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Other Any 'vapers' out there?

Discussion in 'General' started by Sentinel-R1, 13 May 2013.

  1. jrs77

    jrs77 Modder

    17 Feb 2006
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    Nice gear Andersen. I just ordered my Taifun GT Dripper... and not a clone, but the real deal :p
  2. digitaldunc

    digitaldunc What's a Dremel?

    4 Oct 2010
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    I've caught the bug with this, I think :D

    2 weeks 2 days without cigs.

    Waiting on some snake oil and a load of various samples from smokerainbow coming atm.

    Aside from being customizable and cheaper in terms of coils, are these RTAs really much better than the likes of the protank or nautilus?

    Do you think the expromizer is the best of the bunch, jrs77?
  3. jrs77

    jrs77 Modder

    17 Feb 2006
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    Every rebuildbale atomizers will become cheaper over time, as the materials needed for rebuilding are dirtcheap... and I mean a pennie or two for a build. 10m Kanthal costs some €5-10 and you only need some 10cm per build and cotton costs costs €2 for 100g, and you probably need 0.2 grams of cottom per build. So really.... dirtcheap.

    As for the quality of the vape, well, that depends on the atomizer itself ofc and then the build of the setup.

    The eXpromizer is basically the same as the Kayfun, the Russian 91% or the likes. However, the eXpromizer only costs €50 without being a clone. That's why I think that it's the best value. Also, it has a selfadjusting positive post, so it sits flush on every battery-mod and it's easier to refill than the Kayfun and it's derivates. The eXpromizer is a mix of the Kayfun and the Taifun GT actually and has taken the strength of both of them and combined them into one cheaper product, as they get manufactured in China.

    So yeah, I like the eXpromizer pretty much and the vape is just as good as with the more expensive RTAs.

    With the Nautilus, you can rebuild the coils for them aswell, but it's a little bit more tricky.
  4. Andersen

    Andersen I'm fine. I'M FINE! *banshee howl*

    25 Nov 2002
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    Hey jrs. Those kanthal prices are finnish right? Have a look at Vape Mesh Company. 50M spool goes for about eight euros, 100M ~12 euros, shipping is relatively cheap so order larger quantities. I oopsidentally ordered myself 250 metres of kanthal in various sizes and ten sheets of mesh.

    Total was ~57 euros including shipping which is dirt cheap when compared to usual finnish prices.
  5. Byron C

    Byron C Multimodder

    12 Apr 2002
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    I think the best advice is to find what works for you, and bear in mind that rebuildables aren't inherently better than clearomisers with replaceable heads. Case in point: I still use a Kanger Protank 2 that I bought over 6 months ago and I rebuild the heads on a fairly regular basis with 0.3mm kanthal & cotton wool for next to nowt.

    I'd highly recommend learning how to recoil the coil head on your preferred clearomiser though; quality control can vary wildly and in the same pack you might get some heads that work brilliantly and some that just totally suck. A Protank 2 with a nano coil and cotton wool wicks (see youtube vid I posted above) is so much better than the standard Protank 2 head that you'd almost swear that you're using a different atomiser. And I regularly get my heads up to 15 watts with no dry hits at all.

    I did try to recoil the Aspire BDC head but it proved to be a real bugger - far too fiddly - so I've pretty much given up on it. The Nautilus uses a slightly modified BDC head, but still follows the same basic principles from what I've seen. When it comes to rebuilding clearomisers I find the Kanger T3S/Protank/Protank 2 style coil head the easiest clearomiser coil head, but I really don't get on with the Protank 3 style dual coil head. Rebuildables do tend to be easier to coil than clearomisers - that's why they're called rebuildable ;) - but it's all about practice.

    Your results may vary but I would advise you steer well clear of clearomisers which use a coil at the top of the tank (you'll know what I mean when you see them - they have wicks that dip down into the tank) and stick to bottom coil clearos. They wick juice so much better than top coil clearos, and there's no nonsense with tilting the tank to keep the wicks wet.
  6. jrs77

    jrs77 Modder

    17 Feb 2006
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    I don't order from anywhere else than Finland or Germany really. Tooo much troubles with ordering from the other countries imho. Or atleast I had nothing but troubles ordering from anywhere else. I even had to deal multiple times with the customs allready ordering fromo UK or Ireland, so I'm not doing that again for sure.

    Also. 10 meters of Kanthal last me for a couple of years, so I don't need it to be as cheap as it can be. Hell... 10 meters is 100 coils allready and I rebuild a coil maybe once every two weeks, if at all. The only thing I rebuild quiet regularily is the cotton-wick, but that one costs absolutely nothing at all.
  7. flibblesan

    flibblesan Destroyer

    27 Jul 2005
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    Looks like Kangertech have new Aerotanks out with new coils again (why do they keep changing them?)

