Multi Battlefield V

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Mr Happy, 24 May 2018.

  1. CrapBag

    CrapBag Multimodder

    17 Jul 2008
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    Got a BFV closed alpha invite today.

    Anyone else managed to get one?
    Mr Happy likes this.
  2. spolsh

    spolsh Multimodder

    4 Feb 2012
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    Had a go on it yesterday, it hasn't really impressed me (the fighter planes are cool though). It's just in alpha though, so can only get better as work progresses.
  3. fix-the-spade

    fix-the-spade Multimodder

    4 Jul 2011
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    Just a friendly reminder that this is a DICE game, it could go in any direction from the Alpha, including some that you didn't know existed.
    Mr Happy likes this.
  4. yuusou

    yuusou Multimodder

    5 Nov 2006
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    and it should be ready for production and stable by the time the second expansion is out.
  5. Chris_Waddle

    Chris_Waddle Loving my new digital pinball machine

    26 Mar 2009
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    Has anyone tried the open Beta? Just 'played' for a few hours and I must say that I and my friends think it's a complete bag of shite.

    I detest BF1 (some of my same friends actually quite like it); I really hoped that this would be a return to form. To me, this is basically just BF1 with a new skin. It's woeful, thank god I didn't pre-order it and I am so pleased that people have finally stopped falling for Dice's hype and the pre-orders are at an all time low.

    I know it's a beta but there are massive issues. It took forever to get a squad together, took even longer to get into a game together and when we did play there are so many issues. I lost count of the amount of times that players got frozen after being revived. They were revived but unable to spawn.
    When I first joined I couldn't move left or right. Eventually I solved it by unplugging my joypad which I use for driving / flying - this works fine in all other games.

    I tried playing medic for a few rounds, players would melt into the floor at times meaning I would start picking them up to revive them, only for them to drop and I would have to start all over again - 99% of the time this meant that I got killed. A couple of times friends would have to force quit the game because they were never able to respawn. It will also respawn you at your base camp even if the enemy planes are dropping bombs on it for example. I died umpteen times during the night without even getting my feet on the ground. There is no way of knowing if it is safe to spawn at your base camp.

    I'm not sure if its becuase I'm an old geezer, but the more they re-release this game, the worse it gets. When BF3 was released I didn't mind, BF2 had done it's job and got me hooked into Battlefield on-line (I was a poor student when 1942 was released, so I only got to play it against bots). Right now (and I nver thought I would say this) but I am wishing with every finger and toe crossed that they will follow in the footsteps of COD and release an updated version of an old game (BF2 in this case) with new graphics and sound. I don't care if it had many flaws, even with all of those flaws it is 50 million times better than 5 will ever be.

    If you are thinking of buying this abysmal effort / have pre-ordered it then make sure you really try this beta. At least you have time to cancel the order and keep your money for a game worth buying.

    If for some reason you do like it, I'd love to know why, because I can't think of a single reason for wanting to spend money on it (it looks really nice doesn't count).
  6. CrapBag

    CrapBag Multimodder

    17 Jul 2008
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    Just tried it, got killed twice then couldn't spawn, meh I'll give it a go some other time, hearts not in it anymore.
  7. wyx087

    wyx087 Homeworld 3 is happening!!

    15 Aug 2007
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    Tried it for 10min while my baby boy was quietly sitting on my lap, watching.

    Was okay, no glitch encountered, same BF1 feel. Didn't like that they added enter/exit animation to vehicles though.
  8. modd1uk

    modd1uk Multimodder

    4 Sep 2006
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    Battlfield 2 and 2142 were the ones for me. Rest have been meh.
    Mr Happy, Otis1337 and goldstar0011 like this.
  9. damien c

    damien c Mad FPS Gamer

    31 Aug 2010
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    I played the beta for 2 games and after those 2 games, I uninstalled it and sat thinking well I am glad I did not pre-order that mess.

