Case Mod - In Progress BF3.3 Battlefield 3 themed Mod

Discussion in 'Project Logs' started by rchiileea, 1 Nov 2011.

  1. rchiileea

    rchiileea Minimodder

    11 Jan 2008
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    Why thank you sir
  2. rchiileea

    rchiileea Minimodder

    11 Jan 2008
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    Well guys Back for another update,


    Not sure on bullets over hard drive compartments and will be removing these I think.


    The back artwork is better than I expected, you may have also noted the Camo Form on handle and on security magazine, these looked way to clean when I first applied it so some aging was in order, I also aged the Camo Form on the weapon too.


    I like how it’s come out if I am honest, and getting happy with the way it is starting to look, while I am here I thought I would I would show you that something that arrived from the guys at FrozenQ.


    Yes it is there Dual Bay Helix res, with orange helix


    The res feels well constructed and is hopefully going to match the scheme properly with the orange glowing claymore on the front. I know the shot most of you are interested in is this one though.


    Very nice indeed and I think it will fit in with the mod just great, Ill post an update again this weekend, got a few 100 tiny things to do on the to do list
  3. Nutman

    Nutman Never stuck with stock

    21 Oct 2008
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    Neat res. Love the airbrush artwork. :thumb:
  4. rchiileea

    rchiileea Minimodder

    11 Jan 2008
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    so do i :)

    Been at it this morning getting adding claymore and nade I stole from the Callibur Xbox 360 Battlefield 3 Vault. Will post some pictures soon.
  5. rchiileea

    rchiileea Minimodder

    11 Jan 2008
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    Back again with a minor little update, decided against the bullets and thought I would mount the Dice nade that I harvested from the Calibur Battlefield 3 vault.


    Used a dremel drill piece with some masking tape, to make initial guide holes in the right place, then removed the tape and put a grinding piece on (pointy thin type). You may have noticed I removed the tape, the reason for this is when grinding plastic, the plastic can get hot and if you leave tape it will get caught in the tape. Removing it allows me to quickly remove any that may come up through the top onto the paint.


    Mounted nice and tight to the panel, now time to move onto the claymore and mounting that, this means it’s time to do the same thing with that, but it’s not going to be as quick as this.


    The first thing I done here was get the placement right, I wanted a small gap at the bottom, those of you that have actually dealt with the level 10 case will know how awkward this is going to be to mount, the front of the case is very uneven and just select were to put the mount holes is a bit awkward.


    So after a lot of trial and error, I worked out my placement for the mounts to get it into the right place, the issue with the spot though is one is right next to the HDD tray release button, not ideal but with the right tools possible. As it was so close to the button a smaller pilot hole was made this time with the tape, then I had to remove the tape and use a bigger drill piece, just to ensure I was careful enough not to damage the button.


    Then as with the previous mount for the nade I had to grind the hole to the right size without the tape.


    As you can see I had to grind down 2 pieces of plastic so the button still had full function, at least the opposite side was not as troublesome.


    Same as the previous side, small pilot hole was made with a smaller drill bit, then the tape removed and a larger piece used, this was then grinded open as with the previous holes.


    Now the clay more was mounted and I was happy with how it came out, time to see how it all looks on the case.


    Overall I am happy with the way this is starting to shape up and look like what I had planned in my head, once I decided to go with the BF3 artwork, see you at the next instalment.
  6. Nutman

    Nutman Never stuck with stock

    21 Oct 2008
    Likes Received:
    Muuuuuuuch better than those rounds.
  7. rchiileea

    rchiileea Minimodder

    11 Jan 2008
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    I know ;) its comming out well nice
  8. rchiileea

    rchiileea Minimodder

    11 Jan 2008
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    Back again with another update, first off I’ll show you the products that arrived from some of the sponsors.

    First up Bill stepped up and offered a set of MNPCtech Grooved feet,( nice to get sponsored by someone whos builds you have followed for a long time) his BF3 mod and another are the reason this mod was called BF3.3 as it is the 3rd BF3 mod to be done at time of planning.


    Nice little package from them cheers bill.


    I have used MNPCtech’s feet on a build before and they were the obvious choice for this build.


    I think we can clearly see why MNPCtech’s products are loved by us modders, (yoda Bill defo knows what his doing over there at MNPCtech).

    The next item to arrive from a sponsor was the military themed InWin Commander 850w PSU.


    Credit were credits due to the sponsors for supplying these products, Back to modding and it was time to finalise the etch, this meant adding the only logo that would be visible on the window as it has a miltary style to it.


    Logo Printed out and flipped, the first thing done is too do a gentle dotted line around the edges.


    As you can see once you have done that, rather than lines you can see from this picture the logo is gentally put in with dots. (this also allows for small errors to be corrected).


    Closer image of the outline in dots, as you can see its very light indeed


    Then by adding more dots you can thicken up the lines its quite time consuming but it’s the best way to etch imho as you get a better overall finish.


    Now the outline was more bold you can go in and give the shading effect to the etch.


