star Wars films have been done there's very little likely to tempt me in at those prices. Long live the Bay!

    Look forward to hearing your opinions on it - hope youhaven't spoilt yourselves in this thread - I've kept away deliberately, but now I know I'm going to see it I might have a read through.
  2. Apocalypso

    Apocalypso Fully armed and operational.

    15 Sep 2007
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    Saturday lunchtime showing for me, only one cinema in the local area that's showing 2D.
  3. [ZiiP] NaloaC

    [ZiiP] NaloaC Multimodder

    9 May 2008
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    3 Hours! :D

    See you all tomorrow :)
  4. [ZiiP] NaloaC

    [ZiiP] NaloaC Multimodder

    9 May 2008
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    So, Prometheus....

    Damn good watch. Really enjoyed it. Solid cast, good script, great score, fantastic effects (proper sets for a change), some really good suspense/tension in it.

    It's been hyped to hell and back. I went in with uncertain expectations, but generally high hopes and I wasn't disappointed. So many good nods to the original Alien and Aliens. Prometheus is NOT a direct prequel, so bear that in mind, but damn it's good.

  5. Fizzban

    Fizzban Man of Many Typos

    10 Mar 2010
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    @ [ZiiP] NaloaC

    Going to see this later in the month when I have some spare cash. It's nice to see you rate it so highly. Makes me look forward to it all the more. But I'm blaming YOU if it sucks! :lol:
  6. [ZiiP] NaloaC

    [ZiiP] NaloaC Multimodder

    9 May 2008
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    Hehe, yeah I kind of expect rage from some people I know, but I genuinely do think it was a great watch.

    Scott did a fantastic job with it. Very nice cinematography, brilliant visuals, cast, score, effects, etc.
    The story does go along the lines of what we expect (I think anyway) and while it is a bit familiar in many respects, it is still different enough that if it were a standalone film, it would do well too.

    They added some good humour into it and it really helped to make the characters more human and believable. The nods to the original films range from visuals, sets and lines.

    Is it the be-all-and-end-all of Sci-Fi movies, no, such a thing doesn't exist, but it is a bloody good one well up there in my top 10 now. I will have to watch it again to let everything sink in properly.
  7. suragh

    suragh Derp

    26 Nov 2011
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    Looks insanely cool! Going tomorrow night!
  8. Fizzban

    Fizzban Man of Many Typos

    10 Mar 2010
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    Was just joking hehe. I highly doubt it will suck, to me anyway. I don't go to see something at cinema unless I'm positive I will enjoy it. And this..I am.

    Love nearly all the films Scott has done over the years. And I find it encouraging that there is a little humour and nods to his older work with Alien.

    Hah so it's not just me then? I find if I watch a film only once it doesn't sink in too far and I quickly forget it. I have to see it twice to retain any real memory of it over a long period of time.
  9. johnnyboy700

    johnnyboy700 Minimodder

    27 May 2007
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    Saw it first thing this morning.

    I'm so glad its not typical summer blockbuster fodder.

    I thought it was excellent, it certainly didn't go the way I expected it to and about 90% of the things I guessed would happen didn't.

    For those of you who think the trailers spoiled it too much, I disagree. A lot of the trailers showed things out of context, out of sequence and with audio from other parts of the film plus there are some scenes in the trailer that are not in the theatrical cut of the film. Nothing major but enough to alter a few meanings here and there.

    For me it definitely requires a second viewing and I'm more than happy to give Sir Ridley another tenner(ish) of my hard earned cash.
  10. Toka

    Toka Minimodder

    19 Nov 2006
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    Well, I just had to be helped out of Prometheus after feinting. At least no vomit I suppose :(

    Properly embarrassed...

    Edit: faint not feint. My night just gets better..
    Last edited: 2 Jun 2012
  11. ccxo

    ccxo On top of a hill

    23 Oct 2009
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    Watched it tonight a good film and i agree with Johnny that the trailers dont give much away.

    The script and characters worked really well together, special effects where done really well.

    Their is alot of unkown things not shown in the trialers which is good to see, as sometimes they can show too much and ruin a film.
  12. Somer_Himpson

    Somer_Himpson What's a Dremel?

