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News Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Review

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by CardJoe, 10 Nov 2011.

  1. Guinness

    Guinness What's a Dremel?

    29 Jul 2010
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    Whichever way you paint it, 55% isn't positive. Nor is "Meh"!

    The fact that it has dedi-servers is a plus. Rank up on p2p before the hackers get clue.up and get out to a clan server and have some fun.

    Regardless of the reviews, people will buy it if they want to or steer clear if they don't.
  2. Tokukachi

    Tokukachi Minimodder

    20 Jun 2007
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    From My Comments on the Mw2 review 2 years ago: (http://forums.bit-tech.net/showpost.php?p=2145720&postcount=108)

    "Overall, this game, at least on the 360, feels a lot like an expansion for COD4:MW, the graphics and gameplay and nigh on identical, in both SP and MP modes. IW/Ativision must be laughing all the way to the bank as the production cost for this game must have been minimal."

    Still relevant by the looks of it :)

    I haven't picked up MW3, I may pick it up if it one day ends up in a sale for less than £10 (unlikely) to finish the SP campaign. It sounds like the MP is just a tweaking of MW2's, which is fair enough I guess, but its a lot of cash to lay down for what would be a patch from Dice/EA in BF terms and a DLC map pack...

    As someone said, I'm sure there will be a MW: Complete edition out at some point with all the SP campaign, all the maps and some new ones for £100 or something...
  3. sear

    sear What's a Dremel?

    2 Aug 2010
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    I didn't know you can spell "meh" with an apostrophe. Learn something every day.

    I guess someone won't be invited to Bobby Kotick's birthday bash this year.
  4. Tongue-of-Fire

    Tongue-of-Fire What's a Dremel?

    1 Aug 2010
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    This is the best of the many bit-tech reviews I remember. Good, proper games journalism which pulls no punches and tells it like it is. Not just entertaining in a "someone made fun of something" way but in a "very well written and honest" way. Here's hoping the next iteration of the series will be as drastic a change as the original Modern Warfare. I rather suspect this won't be the case though since the were a few dud Call of Duty games before MW. All in all great job. :clap:
  5. Bauul

    Bauul Sir Bongaminge

    7 Apr 2007
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    Nope, but it isn't negative either, it's simple "m'eh", which is a category all unto itself!
  6. Krikkit

    Krikkit All glory to the hypnotoad! Super Moderator

    21 Jan 2003
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    Using a scale of 0-100%, 55% is positive. 50% is exactly M'eh, this has a bit more to it (5% more in Joe's eyes), but not enough to move it out of the M'eh scale, which I would say is a 40%-60% score.
  7. rollo

    rollo Modder

    16 May 2008
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    Played it for about 5 hrs now ( none in single player ) it's fun in short bursts and you don't require a clan to get the best out of it, it's fun to screw around in.

    Played battlefield 3 mostly online without a clan on the large maps it's just pure chaos very little team play so no real pick up and play, then when I play with my clan it's a totally different game as you get the squad based team play and some actual fun.

    Graphics not really relivent to either bf 3 looks great but in multiplayer very few game at above medium even those with sli 580s as any dip in fps is bad. Mw3 is a 4 year old engine that in truth looks its age( wow is a 10 year old engine and it's the most popular mmo of all time )

    Xbox ps3 crowd will buy mw3

    Pc crowd should buy both in my own opinion
  8. MikeMK

    MikeMK What's a Dremel?

    24 May 2005
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    Just wanted to say how refreshing it is to have a tech publication that isnt afraid to be different and speak its mind. I scanned a couple of other reviews from well known sites last night giving 8.5 and 9 out of 10 scores, seemingly blindly. The amount of times activision has pushed out essentially the same game with a distinct lack o appetite to innovate, is getting crazy. Even if the game does play well in itself I want the games journo's to reward and give the highest scores to games that actually push the boundaries or innovate in some way, not push he same formula year in year out. IMO its for the good of the industry and gamers imparticlular for sites like Bit-tech to put pressure on developers and publishers to improve their titles.
  9. Jipa

    Jipa Avoiding the "I guess.." since 2004

    5 Feb 2004
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    If they're just going to make remakes of the earlier games, why not make CoD:UO again? Keep it exactly as it was, just upgrade the graphics and make billion fanboys buy it so there will be a community once more. I just want my bolt action rifles back.

    The original Modern Warfare was a great game, it actually took the CoD-franchise somewhere. Everything after that has just been more and more about beating a dead horse. Disgusting.

