Windows Bit-tech League of Legends thread

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Djayness, 19 Jan 2011.

  1. Ljs

    Ljs Modder

    4 Sep 2009
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    I would have thought that but it seems not.

    If I play it, and my father is downstairs generally surfing the web (I've had to move back home for a bit - bad times) my ping shoots up into the thousands. I can't really tell him to stop it as its his internet, but if he is doing stuff, it generally renders me useless for most the game, or I just get killed by champs with high mobility.

    Very frustrating, and I can only play after he has gone to bed (1am+) without the threat of these spikes. I've seen them go up to 8000ms before.

    Apparently most routers have a 'quality of service' setting where you can prioritse LoL, but I don't have access to it as I don't know the password. If I ask him he will get suspicious and I'm on thin ice anyway!

    I have no idea how you can play with a 250+ ping, the delay annoys the living crap out of me when mine hovers around that. I suppose you get used to it - at least its constant!
  2. Xahl

    Xahl Your mum's a Dremel

    18 Mar 2011
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    In attempts to bring the discussion back round I thought I'd mention that:

    Rumble is being nerfed - apparently since the Jayce patch his flamethrower hits much more often than it did before; essentially now a level 1 crowstorm

    Cho is being buffed/polished - making him more usable and responsive

    and Darius' Ult is being nerfed or changed - since it's a damned pain in the arse.

    thoughts? Will be nice to play Cho feasibly again.
  3. Xahl

    Xahl Your mum's a Dremel

    18 Mar 2011
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    That sucks. I reckon if you could get priority bandwidth to LoL your dad wouldn't notice half as much as you do with him browsing.
  4. Chris1554

    Chris1554 What's a Dremel?

    31 May 2011
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    Cho really needs the quality of life changes I hope it works out and I end up playing him more as I used to really enjoy him.

    Darius... Oh Darius, most ranked games I do ( Which admittedly isn't that much these days) ends up with him being banned just to the simple fact that he can snowball SO hard if your top fails. His ult is overdue a nerf.
  5. TheBlackSwordsMan

    TheBlackSwordsMan Over the Hills and Far Away

    16 Aug 2009
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    League of riged legends, sometime I wonder...
  6. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    I see the Zyra spotlight is available...pure.AP.Nuke

    Just watching that I can tell that she's SUPER mean early game, and her ulti makes her nuke incredibly hard. It's an instant escape, and if she has seeds planted, she can kite like a bawss.

    also in Jungle, she'll likely be quite mean, being able to tackle minions without being there.

    In general, the fact that she can deal damage to more than one target at a time AND stack CC on top of that makes her quite nasty.

    I might also have a look at QOS settings on my router and see if I can prioritise LoL... failing that, i might try on my WAP, which I know has settings for it, i just don't know how that works with the internets.
    Last edited: 24 Jul 2012
  7. Xahl

    Xahl Your mum's a Dremel

    18 Mar 2011
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    Yes I also used to really enjoy him, still do tbh. It's odd, he didn't get nerfed he just dropped out of favor like so many champions seem to do; which I guess is why they aren't buffing him per se just polishing him up. This should bring him back up to the par of other top champs at least.

    I have also shied away from ranked for a while, not necessarily because of Darius ofc but yes he usually just stomps a top lane.
  8. Xahl

    Xahl Your mum's a Dremel

    18 Mar 2011
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    Hmm I didn't really get the impression she'd be bursty; since the plant's damage acts as an autohit and the abilities seem more oriented around utility and careful planning.
    Also does she really do much aoe? (Other than the ult and snare..) Since the plant's target whoever Zyra attacks.
  9. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    If anyone plays on the US servers and has skype I'd be down to play. I'm not too big of a fan of ranked games because without a duo queue partner it sucks, plus I'm rather rusty since I don't play as much as I used to a few months back. Add me, LoL is mansueto, skype is mansueto_. Just send a message saying bit-tech so I can move you to a folder and not accidentally delete you when I can't remember who you are! I believe SethAnub1s is from BT as well as TheLeox2507 right?
  10. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    SethAnub1s would be myself.

