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RPG fans?

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Snowball, 19 Oct 2007.

  1. Morphine-Kitty

    Morphine-Kitty Dead account.

    22 Apr 2007
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    HA! Lies. WoW pales in comparison to DnD, coming not even close. They're not similar at all in my opinion.

    And this is coming from a long-time player.
  2. AngelOfRage

    AngelOfRage Minimodder

    8 Dec 2004
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    I'm perhaps not into the more "leet" RPGs, but things like FFVII, FFXI, Diablo 1 & 2, Guildwars, Phantasy Star Online and of course my addiction to WoW.

    I'd like to perhaps try playing some of the newer Final Fantasy games, but don't really have muhc time for my PS2 any more, i'm more of a PC person now.
  3. righteous_slave

    righteous_slave I know what a bloody Dremel is

    19 Aug 2007
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    Yeah, Dragon Warrior doesn't get the love it deserves outside of Japan. Shoot we missed 3-7 if I remember the numbers right. DW1 was actually the first RPG I played at the urging of an old buddy.
  4. Ryu_ookami

    Ryu_ookami I write therefore I suffer.

    11 Mar 2004
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    I used to love that game I kept getting stuck though after I went into the part where the gate locked behind you and you had to fall down the hole and press the button as you fell to remove the column that blocked your way never did get past it :(
  5. Veles

    Veles DUR HUR

    18 Nov 2005
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    I'm more into western RPGs myself, I like to be able to create my character and make choices about what I do which you rarely see in a JRPG. I do enjoy the FF series though, my favourites being 7 and 9, but I've not actually completed many of them because I get bored part way through and find something new. That's the problem I have with JRPGs, they're often too long-winded for my liking, and even with their length the story still seems to be pretty dire sometimes.

    RPGs that come to mind that I love:
    FF 7 and 9
    Neverwinter Nights 1 and 2 (not so much 1, I though the quests were a bit repetitive and crap, but I really enjoyed it in the beginning)
    Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines (finally got round to playing this, couldn't find a copy anywhere for sale, so I torrented it, that didn't work, and then I found it on steam. Absolutely loving it)

    Also quite like BG1 and 2, but the ancient D&D system is incredibly strange, so I'm having trouble playing it. I've played it occasionally for the past few years but I've never managed to get really into it.

    The game I've got my eye on right now is Mass Effect, can't wait for that one :D
  6. chrisb2e9

    chrisb2e9 Dont do that...

    18 Jun 2007
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    Secret of Mana wasted much of my childhood. I can still hear the music in my head with perfect clairity.
    Vampire: the masquerade Bloodlines is another really good game, well done in every respect in my opinion. FF2 is another, along with Chrono Trigger.
    I loved the first Gothic game when it came out, even if people found it hard to control. gothic 2 was good, gothic 3 looks great and I love huge battles but I find the story lacking a bit. Its also a bit buggy, lots of broken quests. although the fan patches have adressed a lot of the issues.
  7. themax

    themax What's a Dremel?

    2 Dec 2005
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    I've recently started playing Bloodlines again. The game definately rocks.

    I love most of the Western RPG's too. I had a blast when Fable first released. 4 of my friends went and purchased and Xbox just to play Fable after they saw it in my dorm room. Kotor has a special place in my heart as well heh. I can always play Kotor over and over again because of the choice you can make and the way you can specialize the character before and post Jedi. I will admit I found Jade Empire to be a decent game a well. I haven't beat the game yet, I need to. Wonder if the game is compabitle with the 360 (my Xbox is at home with the parents).
  8. Veles

    Veles DUR HUR

    18 Nov 2005
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    It kind of works on the 360, when someone goes in and out of cloak you get a huge drop in framerate, they may have fixed that now though. Suffice to say, playing KotOR 2 for a few hours only to find that glitch put me right off ever using my 360 for BC again.
  9. CardJoe

    CardJoe Freelance Journalist

    3 Apr 2007
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    I could never get into KOTOR. It's the whole third person RPG thing. The view is too zoomed in to make areas of any really decent size without overloading the player with info and making navigation confusing. Sure, I know they had some huge areas in KOTOR, but most of them were empty space like on the wookie planet or tatooine. If you're doing a 3rd Person RPG then you've got to zoom it out loads.

    Fable was over-rated. I got an Xbox as a present the day it came out and got the game with it. Decent enough, but more hack and slash than RPG to me.

    Bloodlines is an awesome game though, I wish they'd make a sequel or something because its not every day that you get a chance to see a serious game with such adult themes handled so well.
  10. spec

    spec What's a Dremel?

    22 Oct 2007
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    Yes RPGS rule especially FF FF7 is my favorite :D
  11. Snowball

    Snowball Star Gazer

    29 Jul 2007
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    I have only played 1-4 and 8. 5-7 I can't find. What system are they on/if its a cartridge system do you have the roms?

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