Scratch Build – In Progress The BumblBuild

Discussion in 'Project Logs' started by GiraffePencils, 13 Nov 2014.

  1. GiraffePencils

    GiraffePencils What's a Dremel?

    1 Jul 2014
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    HELLO!! Long time no speaky!!

    This update was a long time coming I know, things came up, I had to work out the logistics of some things etc etc.

    But enough of that, The end is Nigh!
    After making a decision on the panelling and how to do it I collected the pieces and made it.


    I had to hand cut the yellow details, which ended up turning the 'one weekend to finish' into 2 weeks of messing around!

    Without more rambling, here's the good stuff:


    I know some of the pictures look similar, I was experimenting with lighting, settings etc.
    Also not everything's perfectly straight, but it all adds to the character ;)

    I'd like to thank everyone for reading and following me (stumble) through this journey.

    Also a massive thank you to Peggy at Avexir for providing the RAM for this build


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