Xbox 360 Halo Reach

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by PBear23, 8 Sep 2010.

  1. DarkLord7854

    DarkLord7854 What's a Dremel?

    22 Jun 2005
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    It's part of the Halo universe, what do you expect it to be? Hello Kitty World? :rolleyes:

    That's like saying you don't want to play Half Life 3 because it's just like Half Life 1 & 2 except with different maps and a different story. :lol:
  2. MacWalka

    MacWalka What's a Dremel?

    4 Nov 2009
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    I completed the campaign a few days ago on Heroic and am now doing the game on Legendary. On the final mission and almost at the very last bit so am quite pleased with myself that I'll be completing it on Legendary alone :)

    To anyone doing Legendary alone my tip would be:
    Use P-pistol to drain shields & DMR/needle rifle to headshot combo for taking out Elites
    Use Needle rifle on Brutes as most don't have shields and 3 shots from the needle rifle will blow them up
    Head shot everything else.

    I thought the campaign was brilliant. Loved that everytime you thought you had turned the tide of the invasion, something else would come up. Just kept feeling ecstatic when I completed a mission only to find the Covenent had something else up their sleeve and was really despairing by the end.

    I've did a bit of Firefight & matchmaking. Firefight will be good with a few friends that communicate. Matchmaking is as good as ever and the new game modes are great. However, what is people's fascination with wanting to Snipers on Team Slayer? It drives me mad, mainly because snipers are the only guns I'm ridiculously hopeless with.

    I also only need 5 more achievments-I'll get 2 of them when I complete legendary. 2 more will come in time from playing online and the last one to assassinate an elite to stop you dying when falling is a bloody nightmare to get.

    My gamertag is MacWalka if anyone wants to add me.
  3. Phalanx

    Phalanx Needs more dragons and stuff.

    28 Apr 2010
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    I'll add you mate. I'm up for some multiplayer fun.
  4. Weekly_Estimate

    Weekly_Estimate Random bird noises.

    1 Feb 2010
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    Bought the limited edition, Provided me with around 12 hours of fun completing it,

    Each to their own...

  5. SNiiPE_DoGG

    SNiiPE_DoGG Engineering The Extreme

    14 Apr 2009
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    Ok so I have finished the campaign (a good friend threw me 20 bills to buy the game + a $20 gift card from walmart when you buy the game made it worth it) and I really have to say I am quite pissed...

    NOT that the campaign was bad, it was good for sure and the whole game has a great polish to it.

    BUT I really really really wanted to see this game follow the story line of reach the book! The book is EPIC. I know they are trying to distance the game from centering on masterchief, but all that does is weaken the memorability of it all. I wanted the game to start of putting you in the mock battles staged in spartan prototype suits and then take you through your training (would only be like 3 missions) until FF to reach. The story of reach as 117 is incredible and it would make for a great game; which is why I am utterly baffled they didnt use it for this game....

    My rant against the storyline aside - the multiplayer is superb, It takes me back to somewhere between halo 1 MP and halo 2 MP gameplay and that is high praise. Halo 3 multiplayer was garbage IMO and all the things I thought were wrong with halo 3 have been fixed almost perfectly in this game.

    GT: SNiiPE DoGG hit me up for some games!
  6. Daytona_178

    Daytona_178 Pie > Cake!

    29 Sep 2010
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    I just want them to re-create Halo: Combat Evolved with the Halo: Reach graphics engine :) I mean its a bit of a waste if the just bin all of those lovely assets that they have created.
  7. SNiiPE_DoGG

    SNiiPE_DoGG Engineering The Extreme

    14 Apr 2009
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    At one point in time I seriously considered that the Halo combat evolved campaign might be a hidden easter egg in the game, but thats wishful thinking obviously.
  8. The Professor

    The Professor What's a Dremel?

    16 Feb 2010
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    I have a question, is Halo Reach actully any good, all my 360 addicted mates are talking about it but I wanted to know is it really worth it and is there anything really new.
  9. sui_winbolo

    sui_winbolo Giraffe_City

    25 Sep 2004
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    Armor abilities seriously changes the way multiplayer is played, assassinations are so addicting, simply hold melee button when behind an enemy and you'll perform an assassination.

    Credit system was added along with daily and weekly achievements. You use credits towards buying different armor and armor effects. Want confetti and kids cheering when you die in multiplayer? There's an effect for that. There's a ton of armor customization, it's really great. Powerups are gone, and in it's place is the armor abilities. There's armor lockdown, which makes you invincible for a short while, but you can't move. There's invisibility, however this screws up your radar, and the faster you move, the more visible you become. Key is to crouch, move slowly, and anticipate where your enemy is. There's sprint ability, and of course a jet pack. lol

    They added and changed a few weapons. There's the DMR (designated marksmen rifle) instead of the battle rifle, which is a slightly more accurate rifle that is single fire instead of burst. They added health packs back like from Halo: CE. Oh, and the Halo: CE pistol is back, and by default on most variants, your secondary weapon.

    Elites in multiplayer are pretty intense. They are faster, stronger, and tower over Spartans. They don't require health packs to heal, and did I mention they are terrifying with an energy sword?

    They also added a few different modes, you have firefight from ODST, invasion and generator defense, head hunter. They also refined forge even more, it's amazing what you can do with it. They built blood gulch with forge and it's one of the shipped maps. (now call hemorrhage)

    Campaign was amazing and a lot of fun. Though a little on the short side. It's very dramatic and well directed. Playing along side 5 other Spartans is amazing in itself. No longer are you just a lone wolf. The very last mission kinda caught me by surprise. Oh, and grunt rave party.

    That's just what I can think of off the top of my head this early in the morning. :D

    Played a little today, so here's a video of what armor lock is. lol

    Last edited: 15 Oct 2010
  10. McMacbook

    McMacbook Fallout 3 is f*cking hard!

    27 Oct 2010
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    I came from the background of play Call of Duty 4, WaW and MW2 and i traded in my copy of MW2 to get Halo: Reach because I really wanted to give it a chance. I really enjoy it but have to be in the mood for it and like all games is much more fun when you play with your friends online.

    The forge world is really fun but extremely hard to use. It's nice to make your own map and then mess around with your friends in a custom match and show it off to them. But it's really hard to adapt to Halo from CoD, I've played quite a bit and just getting the hang of it. Well done Bungie, but Halo will be crushed by the release of Black Ops!
  11. kameltoemunch

    kameltoemunch What's a Dremel?

    23 Jan 2010
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