News Sony dismisses price cut demands

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by CardJoe, 8 Jul 2009.

  1. Lepermessiah

    Lepermessiah What's a Dremel?

    1 Feb 2008
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    "TO ME". Case in point, to you maybe, but Sony has a big library, and its exclusives are every bit as good, if it ain't exclusive its on the PS3, so how is that even relevant. I am actually amazed people keep buying 360's with its hardware issues, and all that comes with Sony's box TBH, but hey, Americans are Americans.
  2. themax

    themax What's a Dremel?

    2 Dec 2005
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    Nobody complained when the Xbox 360 was $500 at launch and had a $400 basic model requiring nearly $200 in accessories to equal what the Premium came with out of the box.

    I'm assuming your launch prices were canada's. Because the 60GB model I paid for at launch was $600. Current pricing for 40GB and 80GB as far as I know is $399-$499. I don't know why any of you would expect an announced price reduction if they planned on one. That would be shooting themselves in the foot because nobody would buy through the current inventory until the price dropped.

    And I'm still suprised that 2 1/2 years later, people still throw out the fanboyish "it has no games" remark. The PS3's catalogue includes nearly every multiplatform game released since it launched (it's a given the Xbox 360 enjoyed a full year worth of released exclusively since there was no other console to compete so it's library is bigger) including it's own growing exclusive library which isn't dwarfed by the 360's exclusive catalogue at all. You're going to need a new straw to grab at. Price point is the only real arguement here and I agree it is still too expensive and needs a reduction soon.
  3. Mcmonopoly

    Mcmonopoly What now?!

    25 Feb 2008
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    I'm talking about actual prices of the consoles, right now, I can go and buy a arcade 360 for 249$CND, the cheapest PS3 is still 400$ for the same slimmed down bundle..

    The only "essential"(IMO) accessory you had to buy was the HDD unit, since if you compare the cheapest version of both consoles do only come with 1 controller each, nothing else. So 249+100$ for HDD sill fares better than 399$ base price.

    I'm not bashing at all, but from a "potential" buyers point of view, as much as I hate M$, I would still go for their product, since I don't own/rent/use any BD media, I stream My HD stuff from Digital HD providers.
  4. perplekks45

    perplekks45 LIKE AN ANIMAL!

    9 May 2004
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    I got a 360 Elite for £230 with 2 games. How much would I pay for the PS3 top model again? I rest my case. Thanks for the attention.
  5. devdevil85

    devdevil85 What's a Dremel?

    29 Nov 2006
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    Do you game online? Did you have to buy extra battery packs for your controller(s)? The 160GB PS3 offers more space/features than the Elite so that's not a fair argument to say the Elite > 160GB PS3. I would bet that there is some kind of rival deal in the UK for the PS3, too, isn't there?
  6. glaeken

    glaeken Freeeeeeeze! I'm a cawp!

    1 Jan 2005
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    But if you want wireless internet don't you have to buy a $100 add-on for the 360 arcade? Add that on and then you about equal the base PS3 model. Wireless, to me and many others, is quite important.

    Also, you don't have to pay a monthly subscritption to use on-line services...
  7. perplekks45

    perplekks45 LIKE AN ANIMAL!

    9 May 2004
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    I got 12 months Xbox Live Gold for free, I don't consider wireless necessary but a premium feature for a console, and you made my day by saying that by buying the 360 top model PLUS the wireless dongle I'd equal the PS3 BASE model. :D

    Oh, and last time I checked the PS3 was £299 in the UK. It might be cheaper now or I just didn't see the cheapest offer but still expensive if you ask me.
  8. glaeken

    glaeken Freeeeeeeze! I'm a cawp!

    1 Jan 2005
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    Xbox360 Arcade (199) + 60GB HDD(99) + Wireless(99) = 397~ PS3 Base Model(399).

    Both of those for me are manditory (even the Wii has buit-in wireless). I'm not a PS fanboy or anything - I mostly play PC games. These features and a few exclusive titles (Killzone 2, MGS4, Infamous, etc) are why I bought the PS3.

    The biggest feature that interests me for the 360 is that I can develop on it through XNA.
    Last edited: 8 Jul 2009
  9. cyrilthefish

    cyrilthefish What's a Dremel?

    15 Apr 2004
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    why are you listing the arcade + a HDD when the premium is far cheaper than the two of those added together?

    anyway (UK prices here, off the website)
    60GB 360 console pack + wifi adaptor = ~£220
    cheapest PS3 = £290

    fairly huge difference still :eyebrow:

    not trying to be a fanboy here, but they were some seriously misleading figures there :S
  10. cyrilthefish

    cyrilthefish What's a Dremel?

