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Windows Anyone play competitive?

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by GeorgeStorm, 1 Mar 2012.

  1. GeorgeStorm

    GeorgeStorm Aggressive PC Builder

    16 Dec 2008
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    Just wondering how many Bit-Tech players actually played games at a competitive level?

    A group of friends and I entered a TF2 team into ETF2L Season 11, tis good fun, although we have realised how bad time-wise we are :p

    Any of you guys play?
  2. Lance

    Lance Ender of discussions.

    6 May 2010
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    I got out of the group stages (just) of SC2 at last years I series.

    I then went down to Team Infused Lau.

    But I'm so out of practice that I can barely handle silver atm.
  3. The_Beast

    The_Beast I like wood ಠ_ಠ

    21 Apr 2007
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    I've entered BF3 TWLs and competitive leagues with my clan but I/the clan just didn't have the time/organization to scrim/strat/practice to compete with teams like Rival and Hot

    Plus, I found out I kinda like pubbing more. A lot less stress
  4. dynamis_dk

    dynamis_dk Grr... Grumpy!!

    23 Nov 2005
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    Not these days, baby girl pretty much took all my free time up.

    I played for OCuK and YCT on clanbase around 2004 for a few years. We didn't do too bad most of the time could make the top 10 and a few seasons top 3. Only played CoD series (starting at 1) and pretty much gave it all up around 2007. I wish I had saved those demo's we always had to record using league games - would make for great watching now lol
  5. Showerhead

    Showerhead What's a Dremel?

    11 Jan 2010
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    Nothing beyond TF2 pugs don't have the time to practice as it is, would be a nightmare trying to coordinate regularly with at least 5 others.
  6. Sloth

    Sloth #yolo #swag

    29 Nov 2006
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    Tried a little bit of competitive play with CS:S a few years ago, didn't really have the time to put into practice so it ended pretty quickly.

    Might be getting into some competitive Dota 2 play, though. A former Dota and HoN competitive player I play with quite often mentioned an interest in putting a team together. I'm not quite on his level but to be honest I'm hoping to be invited if anything comes out of it.
  7. GeorgeStorm

    GeorgeStorm Aggressive PC Builder

    16 Dec 2008
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    Nice to see a variety of games being played.

    Showerhead, yeah, I'm officially captain of the team, and it's horrible trying to find a time everyone can do etc :p

    What class did you main? We've recently had a bit of a switcharound, so I've got to learn how to medic :p
  8. Showerhead

    Showerhead What's a Dremel?

    11 Jan 2010
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    Medic and Soldier would be my main two also done scout and demo through necessity before but can't say i am anywhere near as good with them. Can't do demos rollout on enough maps and muck it up too often.
  9. Tomhyde1986

    Tomhyde1986 What's a Dremel?

    25 Jul 2009
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    I'm not sure if you can consider the following competetive but here goes:

    WoW: Top 3 horde raiding guild on the server back in Wrath and TBC with a couple of server firsts to our name. I hesitate to call it competitive though.

    SC2: Platinum grade Protoss. I'd like to have a clan so I can play more and avoid the ladders. I'm not hugely competitive so my ladder rank is of almost no importance. I'd like to have a group of people I could have fun and play against and actually get to know instead of just some random ladder person.
  10. micromediaman

    micromediaman What's a Dremel?

    25 Feb 2012
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    Extremely competitive player here. But I play Dota 2 and Starcraft 2 only when it comes to being competitive. Other games, I just play casual.
  11. Digi

    Digi The not-so-funny Cockney

    23 Nov 2009
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    Played UT2004 against Team AMD back in the days and for the UK squad on CB. Some of my friends went on to play for 4Kings and Team Diginitas but I had to go and face real life and a real job and never had the time to take it further. That constraint is even more apparent nowadays. I still love being in a clan and the atmosphere of matches but I cannot be constrained anymore by a schedule.
  12. digitaldunc

    digitaldunc What's a Dremel?

    4 Oct 2010
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    Didn't really play, but I used to run the website and play the occasional match for a very good COD4 team a few years ago (Hostile Intent)

    We were number one in most of the Euro domination leagues for most of the time the clan was running, and were very competitive on Clanbase -- alas the team fell apart when individual egos became more important than team play.
  13. rollo

    rollo Modder

    16 May 2008
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    Was a member of 4kings for cs 1.6 and cs source a long time ago. 6-8hrs a day is what it takes to reach the top closer to 10-12hrs a day before competitions.

    got into mmos and have raided way too much but id not really call it competitive we were world 3rd in vanilla wow in naxx ( forte gaming EU ) World second illidan

    kinda give it all up around that stage no longer have that much free time to dedicate to gaming.

