News Xbox One developers offered heavy cloud resources

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Gareth Halfacree, 28 May 2013.

  1. Gareth Halfacree

    Gareth Halfacree WIIGII! Lover of bit-tech Administrator Super Moderator Moderator

    4 Dec 2007
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  2. Material

    Material Soco Amaretto Lime

    13 Apr 2010
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    Hmmm. Sounds like a boon initially, but in practice it could be a problem. Net outages or someone at your end hogging the line with a download could mean that your Xbox game doesn't work as planned. Tiresome.
  3. GeorgeStorm

    GeorgeStorm Aggressive PC Builder

    16 Dec 2008
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    If anything this could be worse than always on DRM.

    Even if you have a connection at all times, if it's not particularly beefy does that mean some games won't run/will run slowly for you?
  4. Gareth Halfacree

    Gareth Halfacree WIIGII! Lover of bit-tech Administrator Super Moderator Moderator

    4 Dec 2007
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    I'm finding it difficult to see this as anything other than always-on internet DRM by the back-door. Either games that use the technology won't work at all when the servers are unavailable (see SimCity for details) or they'll work at a sub-standard level. Perhaps that 10,000-strong enemy army is suddenly 500-strong (a little bit like the port of Dead Rising for the Wii, in fact.) Perhaps half the levels have just gone away.

    I've been trying to get more information out of Microsoft about how it will all work - the video was published a week ago - but I've had no joy. The best they can offer me is that more information will be made available at E3, and even then they haven't said the information will actually include anything about the cloud computing implementation.
  5. rollo

    rollo Modder

    16 May 2008
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    Not sure whats worse living in the uk this or always online.

    My connection is perm up but its not fast 2-4mb like 90% of the uk is on and most of USA for that matter.

    Id prefer always online and everything on the disk than half of the game on the cloud and half of it on the disk as the problem is my connection will not happily download massive amounts of gbs in any quick time.

    Do i need to pre download the game if i intend to play it the day before as 8gb is a 8-12hr download for most people 16gb is close to 24hrs.

    Wtb my m8s connection in norway 120up 120 down.
  6. GeorgeStorm

    GeorgeStorm Aggressive PC Builder

    16 Dec 2008
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    Yeah, I was meaning the other potential implementation they had of it, as you said, for some games it is always on DRM, just not quite in the same way as traditional DRM.
  7. will_123

    will_123 Small childs brain in a big body

    2 Feb 2011
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    SimCity part2 then. smashing. Also what is with the constant reference to transistors in the new consoles PR stuff?

    "it’s also about having transistors in the cloud"

  8. rollo

    rollo Modder

    16 May 2008
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    If they have anything like Sim Citys issues then the Xbox one would be huge trouble if this is a main required feature for every game. With Rumours around the net that Microsoft wants to push this with every developer as part of a perm online authentication.

    Sim City has never really recovered from the bad press it recieved and in many places still does recieve can Microsoft really afford a years of bad press every time a major game release comes out that 10million gamers want to access there servers at launch.

    COD, BF4, FIFA would be 3 examples that might want server access and all will sell well.

    Even blizzard have yet to see one of there games launch without issues and has been in existance for years now and has gone through 5 major game launches in that time ( wow 2 expansions, SC2 + 1 and D3) All 5 had issues of some kind on launch related to server downloads and patches and not been accessible.
  9. Harlequin

    Harlequin Modder

    4 Jun 2004
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    again MS are only looking at the USA market along with its tv package thing

    ultra fast internet take up is improving , but its not 100% by any means.
  10. Gareth Halfacree

    Gareth Halfacree WIIGII! Lover of bit-tech Administrator Super Moderator Moderator

    4 Dec 2007
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    Sadly for people who like to be able to game without an internet connection, that simply isn't true: the game has been topping the PC charts for quite some time now. Here it is as the top-seller in April. In new charts that combine boxed sales and digital distribution, SimCity was the best-selling PC game of March - easily beating Bioshock Infinite and the new Tomb Raider reboot.

    Put simply: hardcore gamers read gaming news sites, but they represent only a small portion of the target market for games. Would SimCity have sold more copies without the negative publicity of its botched launch? Absolutely. Is it still a best-selling game? Totally. Would the vast majority of people who have bought it have any idea what you were talking about if you mentioned always-on DRM and offloaded AI engines? Not a chance.
  11. SAimNE

    SAimNE What's a Dremel?

