Development thursday [site critique]

Discussion in 'Software' started by hacker 8991, 8 Jul 2004.

  1. hacker 8991

    hacker 8991 What's a Dremel?

    8 Jan 2004
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    Outdated. Visit

    I have owned a domain for a while now, and I am trying to get something done with it. Up until now, I have simply used if for testing a PHP file or storing an image for you guys. Right now, I am trying to design the core CSS styles and placement. Content will come next, then the actual styling and pictures.

    So, check it out:

    I am trying to stay very simplistic, which is the reason for all of my two colors. I also need to change my *.PNGs to *.JPGs, I guess.

    If anoyne is wondering, the root directory (this) is just a splash page. My brother and I always fiddle with it.

    The site works perfectly in Mozilla, and it sort of broken in IE6. The text will not wrap correctly around the navigation bar... thanks Microsoft.

    - tf

    I have one question for you: how can I make the navigation images change when a mouse-over event takes place? I want it to change fomr this:
    to this:
    when you mouse over. This can be done with CSS, HTML, or PHP. No Java!
    Last edited: 22 Dec 2004
  2. HRH_Nick

    HRH_Nick What's a Dremel?

    13 Jun 2004
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    I'm not sure if this is how it was meant to be, but to my eye the font is a smidgin too small. What resolution was it designed for, because if you've done it at say 800x600 it would look bigger to you. There's also a space missing between 'best' and 'day' in your header.

    In regard to your question, DHTML might be able to do what you want. But I'm not any sort of reference on it as it's not really my territory.
  3. cjmUK

    cjmUK Old git.

    9 Feb 2004
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    The font is definitely too small, and it is a fixed size - you should use em's or % to size your text.

    I think the black & white theme will grate on you after a while - it's a little too stark. However, I tend to favour 'minimalist' designs with fewer colours, so I'm sympathetic to your design.

    I'd also ditch the idea of rollover button images - IMHO CSS-styled text links are much better. Rollovers are a bit dated now.

    I'd also ditch the 'best with browser X' idea too. A good design should work in all browsers. Ok, it's a bitch to get working sometimes, but it's expected these days. There are plenty of tutorial sites and plenty of CSS-driven templates from which u can learn x-browser HTML.

    Other than that, carry on.. and lets see what it is like a bit down the line...

  4. hacker 8991

    hacker 8991 What's a Dremel?

    8 Jan 2004
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    I know that the font is too small (9px), but that is just a CSS style that I can change, or even let the user change if s/he wishes.

    I will ditch the rollovers, but that means that I have to redo my navigation bar, which might take a while.

    The reason for the 'bestin in mozilla' line is that IE6 totally screws up CSS. It works, and it looks decent, but it is not quite what it should be. Mozilla is just the 'preferred' browser.

    Although it looks like it is just black and white, I am actually using al of the gray scale colors in between for links and such. It is a very slight change that, in my opinion. looks much better than obnoxious link colors (blue, maroon, yellow, etc).

    I'll start changing stuff and post back with an update!

    - tf
  5. hacker 8991

    hacker 8991 What's a Dremel?

    8 Jan 2004
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    I changed the fonts to be a bit bigger, but not too much. Also, there are no images in this entire document. The navigation bar is now text, formatted with CSS, and the 'banner' is not just some text on the right side of the screen.

    I made a comparison of IE6 (left) to Mozilla Firefox (right). Enjoy.


    Image size: 36KB (400x320) | Linked image size: 105KB (1280x1024)

    As you can see, IE6 does not render the 'boxpunches' correctly. They continue down the edge of the page. I am looking into a fix as soon as possible.


    - tf
  6. ellism

    ellism What's a Dremel?

    10 Sep 2003
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    You have used font sizes that can't be changed in ie, and scales funny in firefox.
  7. hacker 8991

    hacker 8991 What's a Dremel?

    8 Jan 2004
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    That is because they are defined using 'px,' not 'em' or '%.' This is to retain any styling that I have going for me. Wrong font sizes can make the CSS screw up, since those are also defined in 'px.' I think I will be adding an option to change the font size somewhere, but not yet.

    Please note: I am having some trouble making the body 'clickable.' For some reason, you cannot click on the links or select the text. I am utterly confused. Please help.

    - tf
  8. hacker 8991

    hacker 8991 What's a Dremel?

    8 Jan 2004
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    I updated again. It now works flawlessly in Firefox and only some minor problems in IE6. I am still searching for a work around. Also, all of the source code is now validadted! That is about all. I'll post again when I find a workaround for IE6.

    - tf
  9. cjmUK

    cjmUK Old git.

    9 Feb 2004
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    What do I do if my eyesight isnt so good? I cant see your text... On other sites, the use of relative font sizes meant that I could increase the text size.... but not on your site.

    You also need to drop the idea of pixel-perfect design. It's just not always possible. And although CSS support in the major browsers vary, it *is* possible to do a good design that works in all of them. Depending on what you are doing, it can be tricky... but it can be done.

    However, if you dont have the CSS knowledge to do this (and many dont) you might have to release an interim design that doesnt work perfectly... which is what you have done. However, I would have made it look good in the most popular browser (IE), and look decent in the others (Moz, opera). The vast majority of your potential user-base still uses IE (>80%).

    If you still disagree after this, I'll leave you alone...!

  10. hacker 8991

    hacker 8991 What's a Dremel?

    8 Jan 2004
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    I agree that people should be able to change the text size, and I am trying to work around it. The only set size now is the navigation bar. It has to be set, otherwise stuff looks crappy at a low resolution.

    For my scheme to work, I need to know: how can I have a variable 'thrown' to PHP? I know it uses something like 'URL?var=stuff' in the header, but how do you catch that variable? Sorry for being vauge.

    - tf

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