Windows Kerbal Space Program

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Zinfandel, 13 Jul 2011.

  1. DeckerdBR

    DeckerdBR Minimodder

    9 Mar 2011
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    At the bottom left of the screen there is a button that allows you to toggle between place anywhere or snap to. That can help a fair amount.
  2. creative

    creative 500rwhp

    23 May 2014
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    ahhh... didnt see that.

    I also cheated... :lol: couldnt be bothered rinsing to get stuff so changed the config file..... I now have everything and unlimited funds to build whatever my random brain thinks up! :D
  3. DeckerdBR

    DeckerdBR Minimodder

    9 Mar 2011
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    The game itself it split into 3 modes,
    1. A full on career mode with budget management and science unlocks.
    2. A science only mode.
    3. A 'sandbox' mode where all items are unlocked and there are not requirements to perform either of the former, as they are in effect disabled.

    It's nice to have the choice of all 3.

    When the game goes into Beta 0.90 (Beta than ever!), Squad have overhauled the build mode, and added rotation controls for part placement as well as other optimisations. Should allow for easier construction of even the most complex rockets. In addition, they have added upgrades to KSP buildings, kerbals have individual stats and skills (piloting, engineering & science) and the contracts in career mode have been updates, among many other changes/additions.

    An overview from Squad here:
  4. creative

    creative 500rwhp

    23 May 2014
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    Its the career mode I modded.... I dont get long to play games these days so I just wanted to skip to the slog of getting everything and just play. I can always start again once I get the hang of it.

    Its certainly come along way since I first tried it a few years ago...... But I think I need more Ram! Put a full on real life model of the challenger from the forums in my ship folder and maaaaaan did it lag at takeoff! :jawdrop:
  5. legoman

    legoman breaker of things

    28 Feb 2010
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    I think we need a challange, something stupid that we can all do in sandbox mode.

    Something silly like "Most SFBS used in takeoff" or "biggest payload into space in a single shot"
  6. aramil

    aramil One does not simply upgrade Forums

    10 Jul 2012
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  7. DeckerdBR

    DeckerdBR Minimodder

    9 Mar 2011
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    That is great ha ha ha! Is that station self propelled!?

    Using the interstellar mod there? Those panels look like the heat exchangers from Scott Manleys KPS videos.
  8. aramil

    aramil One does not simply upgrade Forums

    10 Jul 2012
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    Yeah, Interstellar (heat exchangers/reactors/engines etc (you need the thrust lol)) & Stanford torus (for the 8000 tons each) rings.

    Done because some one asked if they could be launched instead of edited in to orbit :D

    This was my jool mission craft:

    And this was what i made with B9's new SupperSized parts:
    Jump Drive Enabled of course....
  9. legoman

    legoman breaker of things

    28 Feb 2010
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    Im going to have to get me some mods downlaoded and make something really stupid to send up there. Crazy/doomed idea. make something from startrek an get it into space Im thinking Romulan warbird. Kudos to anyone who can make a Borg cube, sod getting it into space Airborne alone would be an achievement.
  10. DeckerdBR

    DeckerdBR Minimodder

    9 Mar 2011
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    Really like that Jool Craft! :)
    Not made it there myself yet, furthest I have managed is to Eve with a probe (crashed) and Duna & back with a 3 man craft. Un part modded ofc.

    I can see your also using the better planets mod - looks a bit dodgy when going thorough the cloud layers but once in orbit, boy do those planets look good :D
  11. DeckerdBR

    DeckerdBR Minimodder

    9 Mar 2011
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    The 360 mb 0.90 'Beta then ever' patch was released by squad late last night. Gave it a quick go in sandbox mode, really like the new rotation controls for part placement (you toggle it with a bottom near the top left of the screen) and MK3 parts.

    Already started making a close to NASA style shuttle and launch system :)
  12. legoman

    legoman breaker of things

    28 Feb 2010
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    Same quite liking those new parts. Not sure if it was inthe B9 super sized parts mod pack or not but i got some massive components a massive reactor and other parts. I cant seem to find how they work though i foudn the reactor and some enourmous engines but when trying to fire nothing happens, clearing missedthe important fuel stage.

