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News id reveal new Rage details

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by CardJoe, 22 Jul 2009.

  1. CardJoe

    CardJoe Freelance Journalist

    3 Apr 2007
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    LOL - +rep
  2. DiegoAAC

    DiegoAAC What's a Dremel?

    27 Nov 2007
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    postapocalyptic? id? It will be Fallout with guns!
  3. impar

    impar Minimodder

    24 Nov 2006
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    No. It turned to a try-demo-before-buy.
  4. Hamish

    Hamish What's a Dremel?

    25 Nov 2002
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    fallout had guns, or do you mean guns that are actually useful? :p

    also i hope the RPG elements are fairly minimal, similar to Stalker
    i loathe RPGs :\
  5. naokaji

    naokaji whatever

    8 Dec 2006
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    Developed around gamepad? all hail menus that don't work properly with a mouse and auto aim:wallbash:

    Screw you id, you won't get my money.

    As for the game it self, it does sound just like Fallout 3 with a bit less rpg and a bit more shooter.
  6. Lepermessiah

    Lepermessiah What's a Dremel?

    1 Feb 2008
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    Id is now on the samelist as EPIC, whiney sellouts,it'seasier to make games on console that sell. Less competition when it comes to graphics engines,you can license the same engine for 4 years on console. Average crap sells millions on console, PC gamers are a bit smarter consumers. ID, Epic, are upset they cannot compete with the best devs on PC anymore, solution? Make casual simplier games that will sell regardless on console, instead of getting better at what you do. Then , make press releases that the PC market is not very good, translation? We have not made a great game in years, and have been surpassed by other PC devs, so we will move to console for easy cash.
  7. wyx087

    wyx087 Homeworld 3 is happening!!

    15 Aug 2007
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    how i wish that's not true. Id soft have been the pioneers of PC FPS gaming.

    but reality is, in a few years time, probably all developers will go down this route.
  8. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
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    leaving the pc market open to fresh indie faces. seems to be a bit of a circle we're in.
  9. metarinka

    metarinka What's a Dremel?

    9 Feb 2003
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    games have successfully been ported across the pc-console platform and they have not, it's hard to tell without seeing and without seeing how much effort the developers put in.

    the best selling game of all time and the most profitable game of all time were both PC originals (the sims, and world of warcraft) and one world of warcraft and the mmo genre in general will probably always remain in the pc exclusive territory. IT has been a long established fact that fps' work better with a mouse keyboard interface as well
  10. [USRF]Obiwan

    [USRF]Obiwan What's a Dremel?

    9 Apr 2003
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    So ID got taken over and all of a sudden its all gamepads!
  11. bbshammo

    bbshammo What's a Dremel?

    23 Mar 2008
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    Couldn't have said it better myself.

    All this BS coming from the likes of Epic and Id just make a cynical world even more so.

    The sooner they make the move, the better.
  12. perplekks45

    perplekks45 LIKE AN ANIMAL!

    9 May 2004
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    id's BS? What exactly do you mean?
  13. Bauul

    Bauul Sir Bongaminge

    7 Apr 2007
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    I'm going to have to disagree with you all here. All id have stated is that the game needs to work with gamepads, as that's where the money is.

    How can anyone argue with that? Oh I'm sorry, would you rather id were a charity and ignored the lucrative bit of the market just because you're whinging about it.

    They're id for Christ's sake, they're not about to make anything other than a game that works perfectly well on the PC. They invented FPS twitch shooting, and it's about all they can do. Unlike Epic, who say PC gaming is dead, id aren't going to abandon PCs, they're just acknowledging that if you make an AAA title, it really ought to be workable on all platforms. Which is only common sense.

    All it really means is the inventory system won;'t be too complicated (good) and the menu systems won't be too obscure (good). Think of Fallout 3, that was totally consolified and apart from a few too many clicks on the Pip-Boy it works perfectly well on the PC. THAT'S IT! They're not abandoning the PC, they're just ensuring the game works on all platforms. Mice can replicate gamepads, but gamepads can't replicate mice.

    And given when they announced the engine they stated it would work on all platforms out of the box, is it any surprise they're designing for the consoles as well as the PC?

    /id fanboy rant
  14. perplekks45

    perplekks45 LIKE AN ANIMAL!

    9 May 2004
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    I REALLY hope you're right but JC said that the game will be built with controllers in mind.

    I definitely am scared.
  15. salesman

    salesman Minimodder

    29 Apr 2007
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    "Road warrior" feral boy child, I thought the same thing when I read that and the fact that it is the exact premise as the movie is . . . except for the lip less monsters part that's new.
  16. bbshammo

    bbshammo What's a Dremel?