    And that’s it, the overal logo is done, flip it over the right way and then you have this.


    Ok I suppose you just want to see what it all looks like with the BF3 etch don’t you, well here is the final result.


    I can not wait to get this in the case and lit up, anyway that’s all for today, more work to do.

    Opps what a meany I am :eyebrow: should at least let you see a larger picture of the etch, link to larger image here
  9. k4p84

    k4p84 What's a Dremel?

    20 Aug 2008
    Likes Received:
    Very impressive etching there sir :thumb:
    rchiileea likes this.
  10. rchiileea

    rchiileea Minimodder

    11 Jan 2008
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    Back again with another small update on the mouse, I have to say I love it, but I am sure it will not be to everyone’s taste but matched the used and worn look I am going for. With the mouse stripped to just the base I had to mask up certain areas.


    The reason for such an extensive mask on this was because of the fact I was going to use some really messy airosol furniture glue. This stuff sprays out like a party streamer spray and is used for sticking material to furniture.


    After a good coating the wrap was added to the base, held in place for 10 seconds and left to dry for an hour, after which I took the craft knife to it, the trick here was not to make it perfect to match the mouse top and look used.


    Just a little excess to trim here and there but overall I am happy with the result, one thing that I did discover doing this is how much better a mouse feels to have a material edge, does not sound like much, but it feels a lot better than plastic or rubber.


    Still waiting on more lacquer to turn up to give the top of the mouse another few layers so I can rub it down smooth, thanks to the Steelseries sensei mouse’s silver surface making a worn scrape on the left click was easy, I also added a few nicks just down to silver next to it for the keen eyed. Before you ask why the wear down to the semi transparent white plastic ill explain.

    I want to basically cut a thin slice in main base next to were the wheel is ( I will post pics once I am on that stage) so the orange light from wheel will spread under the left click and glow through that area.

    Now for a small Homer Simpson moment twist, the shot above was took using my mobile, just after I clicked the snap button, an email msg popped up on lappy, as I had been waiting for an important email as this was sitting next to my lappy mouse (top left of pic) I just without thinking grabbed the above mouse and for 10 seconds was thinking what the F*** is up with my mouse… What a Dingbat rofl… Stay tuned for another update this weekend.
  11. The_Beast

    The_Beast I like wood ಠ_ಠ

    21 Apr 2007
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    I approve of this mod 1000%
  12. Waynio

    Waynio Relaxing

    20 Aug 2009
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    Nice modding mate & the engraving is awesome stuff. :rock::clap:
  13. rchiileea

    rchiileea Minimodder

    11 Jan 2008
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    did a test run of lighting the etched panel today, if i get back home in time ill post some pics, if not ill add them tomorrow.
  14. rchiileea

    rchiileea Minimodder

    11 Jan 2008
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    First off I would like to thank Intel for stepping in with these parts for the build


    Intel 3960X CPU


    Intel DX79SI motherboard, and before I anyone says it, I do count myself really really Lucky to have secured their sponsorship.

    Anyway back on course with a small update this time, first up I ran a quick test to see how the Etch would look in the custom side panel


    I love the way it has come out and looks in test run, on the left is white LED strips, the glow on the right is from a UV tube in another case and shows the reason why I decided to ditch the UV as you can see it makes the actuall acrylic glow and etch, were the left side with white LED’s the light focuses more on the etch itself.

    Also spent the day mocking up placement of tubes wires ect before the fans arrive


    Please excuse the colour, had to shadow highlight the picture as it was very dark and yellow, hopefully the Fans will turn up this week and I can get this puppy up and running.
  15. Cheapskate

    Cheapskate Insane? or just stupid?

    13 May 2007
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    I imagine the window etch helped you score Intel's sponsorship. -Lovely work.
  16. Waynio

    Waynio Relaxing

    20 Aug 2009
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    Agreed :D I thought Intel never sponsored anyone lol so this is rare to my eyes or a first rather, very well done. :clap:

    I'd dread to know how long that engraving took. :jawdrop:
  17. rchiileea

    rchiileea Minimodder

    11 Jan 2008
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    that or I have a contact there ;)
  18. Waynio

    Waynio Relaxing

    20 Aug 2009
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    Is that the only way to get sponsored by Intel :lol: it is very rare when it happens or I've just missed it when people have been sponsored by them.
  19. Nutman

    Nutman Never stuck with stock

    21 Oct 2008
    Likes Received:
    Very nice! Congrats on getting sponsored by Intel.

    Next task: do soooooooometing to those blue mobo coolers!
  20. rchiileea

    rchiileea Minimodder

    11 Jan 2008
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    I have actually had a CPU out of them before for the mini impossible build and the fact most of my builds make appearances at some shows at one time or another helps. I am lucky with the board as well as I tried every mobo manufacture to try and get a mobo for this build and not one of them was interested, so intel stepped up to save me.

    I was going to replace them or paint them, but then i realised that I still have the blue strip around the edge of the case and as most of the inside was going to be black anyway I might as well leave them and have something inside blue as well...

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