    I did try making a jet using some of the new parts, came out initially like some dirty great V Wing bomber using 6 of the new turbojet engines and the wings from the B9 super sized parts. Failed comically tipping back doing an incredibily tight loop and smashing down and exploding.

    Next i went smalled making a very small delta wing with a single turbojet rear mounted. All went well until the front wheel lifted meaning the jet nozzle struck the ground knocking it off. Kept it rolling hit the brakes, no dead kerbins

    The Mk3 jet so far looks like a V1 bomb jet mounted above the fuslage to avoid strikes. Ill get some photos tonight of the beast.

    If it makes flight plan is to go big though i did spot some VTOL bits which look fun. Cobble togther a large cube an make it fly?
  13. legoman

    legoman breaker of things

    28 Feb 2010
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    Jeb sat this one out, not that anyone will know how it ended as the game crashed.

    Anyway. after last nights tinkering with small craft the game was upped somewhat to produce something all together larger


    Complete with external tank nestled between the turbojet engines for ease of fuel transfer and fitted with a drone as no one was stupid enough to get on board.

    Little did they know that it would fly, surprisingly well if a little floppy


    After this the game crashed moaning about resolution so more tomorrow
  14. DeckerdBR

    DeckerdBR Minimodder

    9 Mar 2011
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    That is one big space plane!

    I have made some pretty good rockets using stock parts but space planes I have always found very challenging. I have only ever made 1 decent is space plane, in that I got into orbit and then landed it (not back at KSC though :/).

    Definitely a dark art to it :D
  15. legoman

    legoman breaker of things

    28 Feb 2010
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    Its very large, wouldnt work in space though the turbo jets need air to work, replacing them with RAPIERS is probably an option or mounting SFB's or liquid rockets under the wings like bombs maybe for some low orbit loops.

    Joy of that design was the amount of surface area it had meant i killed could kill the engines an keep gliding for a long time. The previous version of that i made had more vertical control surfaces in a test flight i did a loop around the air field killed the engines about a third of the way round an glided it back in nicely.
  16. DeckerdBR

    DeckerdBR Minimodder

    9 Mar 2011
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    ahh I thought they were the rapier engines. :S Does KSP work with a joystick do you know? I have a JS for the first time in years thanks to Elite D, and I think i'd be more encouraged to try more Aircraft creations if I could control them better.
    As you may imagine, if I can't make good space planes, I also don't make good standard planes.
    The B9 Aerospace pack has a great selection of both however :)
  17. legoman

    legoman breaker of things

    28 Feb 2010
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    The aerospace pack is something i need to download, many of the parts on there you can in theory carry over to space planes or reuseable shuttle like craft. Im sure something like the Bell X-1 is easily doable and its deployment method (dropped from a superfortress)
  18. DeckerdBR

    DeckerdBR Minimodder

    9 Mar 2011
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    Kerbal Space Program 1.0 is finally here with KSP now being officially out of early access!

    I have tried this for about an hour as my time for games has been disappointingly limited recently but initial impressions are good! I love having to design my ships to withstand the rigours of re-entry heating.

    Weeeeeee!!!! :)

    Link to the full patch notes:

    Summary of the main additions:

    The flight model has had a complete overhaul, meaning the lift is now calculated correctly to all lift-generating parts, which includes lifting bodies. The drag simulation has also been completely revised, and uses automatically pre-calculated data based on the each part’s geometry, to be finally applied based on not just the orientation of parts in flight, but also taking other parts into consideration. Stack mounted parts are now occluded from drag by neighboring parts, and lift induced drag is also properly simulated. Both the lift and drag are dependent on air density and the speed of sound, which are calculated from temperature and pressure. Be careful when flying aircraft in this new update: stalls are now properly simulated as well, and spontaneous craft disassembly during high-G maneuvers is now a very real thing.

