Education Does Money Make You Happy?

Discussion in 'General' started by ComputerKing, 21 Aug 2008.

  1. RTT

    RTT #parp

    12 Mar 2001
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    "Money may not buy you happiness but at least you can be miserable in comfort"
  2. ComputerKing

    ComputerKing <img src="

    8 Sep 2006
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    But comfort is happiness, or I'm wrong ?
  3. mctigger

    mctigger What's a Dremel?

    11 Feb 2007
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    Depends on you interpretation of comfort, like it depends on your interpretation of happiness.

    For example, at the moment I am very comfortable, but I am not happy (Due to several reasons in my personnal life, friends family etc). This is because im sitting in a comfortable chair in a warmish house.

    But if you mean living in comfort, i.e not worrying about bills and debt etc also does not equate to happiness.

    Happiness is something that is different for everyone, and im not sure if you have grasped that from alot of the brilliant and in depth responses to your orignal question, but maybe that just the way i have read your answers.

    For me happiness is the feeling i get from accomplishing tasks that i find difficult, working, doing things with friends, family and just generally being with the ones you love.

    Another thing that makes me happy is going for a walk, wither it be in the country or in the city and just watching the world go by... you should try it, see how it goes.
  4. ComputerKing

    ComputerKing <img src="

    8 Sep 2006
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    hum amazing :D

    The point of this thread is get a lot of points of view, it's like what you said. each one of us got point of view.

    humans are amazing :rock:
  5. jopers1986

    jopers1986 Minimodder

    7 Jan 2005
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    (appologies if i repeat someone, not head the whole thread)

    In my opinion, money doesn't nesecarily make you happy, but can make you content, which can in turn lead to happiness.

    Personally, i spend a lot of time worrying that i'm not going to be able to afford stuff, with the IT market over saturation point in my city, work can be a bit thin, worrying whether i can put petrol in the car etc.

    but when you do get that good job, which i've got at the moment, those worries disappear, i don't lay awake worrying at the moment! I eat well, i can treat my other half which makes her happy... and in the long run, thats just good for everyone!

    In my senario, i've got enough money to be comfortable, as i know people have already said, and i do believe if you are comfortable you are happy!

    If you want to be more than that, it would be construed as greed.

    I am now both content and happy with the healthy income i'm recieving, however, as is the nature of contract work, this may not last!

    As for the directness of money making you happy, it does depend on a personal situation as mctigger said, if your lucky to have a good life, they money can certainly make you happier moving the worry etc.

    however if you are unhappy already due to whatever reason, the introduction of a lot of money will most likely not change that, and if it did majorly, it could infact be called being shallow!

    i like this discussion! :D nice one computerking!
  6. will.

    will. A motorbike of jealousy!

    2 Mar 2005
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    I think it plays a part. But the happiness you gain using money as a means can be gained without the cash injection. You just have to be a bit more creative.

    I've got to a point where I can afford my living expenses and a few little extras and not have to worry about checking my bank account every day just in case it's running on fumes. I do my 3 times a year transfer into my isa to save up for a deposit on a flat/house of my own and that's about the biggest financial decision I make at the moment. I'm sure that when I get into a serious relationship with someone, start paying a mortgage on that flat, or buy a car things might change, but for now, I'm happy not having to worry about money.

    I'm betting all you people with kids and houses would tell me to enjoy it while it lasts :p (But of course, wouldn't give up what you've got for the world!)
  7. chrisb2e9

    chrisb2e9 Dont do that...

    18 Jun 2007
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    Money bought my bed. My bed helps me sleep. Sleep makes me happy, therefore, money=bed=sleep=happiness so money=happiness
  8. thecrownles

    thecrownles What's a Relix?

    27 Feb 2004
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    Money doesn't buy happiness, but lack of money can certainly be a barrier to it.
    or... money can buy happiness, when you see the faces of the people to whom you are giving gifts! Why do you think Bill Gates started giving huge amounts of money to charity? Because he realized that bathing in $100 dollar bills becomes boring after a while.
  9. mvagusta

    mvagusta Did a skid that went for two weeks.

    24 Dec 2006
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    It's easy to say that money doesn't make you happy, but everyone has played some sort of game of luck, where the prize was money. Be it bingo, lotto, a scratchie ticket, whatever, everyone smiles when they win money.

    Of course it's not essential for happiness, it's just one of the things that can make people happy, and can be used to make people cry, just like onions. Some people love eating onion rings, while the cook was in tears preparing them.

    So therefore, money = onions.
  10. What's a Dremel?

    9 Dec 2007
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    having gone through depression that is the most ignorant things one can say.
  11. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    Hmmm. I frequently apply the mental "one million pounds" experiment in my psychological problem formulations: e.g. if I gave this client a cheque for one million pounds, would it significantly change their mood/thinking/actions?

    It is very interesting what sort of answers I sometimes get.
  12. Fod

    Fod what is the cheesecake?

    26 Aug 2004
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    it's funny to see that a majority of people expressing the view that "of course money doesn't bring you happiness, don't be stupid", yet so many people set the accumulation of wealth as their number one pursuit in life. what gives?
  13. Slaughter

    Slaughter What's a Dremel?

