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Other Review the reviewer

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by louist44, 27 Jan 2012.

  1. louist44

    louist44 Minimodder

    19 Jan 2011
    Likes Received:
    Hi guys I thought this would better suit gaming rather than general.

    I decided to have a go at reviewing a game and would just like some feedback. I have a boring monotone voice imo (gamer with a nerdy voice. oh my!) but would just like to see whether you think its worth me ever trying to speak on youtube again lol.

    I apologise for the excessive use of the word "like" at points and some of the audio is muffled due to my mic. Vid is currently unlisted at the moment until I get an opinion on you guys whether to put it public :thumb:


    I defiantly felt a bit more confident towards the end of the video but whether its enough to actually keep an audience interested I'm not sure.

    Thanks and much appreciated.
  2. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
    Likes Received:
    someone once said to me that you've got 2 seconds to make an impression, unfortunately you didn't.

    with so many people trying (and failing) at this on YT you really need something to stand out from the crowd.

    also what's with the rainbow on your channel? oO
  3. rogerrabbits

    rogerrabbits What's a Dremel?

    24 May 2011
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    The rainbow was the best bit.
  4. Lankuzo

    Lankuzo CPC Refugee

    23 Apr 2009
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    Are you reading from a script? Seemed like you were bored by this game by just listening to your voice. Definitely try and change the way you speak. Emphasize words and maybe speak a bit quicker.

    I didn't think you did a bad job though overall

    Keep going
  5. louist44

    louist44 Minimodder

    19 Jan 2011
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    Was hoping you'd comment Gunsmith.

    LOL... the rainbow always gets pointed out. Theres nothing to it really. I just needed something remotely different to stick up as a channel background. Not got round to changing it.

    Not a complete script just bullet pointed anything worth mentioning.
    Yea it all felt just awkward recording my own voice.
    I suppose I would have to get a couple of videos out there before I could find out what my so called selling point could be or if I have one at all. After all when you look back on some peoples very first upload they don't exactly portray the same role they do now, an example being linus with his tech tips videos if anyone has heard of him.

    Appreciate the comments, I also think some of the Bit-Tech guys commented straight onto the video so thanks to them too
  6. wodgah

    wodgah What's a Dremel?

    26 Jan 2012
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    I didnt think there was anything massivly wrong with your review, just needs some polish and im sure that just comes with making more videos.

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