    At 1080p Ultra setting's on my 7700K and 1080Ti I was getting around 100fps but in Battlefield 3, 4 and 1 I get that frame rate at 4K Ultra, but it looked really poor, so I dropped it to High and went up to 140fps and it looked like I had just changed from Ultra to Low, in older games again at 1080p Ultra I am at the 200fps limit.

    Considering the Battlefield games have always previously had really good graphics, this game just looks like they have said we are going to make it look like it's 5 to 10 years old unless they have a RTX card and then they can have the nice graphics.

    Yes graphics are not everything but when you have a game like this, where there are issues with uniforms etc you need those graphics to look decent so that you can spot the enemies.

    When I was playing it I was struggling to see people who were camping because the uniforms just made them practically invisible against wall's etc which apparently Dice have said they are going to tweak them, but BF1 had the same issue and I don't think they have fixed it in that.

    The sound when I was playing was a joke, it had everything from no sound when firing, to no sounds from players near me, to sounds jumping up in volume and suddenly down to zero, and finally sounds from god only knows where on the map sounding like they were right next to me, which caused me to change the direction I was running and I end up being killed by someone camping in a building that I couldn't see because the graphics are so bad and yeah I might not have been able to see them if they were a decent distance away from me, but I had it when players were within 100 feet of me like opposite sides of the rivers or roads.

    The lag or desync whatever you want to call it was just truly funny and had me laughing so hard, I finally managed to kill someone and they were roughly 20 feet in front of me but when I started to move closer they were actually like 50 to 60 feet away.

    The packet loss symbol was on 100% of the time which was funny as my connection is rock solid and I had a ping of 20ms or lower.

    The FPS drop symbol despite running at over 100fps was constantly on as well, whilst my cpu was being used a whopping 40% and my graphics card was being used around the 80% mark.

    The amount of issues in this game is just pathetic, because I 100% believe that this is the build that is going to be pushed out, I honestly believe that this is what the final build will be like with a day 1 1-3Gb patch to fix some issue but it won't fix a lot as they will never fix all the issues just like previous games.

    The reason I say that is, that Battlefield 3 had so many issues that Dice tried to fix and they didn't fix them all, Battlefield 4 came out with all the issues that Battlefield 3 had at launch not the updated version of Battlefield 3 but the launch version, again they fixed some but not all of it and not the major issues.

    Hardline came out with again all the issues of Battlefield 3 and 4 combined and they were not fixed, then Battlefield 1 came out with all the issues of the previous games combined and now Battlefield 5 is coming out with all the issues of those games combined again if it wasn't so funny it would be sad but it's just to funny and some people that I know don't seem to understand or it's not registering with them just how bad Dice actually are.

    How Dice still in business I do not know, because they are worse than the Call Of Duty developers in my mind, the only thing that Dice do that I will praise them for is still using rentable dedicated servers and an anti cheat system that seems to work quite well.

    I have a few friends who think it's great and are already pre-ordering it and talking about what size server to run, I just called them fools but since I have pre-ordered Black Op's 4 they said I am a fool which is probably true but at least when I played the beta for that, I didn't come across any issues with it at all, no lag, no desync, no frame drops, no cheaters, no sound issues etc etc.

    Honestly I will keep an eye on it and see what it's like in a years time as it may just be playable then, but for now I am not giving them my money and instead would rather give the money to a charity as at least they would deserve the money and do something worthwhile with it.
  10. Otis1337

    Otis1337 aka - Ripp3r

    28 Nov 2007
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    wake me up when 2143 is here.
    Mr Happy likes this.
  11. Mr Happy

    Mr Happy 4 8 15 16 23 42

    25 Apr 2009
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    A new 2142 along with a new Bad Company and I am a happy chappy
  12. Zehetmayr

    Zehetmayr Minimodder

    23 Apr 2011
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    Put in a few hours last night. I didn't experience the revive and spawning issues as above. Played solo so didn't have any issues with squads either. Performance was a bit choppy at times but I think that is to be expected with my specs (2500K/8GB RAM).

