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Photos Underwater photography... Ha, saltwater...

Discussion in 'Photography, Art & Design' started by Malvolio, 31 Jan 2009.

  1. Malvolio

    Malvolio .

    14 Dec 2003
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    Last week was a disaster at work, and at home, so haven't had a lot of free time lately, plus I'm trying to figure out how to go about moving to your side of the pond (scotland). But anyway, had some fun with my white-balance, and got a neon shrimp. Enjoy.





    This little guy is about the size of the fingernail on my thumb.


    Entering into the POTM.
  2. Malvolio

    Malvolio .

    14 Dec 2003
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    Today was awesome. Broke the chain on my bike this morning, after spending an hour last night shaving my rear tire so it would fit into my frame, then had a hose explode on me while at work (pictures below), and then just to finish it off, I just watched the best movie I have ever watched in my life. Period. Seriously! If you haven't watched "Let The Right One In" yet, watch it. You will love it.

    Anyway, pictures:

    Everybody's favorite Mr Pinchy.







    These two are of the same frog, same position. Unfortunately the lower picture has a smudge on it due to a water droplet.

    This, or one of the few following, I am thinking of also entering into the POTM. Just cannot decide which one.

    This one is most likely the one I will go with.


    Remember the hose I was on about? Well, when it exploded, it not only soaked my entire right side (top to bottom, thankfully sparing my phone), but the entire back room was doused in water, along with my co-worker who was standing about six feet away. Nothing was damaged, but it was one hell of a sound when it blew.
  3. Malvolio

    Malvolio .

    14 Dec 2003
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    Life lesson: getting your supervisor fired due to her amazing incompetence is hard.


    Same shrimp, different positions/white balance. I love the second one.
  4. Malvolio

    Malvolio .

    14 Dec 2003
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    Well, hope you lot (all three of you) have enjoyed this escapade into underwater photography at my work! Well, ex-work anyway...

    Quit just this last tuesday. Supervisor kept yelling at me because I wasn't doing all the work, and I expected her to do more than just sit in the office visiting with her sister (who doesn't work at the store). I absolutely abhor working for people younger than me (I'm 23, she is 19).

    Oh well, here are the last shots from me. If I get around to it, I'll take some shots from my own tanks, but I'm kinda in a slump at the moment.







    Again, thanks to the three of you who have followed in this, and voted for me in the potm... It's been a time.
  5. Malvolio

    Malvolio .

    14 Dec 2003
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    Finally got my stuff moved down to calgary here, which meant I had to deal with a muchly neglected fish tank. Though it did end up working out alright, as life is starting to come back to it. At the moment there are only a few hermit crabs and two blue-green chromis in there, but I will be getting more soon, along with more coral.

    Anyway, pictures.

    Button polyps. They're natural colour is green and brown. Unfortunately being kept in the dark for two months has bleached them, and nearly killed them.

    More button polyps, with some aptaisia too! Though the second bit isn't all that good...

    A small mushroom starting to come back to life. It's natural colour is bright purple.

    Little tiny mushroom that popped out of a rock a couple days ago. This is what the one above should look like.

    Will be posting more when I get some more coral happening.

    [EDIT]Surprise crab attack!




    Last edited: 30 Jun 2009
  6. Malvolio

    Malvolio .

    14 Dec 2003
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    Some more for ya.

    Same little mushroom as before, but it is growing rather quickly, and tons more just like it are cropping up all over the place.


    One of my favorite little shrimp. Coral banded shrimp. These guys get rather mean when they get older, but unfortunately my little guy just went through a rather bad molt, losing a pincer and a leg or two in the process.


    White-spot, green star polyps. Got an entire colony at a great price. Eating well, and very showy.


    Would also get one of my two little peppermint shrimp, but every time I try and take a snapshot of them, they jump up onto my hand and start cleaning me! I'll see if I cannot get a video or sommat of it.

    [EDIT]Sorry about the large size of a couple of the pictures, resizing now. - Fixed.
  7. jls25

    jls25 CatfishSoup

    16 Jul 2009
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    the 8th one from the first post i liked. this must be fairly hard, seeings its underwater. very nice photography though.

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