    Can't find any sellers in the UK yet though.
  8. jrs77

    jrs77 Modder

    17 Feb 2006
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    That's why I wouldn't recommend anything else then RBAs anymore. Also it's very difficult to get hold of the right replacement-coils.

    When I ordered my Nautilus I got 20 coils for it, and when I'm running out of these, then I simply throw the Nautilus away I guess, as I hate rebuilding the coils for it. Tried it just to know how it works, but my eXpromizer or Kayfun are easier to rebuild, easier to clean and more resiliant.

    Oh... and I just ordered my 3d-printed boxmod from shapeways, and I got my aluminum boxmod in the mail today... well, I got a notice that it arrived. So tomorrow there'll be shiny pictures of some milled aluminum :)
  9. flibblesan

    flibblesan Destroyer

    27 Jul 2005
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    I'm looking forward to seeing this!
  10. Andersen

    Andersen I'm fine. I'M FINE! *banshee howl*

    25 Nov 2002
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    Yeah I went a bit overkill on it. However, it allows me to whip up twisted coils with no worry about running out. Such as this triple 0,4x0,1 thing.


    That was a failure, took forever to heat up on a mech and sticking it on Vamo wasnt much better. Needs a lot more power.
  11. jrs77

    jrs77 Modder

    17 Feb 2006
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    The milled parts for my boxmod arrived yesterday :)





    Some sanding is needed ofc, but overall I'm pleased with the result.
  12. ThirtyQuidKid

    ThirtyQuidKid Minimodder

    11 Jun 2010
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    Thats looking pretty good. I'm impressed. Have you done a test fit of the parts yet?

    I'm assuming your gonna use an 18650 thats removable. Are you using 4 screws to hold it together or some kind of quick release mechanism?
  13. jrs77

    jrs77 Modder

    17 Feb 2006
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    Here's the parts that are being installed.


    An Evolv DNA-30D, a 16mm vandal-switch, two tactile stainless microswitches, an USB-charger PCB, a 510-connector and a 18650-battery-holder (only a single one!) that basically covers all the other parts.

    And yes, all the parts do fit, allthough some light sanding is needed to make the microswitches sit flush.

    The four screws are flattop hex-screws and they won't be needed that often, as the battery get's charged via the microUSB-port. So yeah, they'll hold both pieces together.

    And before I forget to mention him... A big shout out to skyrip, who milled those parts for me.
    Last edited: 2 Apr 2014
  14. ThirtyQuidKid

    ThirtyQuidKid Minimodder

    11 Jun 2010
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    Very nice Dual 18650 even better.

    So how much to make me one as well????

    Good luck with the rest of the build.
  15. jrs77

    jrs77 Modder

    17 Feb 2006
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    Nah, just a single 18650-cell. Keep in mind that the box is only 100x40x25mm.

    And unfortunately I can't make you one of those boxes, as I'm not milling the box myself and the one who did it won't make another one, as it's a PITA to mill it.

    However, I can give you the SKP and OBJ data -> http://www.filedropper.com/modboxedgefinal
  16. ThirtyQuidKid

    ThirtyQuidKid Minimodder

    11 Jun 2010
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    As long as you dont mind I might use it and see if I can have a go at it....

  17. jrs77

    jrs77 Modder

    17 Feb 2006
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    I don't mind at all, that's why I provided the link there.

    As far as I understood from my conversations with skyrip, it's difficult to mill because it's quiet small and there's some problems clamping it down because of all the holes and bevels milled from allmost every side of the piece.
    Best thing would be a 4 or 5-axis CNC to mill it.
  18. Byron C

    Byron C Multimodder

    12 Apr 2002
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    That looks very purdy indeed, looking forward to seeing what you do with the finished product.

    Also, thanks for the link - I may peruse that design to see how it's been built/modelled. I haven't done any modelling in years, so I'm well out of touch - going to need to get back into practice if I'm going to design my own DNA30D mod! :)
  19. digitaldunc

    digitaldunc What's a Dremel?

    4 Oct 2010
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    Will be interested to see this assembled :)
  20. damien c

    damien c Mad FPS Gamer

    31 Aug 2010
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    Well my vamo v5 turned up at work yesterday and I got my hands on it today.

    Charged the small batteries up that came with it and it is bigger than I thought it would be.

    Feels really well made and quite heavy, could probably do some damage if used to hit someone round the head with it.

    Only issue is that if I use it at anything above 3v it burns the back of my throat and has a burnt liquid taste.

    Up to now, not overly impressed as it's not giving any more vapor or taste to the liquid compared to the standard battery that comes, with the E-Cig kits from scan.

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