Playstation 3 PS3 or XBox360?

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by vitadellajan, 19 Oct 2009.

  1. vitadellajan

    vitadellajan What's a Dremel?

    8 Oct 2009
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    I am thinking of buying one of them but i dont know which one to get. I am used to the plastation paddles. I know Xbox has Halo which is a plus for that. But I also want to use it as a computor in my bedroom. So which ever one is better at online. Just give me your reasons why you like one of them.
  2. Sanguineangel

    Sanguineangel What's a Dremel?

    26 May 2009
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    Hi there,

    Well, this is a bit of a late reply, but you may still be needing some input.

    If you'd like my honest opinion, I'd plumb happily for the PS3. Reasoning thusly:

    1. I presume as you're posting here you also sport a PC. Meaning the vast majority of games that are 360 but not PS3 will also be available to you on PS3. The reverse is not true.

    2. The platform exclusives on PS3 are, in my opinion, more interesting and generally better. Exaples being Valkyria Chronicles, Uncharted 1 & 2, Afrika if you can get a copy imported. There are pleanty more

    3. The PS3 seems to being coming into it's own now, with quite a few useful apps coming out such as the bbc iPlayer, TV recording, music player. The 360 seems to me to be on the decline in this regard. Although I am no expert here so someone else may wish to chime in here.

    4. Wireless connection to active media servers means you can watch movies and listen to music from your computer and such.

    5. It's got a built in, and pretty good quality, Blu-Ray player.

    6. It is, generally speaking, more reliable that the 360. The 1st iterations (60Gb, backwards compatible jobbies) are admittedly suffering some issues but all the other models are fine. I don't wanna jinx it but I have one of those 60 Gigs myself and it's absolutely fine. Touch wood.

    Hope that helps.
  3. Veles

    Veles DUR HUR

    18 Nov 2005
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    It mostly depends on what games you want to play. Unfortunately not many of the 360 exclusives are actually coming to PC anymore.

    The online experience for the xbox is better, but you have to remember that you have to pay for it and the PSN has come a long way since the PS3 was first released. I think XBL is worth every penny though.

    Ad for other features they're roughly on par with each other.

    PS3 does have BR, but a superior stand alone BR player isn't that much anymore
    You can stream video and music from a PC on both consoles.
    PS3 has the freeview add-on which can record video to the hard drive (I believe it costs about £90)
    Xbox will soon be having a sky player so if you have a sky subscription you can watch that through your PC (you can also subscribe to sky without needing the dish and box and just use the 360)
    360 also has Facebook, Twitter and apps coming very soon and I believe BBC iPlayer will be too at some point
    PS3 has a internet browser I believe
    PS3 has built in wi-fi, 360 has a add on wi-fi dongle (about £50 I think)

    360 isn't as unreliable as people make it out to be, it's not gonna win any awards but it doesn't break every 5 minutes. Some people seem to get really unlucky with them though.
  4. benjamyn

    benjamyn What's a Dremel?

    11 May 2002
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    Ultimately it comes down to what games you prefer, look into what games interest you most on the existing console libraries and games to be released.

    Both consoles have a decent online marketplace and online play, good media playback, Xbox 360 has built in MSN, Facebook, twitter etc, PS3 has an internet browser. etc
  5. mikeuk2004

    mikeuk2004 What you Looking at Fool!

    3 Sep 2004
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  6. Fod

    Fod what is the cheesecake?

    26 Aug 2004
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    both. like me. because i am awesome. muhahaha.
  7. steleet

    steleet Did he death?

    22 Oct 2009
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    PC and PS3 is the best to have. Most games that go to Xbox go to PC as well.
  8. fabler

    fabler What's a Dremel?

    9 Sep 2009
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    I head that PS3 will support nVidia PhysX technology soon. So I think PS3 would be a great choice. I'm agree with the points mentioned by Sanguineangel.
  9. gavomatic57

    gavomatic57 Minimodder

    23 Apr 2009
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  10. johnnyboy700

    johnnyboy700 Minimodder

    27 May 2007
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    Gears of War 2 is X-Box only, because, I seem to recall, apparantly because if you own a PC powerful enough to play it then its a guarantee that you will pirate the game - according to the game developers.
    Last edited: 2 Nov 2009
  11. Solidus

    Solidus Superhuman

    26 Dec 2005
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    I own all 3 major consoles and did own a relatively high-end pc before i sold it for parts.