    23 Mar 2008
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    By "BS" I was referring to the detailed point made by Lepermessiah... Although I mistakenly replied to wuyanxu's comment that I don't agree with entirely; I don't think all developers will follow this route, only the ones that can't compete.

    To elaborate, Id's reasons for leaving PC gaming are solely to do with the fact that they haven't managed to keep up with the competition in terms of quality and innovation in their games, amongst other necessary attributes.

    Quale 3 arena was their last decent title and that was simply a deathmatch multiplayer; bedroom coders can match that level of game development.

    Id are tech developers, not PC game devs by today's standards, and they've quite correctly identified their strengths and weaknesses, and decided to pit themselves to a market that's far more forgiving and appropriate to their abilities.

    They also won't necessarily lose out on the PC gaming market entirely, if they DO decide to ditch it, because as already acknowledged, they are superb tech developers who will no doubt still sell their tech to the proper PC devs.

    So, in conclusion, unless devs like Id and Epic just come out and make statements to this effect, they are spouting BULL SH*T.
  17. bbshammo

    bbshammo What's a Dremel?

    23 Mar 2008
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    A fundamental flaw in your argument old boy...

    ... "they're just acknowledging that if you make an AAA title, it really ought to be workable on all platforms. Which is only common sense."...

    ... Impossible as all platforms are not equal, across all genres. Primarily because of the input method.

    - FPS gaming's only real input method is keyboard and mouse (well resolved debate, and proven time and time again).

    - Consoles don't have keyboard and mouse.

    - Id claim that they want to make the game friendly to control pads.

    - Effectively, indirectly to some, stating that they are making the game console oriented.

    Also, it's fair to assume that Id are copping out, as they have only ever made FPS's, and the adoption of RPG elements simply allows them the chance to slow down the pace of the game, paving the way for a controller/console oriented game, and moving away from their sole experience of fast-paced action FPS and into the realm more commonly dominated by Bioware and Bethesda...

    ... FAIL!!

    What they should have chosen to do was admit they have fallen behind, figured out what to do to match the likes of Valve and Crytek, then thought again as to how they can innovate and add to the market uniquely, and then gone about doing so.

    With their heritage and skill in tech development, I'm sure they'd have had the support for the right idea, so the fact they've copped out just makes this even more dissapointing.

    That's my opinion anyway ;)
  18. Slyporkie

    Slyporkie Fear not the bacon

    17 Nov 2008
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    First it was Epic moaning about all you Pirates stealing the games, so they going console.

    Then it was Crytek saying that no console would be able to handle their tech, only to have a change of heart less than a year later, saying that it's the Pirates fault they designed the CryEngine3, to take the console route too.

    Now John Carmack, has all that Rocket Fuel affected his judgment, and is making Rage suite the console over the PC controls.

    I have no problem with anybody designing for the consoles, hell, i encourage it, thats where the money is after all. Console guys will buy any drool at an inflated price. heck, so do i sometimes (own a PS3), but why do we have to put up with the ports going the wrong way.

    The technology rules in the PC market, they have higher clock speeds, higher resolutions, more space, just better... Why would you develop something to suit an inferior platform, first, and then port it to a platform that can eat it for lunch, and have it look like chewed up lunch?

    So, what the big players are saying is, "Let's stop pushing the barrier of Gaming Technology". So, nVidia and AMD are going to be put out of business, because, at this rate i wont have replace my PC for the next 10 years!


    What happened to those old school programmers that where pushing the polygon boundries, looking for way to amaze us, impress us and worship them for what they could do?
  19. knuck

    knuck Hate your face

    25 Jan 2002
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    good post

    It's true that anyone who bought a 8800GTS/X 3 years ago don't need to change their card at all and it's a little disturbing.

    What will Rage be exactly now that it's developped for consoles ? Once it gets ported to the PC, will it be another slow FPS with a circular crosshair that's 1/10 of the whole screen and weapons that spray so much that you don't actually have to aim at all ?

    It's crazy how many debate i've had with console players over the years about how bad a controller is for FPS games. They really do believe they can be as fast and precise as someone with a keyboard. Yet, when I ask them if they would use the same controller to guide the cursor in windows, they say it's not the same, pfff

    It scares me how we are always second on the developpers' priority list.
  20. cheeriokilla

    cheeriokilla What's a Dremel?

    18 Feb 2009
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    Why don't you go tell that to Valve... That's a smart dev for pc.

    When ID Software sells out like that, what can you expect from other companies that weren't so Hardcore PC? really!
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