    15 Apr 2004
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    the different levels of platform exclusive games depends a lot on peoples tastes

    personally theres only 1 PS3 exclusive i'd possibly want to play vs 4 on the 360, but you often hear other people saying the exact opposite :)

    (ideally i'd prefer every game on the PC, that way i wouldn't need a console at all :lol: )
  11. Mcmonopoly

    Mcmonopoly What now?!

    25 Feb 2008
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    Ok first off, the 360 controller that comes with the cheapest bundle is wired, so no need for battery pack.

    I know 20 people that own X360s, and as far as wireless adapters go, not one of them have one, they instead all asked their internet providers to install the cable modem next to the console, and put @ 30$ wireless G adapter in their home computers, or go with the built-in wireless adapter in laptops, so no wires, and 100Mb Ethernet instead...

    Oh, and you still can play original Xbox games on the 360(most games i was told), which you can't do with the cheapest PS3...

    Oh and as far as having free acess to the PSN, that's the worst selling point i've seen, I mean it's ages behind XBL, and they just introduced the PSN cards in game shops last month ( I live in Canada, in one of it's largest cities mind you), since a lot of people weren't able to use their credit cards to purchase games off of it. Wow great effort Sony...
  12. glaeken

    glaeken Freeeeeeeze! I'm a cawp!

    1 Jan 2005
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    The 360 that comes with a hdd is $299 (360 Pro), which is the price of an arcade + hdd. So, no, they're not misleading.

    I wish :) Gaming rig and console = expensive.
  13. Mcmonopoly

    Mcmonopoly What now?!

    25 Feb 2008
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    Yeah exactly what I think in general about exclusive title, I think the PC market gets skrewed too often when games aren't released or are delayed on the PC (I'm looking at you Bioware)...
  14. cyrilthefish

    cyrilthefish What's a Dremel?

    15 Apr 2004
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    hmm... looks like some currency conversion and/or pricing shenanigans are happening there.
    I'll let you off then :)
  15. devdevil85

    devdevil85 What's a Dremel?

    29 Nov 2006
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    I wasn't referring to the wireless adapter. What I was saying was you will need to add the cost of XBL membership + rechargeable battery packs for each controller in order to get what you would with a PS3 since online gaming is free with PSN and all Dual Shocks recharge out of the box. Wired controllers are not the norm and most people I know can't since they sit too far from the TV. Wireless is not something you have to have (I don't), but IMO most people expect online play and they expect to use wireless controllers (hints the rechargeable battery packs vs actual batteries). Lastly, stating that XBL is ages ahead of PSN is just as moot as saying the PS3 has "no good exclusives".
  16. Elton

    Elton Officially a Whisky Nerd

    23 Jan 2009
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    I laugh at their logic, cheaper prices = more purchases, more purchases = money!
  17. Mcmonopoly

    Mcmonopoly What now?!

    25 Feb 2008
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    Uhm. have you used both services without owning either consoles? I did, and it took me a while to get use to PSN (after having problems connecting to it altogether), also like I stated above, they did not care about the fact that some people that actually wanted to buy stuff form PSN couldn't because of the lack of alternate ways to purchase points/add money to account.

    Also just to get back to the Wireless Internet connection thing, go and try to watch a full HD movie over Wireless networking (if you download it off the PSN it'll be even worse since you have to factor in the speed limit of your ISP) and see that wireless connections aren't all they need to be ATM...
  18. Mcmonopoly

    Mcmonopoly What now?!

    25 Feb 2008
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    Oh and BTW I never said they don't have any good exclusive, I just stated that there aren't any worth buying a 400$ console for, that's all.
  19. devdevil85

    devdevil85 What's a Dremel?

    29 Nov 2006
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    First off, I do not own a 360, but do I play it every other week? Yes, and I have since its launch (my best friend owns it). Have I played online on both. Yes. Now that we have that out of the way, I will again say that your PSN/XBL statement doesn't make sense. What learning curve do you need for either service? I don't find either service to be any more complicated than the other.

    When you say HD, are you talking 720p, 1080i or 1080p? My friend streams 720p/1080i content over his wireless connection and has no problems with downloading or playing mulitplayer games, so what are you trying to get at here? He does have a really nice Linksys router sitting about 25 feet from his PS3, but still....My internet speed averages ~22Mbit/sec and I can start a download of a Pulse and watch it the whole way through without any buffering and that's at 1080i, too. Now whether or not it's true HD like your stating, idk, but it shows up as 1080i on my Projector. I have yet to purchase a movie from PSN since I prefer BR movies or purchasing them from my cable provider just like yourself.
  20. perplekks45

    perplekks45 LIKE AN ANIMAL!

    9 May 2004
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    22Mbit? That's a bit higher than the averag of 8 in Europe or 6 in the UK. So you can't really compare that, can you?

    Anyways, XBL ain't ages ahead but it's been around for quite some time. In the end it's all down to personal preference.
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