    Gameplay wise I'm still on the fence. My favourite in the series is BF2 and I played each release up to and including BF4. Since then I've not bothered. Somethings different. I can't really put my finger on it. It could be the quicker pace (newer versions seem much more run and gun), or perhaps there is now less emphasis on squad play? Has the formula changed in recent versions or is it just me being grumpy?
  13. loftie

    loftie Multimodder

    14 Feb 2009
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    You say that, but then they'll do it and find all number of ways to f*** it up, and also leave in all the bugs that they've known about for all the previous games because it'd be nostalgic to fix them again.

    As someone who plays solo, I've noticed people sticking together as a squad maybe once. People seem to run in and die lots, though I think that's because there is no squad play.
  14. Mr Happy

    Mr Happy 4 8 15 16 23 42

    25 Apr 2009
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    Had a go on the beta just now. Really not impressed at all. Why oh why did they stick with the World War setting?
  15. wolf5ster

    wolf5ster Minimodder

    2 May 2011
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    Dipped in and out of the game twice last night 10 minutes. Might has well have been playing BF1, will wait till reviews, if no decent ww2 singleplayer then no. If I wanna new game it will be Lara or Assassins.

    I was hoping for a good showing in Battlefield 5 because ive been thinking of getting Origin Access Premium to make it worth my while with Fifa 19.
  16. Hamfunk

    Hamfunk I AM KROGAN!

    10 Nov 2009
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    I tried to have an open mind, really i did, but I have to agree that it just feels like more of the same.

    The game and the UI feel bloated, the customization and upgrade interface is a clunky mess and when did we need to many game modes? Just give me conquest and push the envelope past 64 player servers. Go back to the drawing board and come up with something completely new that encourages team/squad dynamics like we had in BF2 / BF2142.

    Maybe we just all need to accept the glory days of BF2 are gone and nothing will come close.........!
  17. fix-the-spade

    fix-the-spade Multimodder

    4 Jul 2011
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    Anybody else noticed the stunt they are pulling with the weapon unlocks?

    Instead of unlocking components that alter the weapons stats and can be fitted/removed in a modular manner (heavy barrel, suppressor etc), each gun now has a progression tree. You earn access to unlocks by 'levelling up' the gun and by spending in game credits, these unlocks alter the stats of the gun, lower spread, faster ADS time etc, a lot of them are mutually exclusive. Once you pick an unlock from the tree that unlock is tied to the gun, it cannot be removed and opens up the next branch of the tree.

    So you unlock Gun A, but Gun A offers inferior performance until you have spent credits on an upgrade path that leaves it with superior stats to the stock gun on all levels. If you upgrade Gun A to a specialised role (say, higher fire rate, lower recoil, improved hip fire and ADS movement speed for close quarters), then find it needs to work at medium range better you have unlock (buy) Gun A again. Once you have Gun A+1 you have to level up and buy the upgrade paths for Gun A+1, which are again locked to that gun once you buy them.

    Multiply this by every primary and secondary weapon in the game, no doubt it will apply to vehicles too.

    Is it just me or does that sound like both Pay To Win and mobile game BS to anyone else? I've no doubt that once the retail game is released unlock credits or the means to get unlock credits faster will be available for real money, whilst the unlock rate will be much lower than the beta.
  18. sandys

    sandys Multimodder

    26 Mar 2006
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    Seemed OK to me but I just dipped in because I heard it performed bad on Ryzen, which it doesn't, I don't normally play MP, I actually buy these on offer and play the single player game :eek: :D
  19. Parge

    Parge the worst Super Moderator

    16 Jul 2010
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    Everyone plays Beta

    Complains about bugs....

    In a beta.

    Does not compute.

    At least wait until launch to complain about bugs. Game play wise, looks and sounds like more of the same so I won't be dipping in. I thought BF1 was pretty awesome and they've just given me all the Premium maps for free so I'm gonna be playing that for a while methinks. Will see how this is in six months time.
  20. Sentinel-R1

    Sentinel-R1 Chaircrew

    13 Oct 2010
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    Having played alpha and beta, this is just a BF1 reskin, regardless of bugs, with the addition of a battle royale mode to keep the kids happy. Nothing to see here and won't be getting my hard earned. Next!.

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