    23 Oct 2012
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    i knew this was on the way, but i thought they would wait a few years for it... looks like xbox one is finally worth the cost.... still dont like live tho.
  12. greigaitken

    greigaitken Minimodder

    26 Aug 2009
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    3 x more cpu doesnt change much. In 2 years, could i buy it as an add on box and forget needing to stream etc?, 100x more cpu power does change things.
  13. Corky42

    Corky42 Where's walle?

    30 Oct 2012
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    I wouldn't say its worth the cost, I think Microsoft will have a struggle convincing anyone who looks into how the new XBOX works that.

    1. There cloud based gaming idea will work, what with all the bad press cloud based gaming has had.
    2. And that the new kinetic isn't a surveillance device in disguise as both Germany and Australia are already concerned.

    But as GH has already said, The vast majority of people who will be buying the new XBOX probably wont have any idea of what they are letting them selves in for :sigh:
  14. Niftyrat

    Niftyrat Dremel overpriced like EA games

    15 Aug 2010
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    Never sure with these how theyactually will work. if the ai data needs to go via Internet to server be processed and sent back how long will that take? And will it be noticeable on gameplay and what if in a multiplayer game one line is quicker will that make a diff?
  15. SleepyMatt

    SleepyMatt What's a Dremel?

    4 Sep 2011
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    If you ask me, the consoles aren't even close to release, and already it's a massive win for Sony. Though naturally I think I'll stick with my PC thanks all the same.
  16. fluxtatic

    fluxtatic What's a Dremel?

    25 Aug 2010
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    From the article Ars Technica had up the other day, it's essentially things that aren't latency-sensitive. Lighting, fluid dynamics, things like that. Meaning, if the cloud is available and your connection is up to snuff, it might allow you to turn the settings up another notch. If not, you'll get whatever the local machine can handle on its own, but nothing that really actually affects the gameplay to any significant degree.

    Maybe, at best, it'll mean less of a compromise on graphics for the next wave of console ports?

    Like a lot of console features, we likely won't see the best of what it can do for several the consoles themselves. Look at first-gen PS2 games versus what was being released a year before PS2 dropped - the difference is almost night and day. Given the development cycle for games, it'll be years before devs really understand how to take advantage of this, I think.
  17. Snips

    Snips I can do dat, giz a job

    14 Sep 2010
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    I really don't understand how this is a massive win for Sony?

    Same thing was said on the release of PS3/Xbox360 and the 360 won that round hands down. We've seen nothing from Sony and you seriously think Sony won't follow suit with the new format Microsoft are going with.

    First one through the wall always gets bloody, it's whose left standing at the end that counts and XboxOne has win written all over it ;)

    This topic alone will make a massive difference. How many truly play a PS3 or 360 without an internet connection? How many hardcore enthusiasts play here without an internet connection?

    Xbox Live has become hugely popular and has made the Xbox360 the success it is today, what has changed with this topic to make it a bad idea?
  18. rollo

    rollo Modder

    16 May 2008
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    Its not this topic alone though.

    There 3-4 topics that people are debating, 2nd hand games, always online drm in some form or another, the tv stuff outside of USA, the lack of big exclusives anymore that are not just a dlc or 2.

    There the big 3-4 been debated across the net, sonys console is not suffering from any of that its just been hyped up by everyone as they are talking about it as a gaming console not a media player.

    Does not really suggest sonys console won't do media, its just not the number 1 seller for it.

    Consoles have split this gen and Microsoft have went one way and Sony another.

    Personally i have enough media devices and with the tv stuff not working outside of USA there is next to no chance of me buying it. ( I own a Xbox elite 120gb, Sony slim ps3 and the wii also had orginal of both ps3 Xbox)

    Sony are basically just talking up the games and are getting the pre orders through that. The always online stuff is nearly Irelivent unless it affects actual gameplay or requires several gb download to play anygame.

    E3 could change everything but in the uk at least the estimated retail sale date is 2014 jan to march for both consoles, which means both miss the big Christmas rush in the uk.
  19. Snips

    Snips I can do dat, giz a job

    14 Sep 2010
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    Who said the No 1 seller for Microsoft is TV?

    Sony isn't suffering because they've said and shown nothing but a controller, which was a bit dull.

    If Sony was doing a "Gamer" console, then why go with such crap console specs?
  20. rollo

    rollo Modder

    16 May 2008
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    Specs are better than the competition last I checked. If you watched the Microsoft broadcast they were pushing the interaction between tv and kineck with the whole this will be the new media experience Ect Ect.

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