    Although my US Account is pretty inactive... playing more on EU West now.
  11. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    If I wanted to switch to EU to play with all the BT members I'd have to start at level 1 again, wouldn't I?

    Since my friends rarely play with me anymore I think I'll be making the move to EU to play with you since there's a good amount of BT players. This also gives me a fresh start to try new heroes at early levels, though I doubt there will be any jungling with the lack of runes and such.

    Username on EU West is HeroMansu. Let the leveling begin!
    Last edited: 24 Jul 2012
  12. Xahl

    Xahl Your mum's a Dremel

    18 Mar 2011
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    I believe so, yes
  13. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    My EU username is HeroMansu but summoner name is Namsu!

    I miss being level 30 already :| Both games I played we had trolls. Not looking forward to leveling. Even when we're getting slaughtered the troll players refuse to surrender and just feed / buy stupid items, not impressed.
    Last edited: 24 Jul 2012
  14. Xahl

    Xahl Your mum's a Dremel

    18 Mar 2011
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    I hope we EUW BT players can eventually make the switch worth it ...
  15. modfx

    modfx Loft Gremlin

    11 Feb 2010
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    I know it's a bit random, but has anyone else had issues with adobe air crashing since the Eve/Twitch patch?
  16. Ljs

    Ljs Modder

    4 Sep 2009
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    No such problems for me...

    Had some fun games tonight with Vdbswong, Yslen and Dace (is he a member here?). Thanks for carrying me guys, at this rate I might get to 100 wins!
  17. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    I can't wait for the weekend, where I'll get some game time in. I'm hoping to see Zyra in action (don't have the IP right now to buy her anyway), so I can get a better impression.

    I don't like Air as a platform much, and I have multiple issues with LOL (some AIR related, some not).
    a good example would be that when I am playing with headphones, and then unplug the USB headphones mid-round (or while loading), it doesn't switch to the speakers...
  18. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    Dace is a friend i used to go to Uni with and got him into LoL, he doesn't frequent the forums though.

    Funnily enough yesterday was his first real night of LoL again after he moved house and had no internet for over a month, so he was pretty pleased the games went so well.

    Also, the last game went on for a little too long, i got fed a bit too much on Cass so started split pushing, but it didn't really come to fruition and cost us a bit here and there. Just glad we pulled it together and went on to win, i was having issues poking past Rumble and Gangplank, and Annie and Ashe both would save their stuns for me if i tried going straight for them.
  19. Xahl

    Xahl Your mum's a Dremel

    18 Mar 2011
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    fed too much? I guess the team's kills were all on you rather than distributed then. :rolleyes:
  20. modfx

    modfx Loft Gremlin

    11 Feb 2010
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    I find Lol always has some sort of bug, ranging from huge such as the entire server going down, to something as minor as the inability to allow friends invite rights to a lobby (the Darius bug was hilarious btw but tbh just saves his index finger pressing "R" 5 times)

    If you guys havn't seen it:

    I'm not looking forward to Zyra at all, infact I rarely play champs that are less that 6 months old so that they can go through their series of nerfs and buffs until they're balanced. Mind you it does take a while for me to get bored of a champ as I tend amuse myself by expermienting with different combinations of masteries, item, runes and playstyles ( Singed is awesome with Mvt quints, MP Marks and Glpyhs, mana regen seals, 10-0-20 masteries sorc boots, 2x ROA, Rabadons, Archangels and FON damn near unkillable, uncatchable, has stupid HP regen and has the ability to wipe out a whole team in the space of a few seconds. My god do you need to farm though.)

    If anyone fancies a game sometime, my summ name is: modfx, I tend to support (it seems that people other than me that actually like it are few and far between), mid or top and can do a reasonable AD carry along with worstjungleEU™ (^^,)

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