    No, I haven't tried the MW3, and probably won't, either. I have played eveyrthing from CoD all the way to BLOPS and more than anything it just makes me bored and sad.
  10. Yslen

    Yslen Lord of the Twenty-Seventh Circle

    3 Mar 2010
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    Well, we lost some stuff in Bad Company 2, but we also gained a lot. BF3 is the old and the new combined, with some icing on top.

    COD is just the same game again and again and again...
  11. Waynio

    Waynio Relaxing

    20 Aug 2009
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    :D Good choices :thumb: still enjoyable games to this day & trine 2 is out next month along with batman arkham city next week :clap:.

    Overload of truly awesome games all of a sudden :).
  12. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
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    you forgot Anno 2070 :thumb:
  13. sotu1

    sotu1 Ex-Modder

    24 Aug 2007
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    Unbiased hat on: Honest review for a site chocka full of Battlefield fans.
    Biased hat on: Honest review.
    BentAnat likes this.
  14. sotu1

    sotu1 Ex-Modder

    24 Aug 2007
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    I play on a single 6950 and it's a dream on Ultra in multi player. It's alarmingly efficient.
  15. Arghnews

    Arghnews What's a Dremel?

    6 Jul 2011
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    Is it servers or P2P on the PC?

    Shame so many people still buy this ****.
  16. law99

    law99 Custom User Title

    24 Sep 2009
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    I want something more from a game than what Modern Warfare offers from a plot perspective. I totally agree with Joe... although for me, I could have applied it to the first game. With little interest in multiplayer and rather having an emotional commitment to the game.

    Somebody mentioned sports games as receiving mainly incremental improvements and being garnished with praise. I'd like to point out that those games actually offer a current snapshot of the sport they love. It'd be different if Modern Warfare actually gave you an insight into current affairs.

    But, as Joe has put, it doesn't. And it's hold over people has become arbitrary. He doesn't say you won't enjoy it. He doesn't say it is a bad Modern Warfare game. He says it isn't a game changer. It isn't fresh. It isn't new. In fact, from what I got from the review, I'd say it is almost like they handed the same MW2 he played 2 years ago under the guise that it is MW3 and he didn't fall for it, nor want to tolerate it. If Intel released Core2Quad again, you wouldn't part £200 for it would you?

    Lets face it, if we were reviewing their marketing department, we'd probably be saying 9 out of 10. I'd go as far as to say they had more responsibility for the final product than the dev team. Large scale PR that develops mostly positive praise and an advertising budget that you'd normally seek 1st party endorsement from Sony, MS or Nintendo themselves to sprinkle amongst sites to soften them. It's a bit like putting phosphates in your water supply so you don't get lead poisoning.

    I'd say if there was a failure on BIt-Tech's part review wise recently, it would be that the Deus Ex Human Rev review didn't get a bit more play time to discover it's one dimensional-ness despite still being a damn good shot at mutli-layered game. Not the slating that MW3 probably deserved to get.
  17. Er-El

    Er-El Minimodder

    31 May 2008
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    I heard the campaign in MW3 is a lot longer.
  18. Baggpuss

    Baggpuss What's a Dremel?

    2 Jun 2009
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    If you wanna level up its P2P on PC. Which is really rather annoying seeing as they went to servers with BLOPS.

    Apparently there are servers for unranked play (not that ive tried it).
  19. DriftCarl

    DriftCarl Minimodder

    2 Nov 2004
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    thanks for the review, just enhances my decision not to bother with any more cod games.
    I played MW2 for a while, then bought black ops and BFBC2. Looking at my stats, I played BFBC2 twice as much as MW2+BLOPS combined. And so far I am loving BF3, cant imagine playing an FPS without vehicles and destruction again.
  20. gonzales24

    gonzales24 What's a Dremel?

    1 Nov 2011
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    well... honest review.. Agreed.. 55% little unfair. I mean, why everything has to be overhauled every time you bring it out, If you like an book author for example, you dont accept every time he write`s a book everything to be brand new , improved, better then the last one, you Like his style and accept a new or continues story, thats what you looking for, and thats what many looking for in MW.. we love the style, we played the last story now we want and are happy to have to continue where we left off, simple like that, and everything whats better in the new release is just a bonus. Its Like a Merc, If you have a good product on the market, you dont need to change much to keep it attractive, of course i cant afford a new Merc every year, but a good book or a game is in the budget.
    so fair review, sad 55%.
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