    Competitive gaming has become very console area in recent years

    Halo Compettions Rock band Virtual fighter 4 the main 3.

    Starcraft 2 is a tiny fraction of the competitive scene now. same as cs source
  14. Unicorn

    Unicorn Uniform November India

    25 Jul 2006
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    This post is a bit long and it's not my intention to give you my life story :p But I wrote this a while ago for another forum, and it seems appropriate for this thread;

    I haven't played any game competitively in a ranked league for a long time, I used to play CSS at a competitive level, from about the middle of 2005 until the end of Summer '08. I actually started playing the game before launch, when it was still in beta, and joined my first and only CSS clan at the start of 2005. I was made head admin and co-manager right then and there, so the clan was a pretty big deal for me all along. We played in three Enemy Down seasons and attended two iSeries events as a clan (i32 and i33). Unfortunately the founding member lost interest in the clan half way through our third competitive season, leaving me in charge with only a couple of other admins to manage and run a site, forum and several public servers. With work and my studies taking up more and more of my time, it seemed that it wasn't meant to be and I couldn't find enough people to help me run the clan and community. It was a hard decision for me to make because I really believed the community and clan had the potential to play at a high level for a long time, but the clan had fallen apart in just a matter of months through lack of dedication after i33, which was our last outing as a clan. Almost none of the first team players were left by the start of the academic term in September 2008, and it was going to be far too much work to recruit new players and get good admins to help run the community. So, some time towards the end of 2008 I made one last backup of the forum and site, emailed a "farewell" admin letter to all forum members and took the site down. It's never been back up since.

    Closing the doors on Genuine Gaming wasn't the end of me playing CSS though. I played as a stand-in for a couple of other clans in Enemy Down for the remainder of the 2008 season and the 2009 season, and kept playing mix matches and gathers with other communities that Genuine Gaming had been close with to keep my aim and reactions sharp. In recent years I've stopped playing as much as I used to because of university and work commitments, but I still follow the Competitive CSS scene from time to time. At the peak of my competitive play, I used to play for a minimum of 21 hours per week, evenly spread out over the week as a minimum of 3 hours per day. As a keen CSS player who aspired to make the top quarter of the Enemy Down ladder, that's how much practice was required to stay on par with the better clans and compete. The most I play now is a few hours per week, mostly for fun with a great bunch of guys and girls from a clan called United Kommandos. I haven't been at a LAN since 2008 and haven't played in a ranked clan match since 2009, but the competitive blood still runs through my veins, and every game of Halo (3 & Reach), Battlefield, Call of Duty and even CSS I take part in, I play to win. Hopefully some day, GenuineGaming.co.uk will go back online and I'll start the clan again, putting that competitive nature to good use once more ;)


    Holy crap rollo, I had no idea you were a member here! We used to play against you when you were in 4K! :D
    Last edited: 2 Mar 2012
  15. GeorgeStorm

    GeorgeStorm Aggressive PC Builder

    16 Dec 2008
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    So most of you seemed to play until real life got in the way? :p

    That's easily the biggest issue I'm finding, as captain, is a time where all the team are free to play.
    Our mentor team play Mon-Fri for a couple of hours, whereas we manage a couple of nights a week, at most.
    Not sure what I'm going to do next season, get the feeling massive changes will happen, whether I try to find a new team who can commit more time, or just play around with the current lineup, unsure.

    Had a game last night, playing at 200+ ping was fun :p (played med though, so not the end of the world), still don't know which housemate was hogging the bandwidth, bit annoyed, on a 50mb line with the server less than a mile away, you'd hope for better performance :p
    Ah well, first time I've really had issues.
  16. adzc1987

    adzc1987 Minimodder

    19 May 2011
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    I used to play Day of Defeat (not source) on a ladder, then BF2142.

    Wouldnt anymore, playing a MMO these days eats up the time (Director of a corp/alliance in Eve online).

    Was good fun, always like being asked to play as it must have showed i had some skill...rarely won games tho lol!
  17. Lance

    Lance Ender of discussions.

    6 May 2010
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    Real life doesn't really get in the way. You just change you're priorities.

    God that makes me feel old.
  18. GeorgeStorm

    GeorgeStorm Aggressive PC Builder

    16 Dec 2008
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    Haha, I know all about not winning :p

    Lance yeah that's kinda what I meant, just don't have the time to put into it with other more important things coming up.
  19. kingred

    kingred Surfacing sucks!

    27 Mar 2008
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    I scrim in Dota 2 and Tribes: Ascend.

  20. Kovoet

    Kovoet What's a Dremel?

    26 Aug 2009
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    Time to time i get asked to help in CoD4 and joint operations

    sent from HTC Sensation

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