Graphics EVGA 8800 GTX ACS3 vs EVGA 8800 GTX KO Super Clocked ACS3

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Mother-Goose, 13 Mar 2007.

  1. Mother-Goose

    Mother-Goose 5 o'clock somewhere

    22 Jul 2004
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    Just a quick question for opinions on this one really :thumb:

    I was thinking of getting the KO Super clocked version but I can save about £100 by getting the standard slient GTX. I'm pretty much going to play DX9 games, company heroes is what I really fancy, C&C3 and of course CS:S - I'm thinking, I'll save £100, which is good, I could then sell it and get the X2900XTX possibly, or later revisions, whatever, I think a stock 8800GTX is going to be fine for what I'm after (i know i could get a GTS, but this says GTX, it sounds better lol)
  2. Mother-Goose

    Mother-Goose 5 o'clock somewhere

    22 Jul 2004
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    Ok it seems there is only about £50 difference, i'll get the KO super clocked instead. Mods, close or delete the thread :)
  3. Rage.

    Rage. What's a Dremel?

    3 Mar 2007
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    um.. whats the difference in speeds? btw couldnt u just overclock the standard one yourself?
  4. Mother-Goose

    Mother-Goose 5 o'clock somewhere

    22 Jul 2004
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    If i get the pre oc'd one then it wont void the warranty, plus i have never Oc'd so i don't wanna break my nice new gfx do I.
  5. Darth Joules

    Darth Joules Minimodder

    29 Feb 2004
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    The EVGA 8800GTX ACS3 is just a vanilla 8800GTX with the ACS3 straped to it. So it'll run a bit cooler and quieter than with the stock cooler. That'll allow you to reasonably overclock the card yourself without too much danger of overheating, etc; thanks to its better cooling capabilites which kinda gives you a little safety cushion.

    The EVGA 8800GTX KO Super Clocked ACS3 is a 8800GTX card cherry-picked at the factory for it optimum overclocking potential and then factory overclocked, tested, etc. So you have a guarenteed overclock, but you pay extra for the it has the same ACS3 cooler on it too.

    If it was me I'd pick the EVGA 8800GTX KO Super Clocked ACS3 if you can afford it and you're nervous about overclocking a graphics card. My other reason for why I'd pick it is that I have two games (GTR, GTL) that throw hissy fits with manually overclocked cards. But that's my current rig and why I bought a pre-oveclocked X859XT many moons back.

    Otherwise go for the EVGA 8800GTX ACS3 and overclock it saving £50 to boot. You'll only need to spend a little time and effort testing your overclocks in games for any glitches (artifacting, etc) as you clock higher and higher until you find the sweet spot. You might be able to get the EVGA 8800GTX ACS3 to KO speeds, but there's no guarentee that you will.

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