Windows City of Heroes: Tweaking

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Kensei, 6 Feb 2005.

  1. Kensei

    Kensei What's a Dremel?

    26 Sep 2004
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    Okay so I bought this game on firday and have been hooked ever since.

    My Clan is hiring, with the intention of forming a super team once we reach high enough level.

    Our Blog is:

    Anyway onto my point:

    I noticed that although good, the graphics were a little rough around the edges (literally), looking into the video settings I was unable to find any antialiasing or Anisotropic filtering controls.
    So I set my re up to 1600x1200 and went back to desktop.

    Using the Nvidia display control panel I set up a COH display profile. I Forced AA to 4x and AF to 8x. The difference in grpahics is amazing, I would heartily suggest that anyone whos system can handle it does the same.

    I dont know if you ATI user can set application profiles like this (not having had anATI card for some time). but if you can you should.

    Hope this help improve everyone's experience of the game
  2. Hiren

    Hiren mind control Moderator

    15 May 2002
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    I've been looking foreward to this game for ages. Just wondering how much is the monthly fee over here in the UK?
  3. Kensei

    Kensei What's a Dremel?

    26 Sep 2004
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    Monthly fee is £8.99 a month. Cheap as cips for the quality of this game.

    The Deluxe (retail) box comes with 30 days free, and a "Sidekick code" which is a second serial you can give to a friend with the game CD's or DVD (you get both in the box), thiss alows them to get 15 days play free and sign up with a non VIP account without having to buy the game (normal monthly fee applies).
  4. Hiren

    Hiren mind control Moderator

    15 May 2002
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    Yeah I just had a look thanks. Mostly likely going to get delexue edition play for a month and if I like it just pay for 6months (works out at £7.50p).
  5. mookboy

    mookboy BRAAAAAAP

    15 Feb 2002
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    I bought this last summer on import, for something to do in the summer holiday... loved every minute of it. The classes (archetypes) are so well balanced it makes team playing just such a fantastic experience. Despite the really simple gameplay (for an mmo) the possibilities for quite intricate small squad tactics are endless.

    I've not played it since about October, but I'd assume it's still a total resource hog? For a game that only looks so-so, it sure needed a helluva system to get consistently good fps.

    Started playing WoW on import on Friday... ;)
  6. :: kna ::

    :: kna :: POCOYO! Moderator

    15 Mar 2001
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    Runs fine in 1600x1200, only lag I ever experience is in Peregrine Island because, well that zone is just laggy in general. That said, be wary of having your graphics settings up to full as you progress in the game, as you come across more people with capes and auras, plus zones like The Shadow Shard, the system can really struggle to keep up. Also the shadows suck anyway, so turning them off won't ruin your game but will help with your performance immensely.

    One good tip is to turn your particle count down to about 15k, you won't visually notice the difference but it'll really help with times you have multiple effects going on.

    Shame I won't catch you online as they're not permitting transfers from the US to the UK servers and I'm not levelling up another 47 :)
  7. mookboy

    mookboy BRAAAAAAP

    15 Feb 2002
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    CoH hates ATI.

    *remembers hideous purple skinned humans at night*
  8. Kensei

    Kensei What's a Dremel?

    26 Sep 2004
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    The purple skinned people are still there at night, even on Nvidia.

    you are not alone.

    Dont care thopug, it's been a long time since I saw a human

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