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Hardware Mafia III Review

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Dogbert666, 10 Oct 2016.

  1. Dogbert666

    Dogbert666 *Fewer Lover of bit-tech Administrator

    17 Jan 2010
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  2. Vault-Tec

    Vault-Tec Green Plastic Watering Can

    30 Aug 2015
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    When I read the review for Mafia 2 it had pretty much the same conclusion. I bought it, then just benchmarked with it and never really played it.

    About two years back I decided to give it a go. Open world games like this are not usually on my "must play" list as I found GTA games to be rather vapid. Sure, they're in a nice big open world but the quests were usually like a bunch of very primitive mini games (like go bowling for example or go to a bar and drink senselessly).

    However, Mafia 2 really hit a soft spot with me and I absolutely loved almost every minute of it. There was one point where I almost gave up (the boss in the warehouse that you can't see) but after many hours of trying I finally beat the bugger, then had a laugh because the final scene was easy peasy and I did it first go. But I really fell in love with the characters and was quite gutted at the end as Joe was taken off in a car to be 'whacked'.

    The best part of M2 for me was the early part in the 40s. The snow too was absolutely incredible and really made me feel the atmosphere. There were also certain parts where you could really see Physx go, like the heat waves coming out of the back of the AC units on the rooftops for example.

    So with this getting pretty much the same overall rating and comments I feel I may enjoy it :)

    I installed M3 yesterday but was very busy so I only really got a chance to test the opening scene and first five minutes. FPS seemed good though (all high settings medium FSAA motion blur off) at 55 min and 61 max (Vsync off, Adaptive Vsync on) 1440p Titan XM.

    I'm sure during busy scenes it will drop a bit but it doesn't seem like a stinker, like some of the other recently released games.
  3. graphitone

    graphitone What's a Dremel?

    22 May 2012
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    I played the first Mafia game again and again, the real world detail of driving really appealed - you had to get the ignition going, getting the car fired up before you could drive away, the cars having a neutral gear and some of the more basic cars not having the inertia to get up hills. You could also get an advantage when you needed a get away car by leaving the engine running, doing the mission, then driving straight off while the other guys were still firing their engine up.

    It's the first and only game where I was careful about parking my cars. :)

    I've only played through the second one once, it didn't grab me the same way the first one did and I had no inclination to explore the city. It was a good story though, and if I do replay it, it'll be for that over the gameplay. Mafia III looks interesting and I'll no doubt get it eventually, but not for full price.
  4. Pete J

    Pete J Employed scum

    28 Sep 2009
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    The PC port apparently has some pretty serious issues in terms of bugs and performance.
  5. Guest-16

    Guest-16 Guest

    Yea I'm waiting until it's patched up.
  6. rollo

    rollo Modder

    16 May 2008
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    Bit tech is one of the few sites to give this a positive review.
  7. graphitone

    graphitone What's a Dremel?

    22 May 2012
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