    There isnt a clear cut answer on this, The xbox 360 has a better online experience as its more user-friendly, more refined and easier for playing online with friends...

    That said you have to pay for it...

    However the ps3 has free online play but its clunky and really not user-friendly and difficult for multiple friends.

    Games-wise the xbox 360 tends to have the better coded games, also lots of exclusives like Halo, Gears of War, fable etc. If your a shoot-em-up fps lover you cant go wrong with the xbox.

    However the ps3 has decent titles of its own...but the user experience isnt shared as well with others as the online play feels too basic....but then it is free so would do.

    If i had the choice - I would ask - Are you a more hardcore gamer? if so - Go Xbox 360.

    If you dont particularly mind online play all that much ...go ps3.

    The ps3 is better value as it has a blu-ray player, decent games and online play....however the xbox 360 is where the games are at, the online experience and the hardcore-ness.

    tough choice.......hell if you dont like playing games at all and reckon you will get bored of it all....just get the Wii.
  12. [PUNK] crompers

    [PUNK] crompers Dremedial

    20 May 2008
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    for me the exclusives on the PS3 are just more interesting, and its starting to come into its own now (uncharted 2, heavy rain etc) but then i will not play shooters on a pad so the 360 is pretty much off my radar.
  13. gavomatic57

    gavomatic57 Minimodder

    23 Apr 2009
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    I'm happy to go without that title though, the 1st one was really quite boring. Great production values, but really repetitive gameplay. Walk, cover, shoot until you hear the bong..walk, cover, they nicked the Krill from Pitch Black...;)

    I don't consider the 360 a "harcore gamer's" choice. If you are a hardcore gamer, you'll probably be playing the same games on a PC, with a keyboard and mouse, whilst worrying endlessly about your ping. As has been said already, the vast majority of the good games on 360 are also on the PC. If you are a hardcore gamer, you want a good PC and a PS3 for the games that aren't on the PC and 360.
  14. rolly74

    rolly74 Digital Marionette

    21 Apr 2009
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    I think I'm in the minority here, but I'd go 360 without a question. I've played quite a bit of both, but if I can't throw in Halo 3 every once in a while I'd probably lose it. Also, I just like the feel of the xbox controllers better. I don't use my PC to game, so those points about PS3+PC I can't really comment about. between the PS3 and 360 I'd definitely go 360.
  15. heir flick

    heir flick Minimodder

    2 Feb 2007
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    i used to have a 360 but found most of its games on pc so sold it, if i was looking to buy a console then the ps3 gets my vote because although most games come out for both, the ps3 only games like uncharterd and mgs intrest me more, the best thing to do is look at the games for ps3 and 360 only and decide on what games you want to play the most
  16. fabler

    fabler What's a Dremel?

    9 Sep 2009
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    I love PS3 because of BD support. Because BD is the future..
  17. rolly74

    rolly74 Digital Marionette

    21 Apr 2009
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    (BD=Bluray?) yeah bluray is huge, i didn't think about that. that might make me reconsider if I was buying on now. how much does a bluray player run these days though? The price must be coming down by now.
  18. fabler

    fabler What's a Dremel?

    9 Sep 2009
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    yes BD = blueray.. Yes we should consider Blue-Ray. Prices of blue ray player is not down yet. It is very costly. I'm from india. If I buy a Blue-Ray Player I've to pay around 30K INR and If I buy a PS3 then I've to pay 19K INR.

    see its a best choice to buy a PS3..
  19. The Geekest Link

    The Geekest Link What's a Dremel?

    18 Nov 2009
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    Such a difficult question, depends if you want a console purely for gaming, in which case, the situation is clearly 360 right now... but with a new raft of exclusive PS3 games next year, that could all change.

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