    A new heating simulation has been implemented together with the improved aerodynamics. Now, not only temperature but also energy flux is considered when making heat calculations, meaning radiative, conductive, and convective heating and cooling are all simulated and all parts have their individual thermal properties. Parts will emit a blackbody radiation glow if they get hot enough. Although part temperatures can now be affected by such things as being exposed to sunlight and hypersonic flight heating, they can be properly occluded from these effects as well. Atmospheric temperature (and density) takes into account latitude and the position of the Sun. Celestial bodies now accurately emit thermal radiation that makes nearby craft warmer. Finally, ablative heat shields (with a finite, editor-tweakable ablation material) have been added to protect the parts behind them from reentry heating.

    You can now add fairings to your rockets! Fairing construction starts with a base part which will allow you to procedurally create a fairing after you place it. The design of the fairing is left up to you: shape individual sections of fairing with an intuitive visual system which gives you total control over the shape of any fairing.

    Once you've placed the fairings you can still edit your payload! Mousing over the fairing will make it transparent and will give you an exploded view, allow you to access anything that's inside. If you later want to edit a fairing, simply right-click the fairing base to modify it as needed.

    Fairings will shield anything inside them from drag and heat, making them an ideal tool for making payloads survive even more aggressive aerodynamic stresses. Like cargo bays and service modules, they will also prevent wings from generating lift, as well as science experiments, solar panels and antennas from deploying, which means all these new parts should be a big part of your mission design.

    Resource Mining
    Mining for Resources is now a part of Kerbal Space Program: set out to find Ore, which can be found throughout the Solar system, including on asteroids. To do this you'll have access to several different scanners to map out and find the best places to mine, drills to extract it, specialised holding tanks to store it, and a processor / refinery unit to convert it into usable fuels. To help you find the Ore, new map overlays have been implemented on all celestial bodies, and new UI elements have been added to various pieces of equipment. Also, Kerbal engineers are particularly good at keeping those drills humming at peak efficiency.
  19. Journeyer

    Journeyer Minimodder

    31 Aug 2006
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    So, just recently I got back into KSP after a prolonged hiatus.
    Version 1.0.4 has hit, and Version 1.0.5 is due out hopefully before x-mas according to the grapevine. The last time I had played it was at version 0.24 so big changes indeed, and I more or less had to relearn the game from scratch.

    Started a new science career (tried full career but grinding money turned it into a less-than enjoyable chore, so I gave that up), and went about exploring space once again. So during these last few days I have unlocked the lower half of the tech tree, and have successfully flown two missions to Mün and back.

    Just last night I ventured further and flew a return mission to Minmus. It was textbook - it was glorious! And returning to Kerbin I still had propellant in my tanks. Feeling exuberant after this great success I set about constructing a probe to do a fly-by of Duna.

    I built the probe (small, lightweight, autonomous and carrying enough science to get a decent Return) and shot it off. Once having achieved orbit I set about setting a manouver and voila; I almost got a direct Duna intercept with only 51s burntime on my Skipper engine burning from LKO - and there was still propellant left for making course adjustments and possibly for braking once I got it to Duna. Excellent.

    Then I hit warp to a couple of weeks before my Duna encounter, set up a minor course adjustment to ensure Duna intercept and warped to burn whereupon I immediatly hit Z expecting it to reward me with the soothing noise of a rocket engine going at full tilt. No such luck. It turned out that in my eager to get the mission on the way I forgot to extend the solar panels, and so the spacecraft was dead in the water. It will forever drift in the void as a testament to Kerbal ingenuity, and as a reminder that operators should make damn sure the spacecraft they operate are powered. (Loley Kerman will no longer be working in Mission Control).

    Oh well...better luck next time.
    Last edited: 16 Oct 2015
  20. DeckerdBR

    DeckerdBR Minimodder

    9 Mar 2011
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    Ha ha that's awesome!

    if you leave SAS enabled, it will drain power as well. In fact, I think the 1.04 changes meant the probe body itself now consumes power, although don't quote me!

    I was so pleased with myself the first time I got Kerbals landed on Duna but it was at least half a dozen more missions before I made a ship capable of getting them back off the surface!

    The furthest I have ever managed to get a craft (a probe in this case) was to EVE, with it's amazing purple atmosphere.

    I think the December 1.05 update is the unity 5 port? should bring with it better physics, better 64bit support among other things.

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