    1 Aug 2007
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    In my opinion money is a tool to happiness not only to cover your basic needs (food,water,a place to stay...) but also to not be under stress when you pay bills and so on... Also, lets not be hypocrites hobys and such things cost much from a hobby you reach a stage close to happiness.The same thing applyes to relationships too, how many couples have broken because of money problems! And also some people exagurate when we say money we dont meen 78 billion dollars/pounds/euros we mean an amount of money that we will be able to spent some more from the basic needs or a lot more!

    Thats my opinion on the matter others have other opinion!
  14. hodgy100

    hodgy100 Minimodder

    2 Jun 2008
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    But the things that I buy with my money do :)
  15. Guest-23315

    Guest-23315 Guest

    To an extent.

    I like my lifestyle, and I'm sure having more money would change my lifestyle, but could very well alienate me from my current group of friends.
  16. capnPedro

    capnPedro Hacker. Maker. Engineer.

    11 Apr 2007
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    Maslow wouldn't.
  17. notatoad

    notatoad pretty fing wonderful

    25 Jun 2004
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    money makes me very happy. go to the bank and take out $500 in small bills. you'll have a smile on your face while holding that wad of cash, trust me.
  18. Fod

    Fod what is the cheesecake?

    26 Aug 2004
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    ugh. srsly, screw maslow. responsible for my only fail at uni (management principles module - thought it would be an easy option). of course, i then went on to ace the other management module in my degree. management courses, i swear they're marked via lottery.
  19. Solidus

    Solidus Superhuman

    26 Dec 2005
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    Yes in all honesty. It gives security which stops me from worrying about my future, how i will make ends meet, how i will find a path in life etc.

    I worked in a crummy job before my current one, working long hours just to make ends meet with no career prospects.

    Fortunately that changed and its made me much happier, the work is more enjoyable, so are the people and also the money is much better - So yes I think it makes you happy to a certain extent - but I believe there is only so much you need, enough to help you through and try reach your ambitions and live life a little and its fine - not having enough or working only to make ends meet with nothing extra possible - then it makes you unhappy.

    As mentioned - it is a tool to happyness.
  20. Cabe6403

    Cabe6403 Supreme Commander

    3 Apr 2007
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    I haven't read the whole thread, only up to page 4.

    CK, I noticed in one of your posts you mentioned that you spend most of your days on your PC, not doing that much really. When you go out with your friends you feel a bit excluded. I used to be like that too when I was a little younger (I'm only 19 at the moment).

    Best thing for you in my opinion, is a part time job. Doesn't have to be anything fancy or glamorous, just fill in some applications, take what you can get. When you go and work and that first paycheck comes in you'll know what it feels to work for your money, even if its not much. To me, spending my own hard earned money is much more satisfying that spending money given to me. I worked for 6 hours to pay for this game, I worked for 6 weeks to pay for the tickets to the festivals I went to this year.

    But thats not really the main reason you should get a job. Try get one where you are interacting with people face to face (in a shop, restaurant, fast food joint etc) and you'll find you'll become more relaxed and enjoy spending time with people, you'll make friends. Thats what happened to me, I got a job and within a few months my parents said they had seen a marked change in me. I'd got more confident, more outgoing, and (to their eyes) happier. But how could I be happy? I had to abandon playing [game] or stop watching [film] or rush to work straight from school/uni? How could this make me happy? And for minimum wage too. By all intents and purpose it was a sh** job. Long hours, crap pay, hard work (Dominos pizza btw) but I had great fun and it really helped me to grow up.

    Now, a year and a half-ish later: I work in a bar, I'm better paid (though still not great :p) and most importantly of all: I have a girlfriend who I love more than anything and she is what makes me happy. I'd be more happy living in a tiny 1 bedroom flat with her than living in a huge mansion with fast cars and every game and blah blah blah without her.
    I probably wouldn't be with her if I hadn't taken a job (even though, at the time, I didn't need the money) since I wouldn't be the outgoing, confident person I am today.

    CK: Get a job! Not for the money though, money doesn't really mean jack. The degree I'm on with spit me out with an MEng and (apparently) upwards of £30K a year but I'd drop that in a heartbeat for a career that would earn me half that, if it would make me happier. I just don't know what that is yet. How much you earn isn't important, you get what you get and you live with it. I don't need the best to be happy. I'm happy with the best I can get.
    But in saying that, I do have the best. My girlfriend makes me much much happier than money ever could. Screw money! I'd rather be with her.

    Sorry for the ramble, I've been up for 25 hours now, had a 9 hour shift at work today too. Can't sleep at all though =/
    Might not be that coherant so I applogise :)

    Ninja edit: Oh, and just for the record, I have negative £500 in my bank account with an overdraft of neg £550 having spent £90 in train tickets to go be with my girlfriend for 3 days over new years (she stays in Glasgow during term time but her family home is 200 miles away near inverness) and I couldn't be happier right now :)
    Appart from having 8 exams in 10 days in january but thats nothing really to do with money now is it :p

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