    22 Jan 2010
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    Very very dissapointing.
    Michael Fassbenders character David was excellent..asides from that...not a patch on Alien/s
    Poor one dimensional supporting cast and a script written on the toilet.
  13. Apocalypso

    Apocalypso Fully armed and operational.

    15 Sep 2007
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    Completely agree.
  14. TheJackal

    TheJackal Getting Old

    3 May 2009
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    felt a bit let down myself had good parts in it but i was hopeing to go along to it and be crapping myself at parts like in Alien but found myself watchin a pretty standard syfi/action movie. Fassbenders was good as david.
  15. Kiytan

    Kiytan Shiny

    2 Jul 2009
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    I might have liked this film, if I hadn't seen alien(s) and this wasn't set in the same universe.

    SPOILERS BELOW (probably)

    The main character suffers from them trying to make her too much like Ripley.
    The rest of the cast except michael fassbender (Who is brilliant) are very, very one dimensional.

    The plot was fairly predictable, as well as suffering from a few quite stupid moments (or bad science)

    the space jockeys/engineers where also very, very disappointing.

    Having said that, the sets, effects and sweeping landscape shots where gorgeous
  16. Apocalypso

    Apocalypso Fully armed and operational.

    15 Sep 2007
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    I don't think that this and Alien are mutually exclusive, given the intention to film two more there is certainly opportunity to tie all of the loose threads together. It's just a shame that the end of the film was so obviously leading to that goal as opposed to creating a self contained vehicle for the story. That actually really annoyed me and one of the reasons I found myself getting so annoyed by Lost, written by Lindelof.

    I think the script writer has a heck of a lot to answer for, the actors were lumbered with these incredibly hammy lines and to me it seemed their ability to act was severely hampered by this.

    The film was utterly beautiful, the attention to detail was really rather wonderful but it was a shiny veneer over something vapid and shallow and I place the blame squarely on the shoulders of Damon Lindelof and Ridley Scott for hiring him.

    However, I think that for a studio to invest this much money in a such a grand project such is this is thanks solely to Christoper Nolan and how well he has created intelligent blockbusters in the shape of Batman and Inception. I will happily pay to see works of indulgence like this if they can ferry in a new wave of cinema that forces out the sub par dross we've been enduring for the last ten to twenty years since Jaws et all.
    Last edited: 2 Jun 2012
  17. thehippoz

    thehippoz What's a Dremel?

    19 Dec 2008
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    guess I'll go see it.. maybe tomorrow
  18. TrevDX

    TrevDX Ah Who Cares Anyway???

    9 Aug 2011
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    I went to see this Thurs night and enjoyed it. It's not perfect and not as good as Alien/s but all in all a good solid film.

    I probably won't go and see it again in the cinema but will I watch it again once it's on Blu-Ray? Yes without a question.

    One issue, that for me didn't detract from the film but may have persuaded me I don't need to see it again in the cinema, is that they're only showing 3D versions locally (not even sure if it's in 2D but would assume it is) and in my opinion the 3D wasn't very good. There are some parts that look good but the majority seemed to me like I may as well be (and possibly was) watching it in 2D.
  19. Apocalypso

    Apocalypso Fully armed and operational.

    15 Sep 2007
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    Yes, that's very annoying. It's almost like the cinemas are trying to force people to watch 3D to make their money back.

    I went to see The Avengers a month back and all the 2D showings were booked out for days whereas the 3D screens were empty.

    Smacks of desperation to me.
  20. TrevDX

    TrevDX Ah Who Cares Anyway???

    9 Aug 2011
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    I've seen The Avengers in both 2D & 3D and thought the 3D was quite good on that one, more so than any I've seen recently but I still don't think it's all that and unfortunately that does seem to be what they're pushing.

    Interestingly one of the trailers at the beginning of Prometheus was for Jaws re-release this summer in the cinema and thought they'd remade it 3D somehow but then realized a) that it was still in the 2D ad block and b) that there was no mention of 3D in the advert so maybe they don't want to ruin all films ;)

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