Other Some Feedback required

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Voluntary_Pariah, 18 Aug 2011.

  1. Voluntary_Pariah

    Voluntary_Pariah a Real Man™

    23 Jan 2009
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    Hi All, Me again.

    I am a little bored at the moment, so I have taken up games reviewing as something to do. Please read and comment, but constructively.

    And the site still needs some work, so please focus on the writing rather than the site itself.

    my brand-spanking-new blog is called A Pleasant Waste of Time.

    Thanks all
  2. Jedra

    Jedra Supermodel

    11 Sep 2010
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    Reading through your reviews now (read the first three). The first thing I would say is that you should add a link to the game site in your blog (or make it more obvious for dullards like me if there is one!).

    In the Cogs review, you started off by saying that you didn't normally like this kind of game, but that you kept comming back to it again and again. I thought 'hello' sounds like a good game then. The review then got less and less positive until in the end we discovered that you didn't really like it at all! I guess you maybe wrote the review as you were playing it? Anyway it left me not sure about whether it was good or bad or whatever. It would maybe be better if the review was slightly better balanced? Believe it or not, a lot of people just read the first paragraph and the last paragraph - you need to try and get a balance in those two areas even if the heathens that do that don't deserve it!

    Anyway, please take this as constructive critisism - you are a million times better at this than I ever could hope to be. Keep it up! It's great you are reviewing games that would not normally get too much airspace. Contact the publishers of the games and send them a link - you never know you might just find yourself getting review copies in the future.

    I will read on...
  3. Voluntary_Pariah

    Voluntary_Pariah a Real Man™

    23 Jan 2009
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    Thanks for the quick response. Your right about writing the Cogs review as I was playing. That game has a difficulty curve of pure evil.

    I am about half way though writing a review of Kerbal Space Program and then the contense of the Humble Bundle 2 will keep me busy. Might put a poll on the site so I get some idea of what game to review next
  4. tripwired

    tripwired Deploying Surprise in 3... 2...1...

    12 Feb 2009
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    Blooming KSP... I swear, every time I sit down to play that game I lose about three hours, and I still can't orbit properly! Will update post a bit later with some feedback on your reviews once I've read them.
  5. Voluntary_Pariah

    Voluntary_Pariah a Real Man™

    23 Jan 2009
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    ta Tripwired
  6. tripwired

    tripwired Deploying Surprise in 3... 2...1...

    12 Feb 2009
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    Hey VP, I've now had a thorough read through your reviews, and overall - pretty good!

    Before I talk about your review style - just a quick couple of points about the site itself, it would be easier to read if you used excerpts for the posts, rather than having the full blog post on the homepage. Next, I appreciate this is a subjective thing, but I think the font needs bumping up one or two pixels in size to ease readability, maybe also use black text, not grey so it stands out more.

    As for the reviews, in general, I like your approach! You may need to inject a bit more personal opinion and humor though. It's a bit meandering in the description of the games, perhaps knock the word count down a bit? Some sentences and paragraph are also a bit long at the moment.

    Games are highly emotive (if they're good) and that experience should be conveyed in a review.

    Overall, nice work and keep at it mate, I think you're not far off a winning formula!
    Last edited: 19 Aug 2011
  7. Voluntary_Pariah

    Voluntary_Pariah a Real Man™

    23 Jan 2009
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    thanks for the encouragement tripwired, I plan to. Also, I have acted on your suggestion and put a preview of the review on the front page
  8. Voluntary_Pariah

    Voluntary_Pariah a Real Man™

    23 Jan 2009
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    right, last post before I stop bumping this thread: My review of kerbal space program is now at apleasantwasteoftime.wordpress.com Feel free to read and comment.

    Thanks all
  9. tripwired

    tripwired Deploying Surprise in 3... 2...1...

    12 Feb 2009
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    Excellent KSP review, will keep an eye on your site (subscribed)!

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